
RIP Finale 1988-2024

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What are you playing right now?

Started by ALPRAS, July 14, 2009, 02:30:40 PM

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Goooood, gooooooood. Let the Zelda flow through you.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Minish cap is the best zelda game.... for rolling.


I was going to post something here but the forum broke before I pressed the button.  So.
Glad you're enjoying minish cap.  If you like minish cap, you'll probably enjoy Skyward Sword, Wind Waker, A Link Between Worlds, A Link To The Past, and Spirit Tracks.


Minish cap rolling yeah! :D

I'm currently doing Link to the Past and FE6 concurrently haha. Link to the Past...doesn't really float my boat as of now. The controls are okay-ish (creative as heck though!) but the story is kinda convoluted - the classic JRPG "here's a sword, go conquer the world" style that leaves you with a hanging "wtf do i do now" feeling if you've played too many 21st century games that walk you through tutorials like a baby. FE6 is kinda similar. :p

Minish cap was my entry to the series though haha, so I'm kinda basing everything off it. It's a great game with a fantastic soundtrack and lots of cute people! Hehe.


My ex-friend tells me that minish cap is a game that "nobody" likes. I've seen more people like Minish cap than not like it. Also the soundtrack is phenomenal.


me irl


I am slowly but surely working my way through Ace Attorney cases, which often make me sit on the edge of my seat.
When I need a break from puzzling over random pieces of evidence, I pick up my 3DS and play through a Fire Emblem battle or two. I'm kind of scared to try playing it in Normal mode, though - I already start sniffling when I only temporarily lose a comrade on the battlefield.  :-\

I liked Minish Cap, it is such an adorable game, and the puzzles & dungeons were at just the right level of difficulty for me. :)



Nitro Indigo

(And then it gets interrupted by the annoying house music.)
Quote from: MaestroUGC on January 07, 2017, 11:45:40 AM
You mean a thing that happened some time ago is older now and it's suddenly dawning on you that an equal amount of time has passed for you as well? How revolutionary.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on September 26, 2016, 09:53:57 AMMaelstrom doesn't like minish cap
I thought it was simply unremarkable. I felt nothing special about it at all. It was by no means bad, it just ..... was.


Quote from: Maelstrom on September 26, 2016, 11:17:01 AMI felt nothing special about it at all.
Nothing special?
It has tons of things, like:
Great Music!
The inspiration for the four swords games!

Nitro Indigo

Quote from: MaestroUGC on January 07, 2017, 11:45:40 AM
You mean a thing that happened some time ago is older now and it's suddenly dawning on you that an equal amount of time has passed for you as well? How revolutionary.


Lol, swing-and-a-miss. I also share Maelstrom's opinion towards the minish cap. The "it just ..... was" comment feels spot-on to me.
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Trainer Ave

I think Minish Cap was the only Zelda game where I was constantly thinking WTF. The gust jar was ridiculous. The way you travel between two worlds was kind of odd. Your companion being your hat definitely wierded me out a lot. That said it's still one of my favorite Zelda games.

Doesn't come close to Majora's Mask or A Link to the Past tho.
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I feel like if I'd play A Link to the Past and Minish Cap, I would probably prefer Minish Cap, because apparently I like everything nobody else likes. *cough* *cough* Phantom Hourglass *cough* *cough*