
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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A thank you to everyone of NSM.

Started by Petpetfood, August 03, 2009, 08:52:20 AM

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First of all, I'm saying thank you in a nutshell.

Wow, when I first discovered this site, maybe about 1 & 1/2 years back, I was shocked. I was supposedly looking for sheet music for the super mario theme, and stumbled across this site...

Every week, I would check to see if these people have updated this site with new sheet music, because it was free. I showed some of my friends, and they passed, they said this site would die soon. I kept on checking every week, hoping for more sheet music, and after a while, I gave up on it.

Then, about half a year later, there were a couple of updates, and I was very excited, for I thought the site was dead for sure. Then I gave the forums a chance, and eh, I for some reason didn't like it. So because of the updates, I stayed, checked up on the site every week, repeat.

Then, on July 22, 4 days before my birthday, I checked the site for updates, and I saw some random dude had left. This of course, meant nothing to me at the time, but looking back at it now, it was foolish of me. I gave the forums one more try, and still didn't feel up to snuff for it.

Then, on the very unfortunate day of September 22, (I think) the site went down. This of course, made me sad,  :'( angered,  >:( and suprised.  :o I never expected the site to just randomly go down, because I used it for all my nintendo sheet music needs. It was a tragic day indeed for all of NSM.

Then, in some late day of March, I found the site somehow, still alive, but with a new url. I was relieved to see this, and jumped for joy! (Ok not really...) But of course, me my stubborn self would not check out who ran this website, how it did come back, why it had a different url, and more...

So I checked the site again from time to time, looking for more updates. We didn't get any, and I gave up once again on the site. By this point, I didn't give a hoot if it went down, I got my sheets and that's all I cared about.

So now, after looking at the forums more, and getting to know more people on this site *cough cough Zintendo* as a guest, I decided to register for a account, got to see some new people, and even contribute to the site. Even if I have only contributed about 5 sheets so far to this site, I've still helped out and took time out of my day to arrange these songs.

So my basic message here is, I'm very thankful to all the forum members for being nice and welcoming to me, and very thankful to all the admins here, (Jamaha, Concerto, Nintendude73, Masterpenguin, Dekudude, G-han, Nakah, Harvest, Hugomeister, and forgive me if there are any other names not listed here.) and I am very glad to be a part of this site again. I thank you for all your time, and even though you don't get payed to do this, you still do it, which brings joy to me. :D Keep up the good work, and lets all aim for 2000 sheets!

PS. A special thanks to Dahans for being a great friend, and that we'll meet in Austria one day and go to classical music concerts. :D


My situation is quite similar. Same around a year ago I came across this site, but never cared to look at the forums. I learned about every Zelda and Golden Sun song on the site. But when the site went down I was really dissepointed, it was the only place where I found decent sheets. I even typed in yahoo answers "What happened to ninsheetmusic?" and someone answered that it had domain problems or something. Then later on, I came across the site again while googling, and heaven was I relieved, learned some more songs, and about two weeks ago, I decided to look in the forums and see if I could request some songs (which I didn't, I thought maybe I'd rather try to arrange them myself, seeing I could get support from the people here).

I know I haven't been here for a long time, but I can say that what I've had here is just fine. Thanks to everyone that welcomed me and I expect to be here in the future.


Well, Im in the forums about 1 year and 1 month (since 6th July 2008), but I fill like Im here since forever. I was a bit like you guys. I discovered this site and Ive just got curious, because I was starting my nerd life and liking video game songs (Yeah, everyone here is a nerd of course :P).
But Ive followed the "path"  in a different away. Instead of looking for sheets to playing them, I just hear their Midi, analyzed the sheets, see what was good on them, fixing some things that I didnt agreed, and other stuff.
Then, after some fixings, I started to arrange some musics (Curiosity: My 1st arrangement wasnt a SMG song  :o it was a Banjo Kazooie, with the arranger name António L. Silva [before ALPRAS]).
I was well received in here, and everybody was liking my arrangements, so I started my arranger "job".
Then the site dies.... it was really sad, but that sadness quickly disappeared, since Ive found a had found new home: GMW.
It was a really good site, and the forum was great, maybe even better than this one.
Months later, Ive discovered that NSM was back. Then, Ive started to arrange for this 2 sites.
bla bla bla, etc etc etc, end of the story :P


Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


I thought I was supposed to go to concerts with you...?
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.




Yeah that's true, you are both "allowed" to go to concerts with me. I love you both^^. No need to get angry.
And of course Maestro, you will go to at least 500 concerts with me ;). Same with PetPetfood (Arizonaman).
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!



Quote from: dahans on August 09, 2009, 02:57:15 AMxD
Yeah that's true, you are both "allowed" to go to concerts with me. I love you both^^. No need to get angry.
And of course Maestro, you will go to at least 500 concerts with me ;). Same with PetPetfood (Arizonaman).

And me?

BTW: I love this site! May it reach 2000 sheets!


Why did you bump a half year old topic?

me irl


I just decided to look at the dates and if it were in my power, I would unleash the banhammer.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I apologize for my bad netiquette, I just really wanted to say thanks to NSM.
Banhammer at will; I'll just return to lurking  :(.


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on February 05, 2010, 03:11:44 PMI just decided to look at the dates and if it were in my power, I would unleash the banhammer.

Horrible use of banhammer


Quote from: Leadvert on February 05, 2010, 05:02:44 PMI apologize for my bad netiquette, I just really wanted to say thanks to NSM.
Banhammer at will; I'll just return to lurking  :(.
You're in no danger, just don't do it again...


Though, it's common etiquette to allow topic bumping, if the bumper contributes properly to the topic and manages to revive the discussion in a relevant matter. Just as long as you know you will bring something new and on-topic to the topic, you can bump. But be very careful.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.