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Started by ALPRAS, July 14, 2009, 02:30:40 PM

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Quote from: Maelstrom on May 25, 2015, 09:21:52 PMWell, I hated the combat animations, the removal of weapon weight, and the fact that all the characters were less than one dimensional. Not to mention the lack of any support conversations whatsoever. All the features introduced in SS were missing (because it was a remake). I now properly appreciate the lack of a world map (I didn't then), but branching class paths are just that awesome. I felt like I was cheated. (young me, at least) There's a reason it's one of the cheapest FE games out there.

Shadow Dragon had weight, it just removed Con, so you calculated using the Strength stat instead. FE12 did remove weight though. Kinda funny to hear you say this kinda stuff though about Sacred Stones, since FE8 got a bit of hate when it first came out for reasons like the characters not having as rich backstories as those in FE7, and the game being way too easy compared to the first two GBA games, etc.

Anyways, FE12 still has the bad battle animations (but honestly, only the GBA games had amazing animations, and the other games just had okay animations), but it touched up some graphics like the face sprites and stuff. Just look up how different (better) Marth's portrait looks in this game.

On the plus side, Support Conversations are back, although there still aren't as many as in the GBA games. The overall story's roughly the same as Shadow Dragon in the same sense that stuff like Mario and Zelda games have re-hashed main plots and villains. However, there's a recurring theme of Marth running into his allies from the previous war, only they're not necessarily on the same side this time around, so it's kinda more dramatic and tragic in that sense.

There are side-quests, and without stupid requirements like having to kill off your army. The side-quests pretty much make another story arc that will probably remind you of FE7.

Oh, and if you liked the Avatar system, this game started it, so there's that.

So yeah, similar story as Shadow Dragon, but it's better and explores more characters than just Marth this time around, and a bunch of features that people missed were brought back.


Quote from: Echo on May 26, 2015, 04:57:25 PMShadow Dragon had weight, it just removed Con, so you calculated using the Strength stat instead.
lolwhat. That makes no sense whatsoever.

As for everything else about FE8, just remember that was the first game I played in the entire series. Followed by Shadow Dragon and Awakening, and now FE7. I just don't feel quite as invested as I did before, and I think it's affecting my enjoyment a bit. I'll still finish it, but I'll probably need to replay it to appreciate it fully, like I did for Awakening. My first time through, ch 10 didn't effect me at all. It was not the same way on my second time through....


Quote from: Maelstrom on May 24, 2015, 07:21:45 PMHow good is Dark Souls?
I'd recommend it, but it might not be your thing due to its difficulty. Use a controller though, PC controls aren't that good.


Quote from: Yugi on May 26, 2015, 05:08:43 PMI'd recommend it, but it might not be your thing due to its difficulty. Use a controller though, PC controls aren't that good.
Well, I know it's hard. It's not like there's a single person who thinks that Dark Souls is easy.  :P
 I'm planning to get it for 75% off durring a steam sale, so it won't be that big of a deal if I can't get past the first boss.
edit: And I've got a pretty good controller, so no problem there.


I just found out that Crypt of the Necrodancer has great mod support.



I love how I'm the Ace Attorney fanboy that comes to your head and not the people on this forum that have been playing the games for years XD
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Maelstrom on May 26, 2015, 05:49:36 PMI can't get past the first boss.
Spoilers: You fight the first boss like a minute after gameplay begins.


Quote from: blueflower999 on May 26, 2015, 09:42:04 PMI love how I'm the Ace Attorney fanboy that comes to your head and not the people on this forum that have been playing the games for years XD
Possibly because you've had an AA avatar 60%+ of the time I've been here. Not saying you are the only fan, but you are possibly the biggest I know/have talked to at length about AA.


Quote from: Maelstrom on May 26, 2015, 05:49:36 PMWell, I know it's hard. It's not like there's a single person who thinks that Dark Souls is easy.  :P
 I'm planning to get it for 75% off durring a steam sale, so it won't be that big of a deal if I can't get past the first boss.
edit: And I've got a pretty good controller, so no problem there.
A bit late, but Dark Souls is a fantastic game. It's just a little hard to get into fully. Difficulty is a large aspect, but they make it "fair". 90% of deaths come from carelessness, and as long as you can admit that for most of them, it won't frustrate you. (As long as you're careful not to stop playing at major points; being out of practice has a fairly major impact) The way to approach it is that each death is practice for the next life. What I think turns more people away is the lack of direction. Basically, you're told how to control your character, and then they let you loose with only one or two big pointers per area. It's not a big deal to look up where to go next, but the best part of the game is getting lost in a world whose lore is immensely deeper than it will ever tell you. I would highly recommend this game to people who like action rpgs. Also every character has a creepy laugh, so that's fun.

Xbox controller or similar is basically required. The port is horrendous and is only forgiven by the quality of the game and that From hadn't done a PC port before. Controls will be given to you in terms of Xbox controllers regardless of what you're using.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


^That's basically why I want it. I loved games like Super Metroid and their complete hands-off approach to telling you what to do.

In other news, I just finished FE7 last night. (or was it this morning?)


Quote from: Maelstrom on June 03, 2015, 06:22:41 AM^That's basically why I want it. I loved games like Super Metroid and their complete hands-off approach to telling you what to do.
The Legend of Zelda


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 03, 2015, 07:37:01 AMThe Legend of Zelda
But it's not impossibly hard like the original LoZ or Link's Adventure.
It doesn't feel like the limitations of the system held it back at all
Doesn't have a formula like "find dungeon, beat boss." You find bosses just by exploring. You don't always need to beat a boss to find upgrades.
Every Zelda game since the first two had told you clearly where to go and in what order.


Quote from: Maelstrom on June 03, 2015, 07:41:56 AMBut it's not impossibly hard like the original LoZ or Link's Adventure.
It doesn't feel like the limitations of the system held it back at all
Doesn't have a formula like "find dungeon, beat boss." You find bosses just by exploring. You don't always need to beat a boss to find upgrades.
Every Zelda game since the first two had told you clearly where to go and in what order.
I mean the original


So after watching all of Dragon Ball Z abridged, I was reminded of Dragon Quest IX for some reason.  Turns out Akira Toriyama did the character art for it too, so I decided I'll give it another go. I think this is my, like, 6th attempt at this game, it's great, but damn is it hard.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


I love DQIX so much. Paladin + Forbearance + Defense boosts + Shield Skill = Greatest
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things