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Started by ALPRAS, July 14, 2009, 02:30:40 PM

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O boy it's time for my zelda opinions too yay

The original is iconic and amazing but I'm too much of a scrub to get past Level 5 with an actual NES controller (those things are clunky yo) so I haven't beaten it.
A Link to the Past is everything 2D Zeldas should aspire to be and is great and adventurous and the GBA version was possibly my first Zelda game so I might be a little biased but it's seriously good.
Ocarina of Time is overhyped a bit, but it feels adventurous, the story is pretty good, and most of the puzzles and dungeons are well-designed. Overworld's shit, though.
Oracle of Seasons was also possibly my first Zelda game so again I'm biased. I have way more memories of it than Ages, which I bought over a decade later. The focus on combat and power definitely makes it on the easy side (which my child self loved), but I've always loved the aesthetic and the music and Subrosia (it's lit, yo) and the story and gaaaaaaah nostalgia.
Ages has a better story, puzzle design, and dungeon design, but I have way fewer memories of it so I wouldn't be able to do it much justice.
Wind Waker is's just great, you guys. It's so good. It's so great. It's full of adventure and charm and spunk and a great story (Ganondorf with a personal backstory is just so much better) and it's just...go play it if you haven't, please. So good.
Minish Cap...I don't know what it is about it. It's good, not bad by any means, but it just doesn't feel like it fits with the rest of the Zelda series. Maybe if I had played it earlier in my life, I wouldn't feel this way that much, but...something just doesn't mesh. Is it the amount of new races and locations? Is it the artstyle? Is it the selection of items? Dungeon design? I have no idea, I just know it feels slightly out of place.
Twilight Princess is my favorite game because I'm a wuss and I like easy games (shrug), but the characters are just so good. Everybody is unique. Everybody has charm. The dungeon design is also really great and I really like the story (minus "lol Zant's a wuss it's all Ganon", that could have been done way better) and Midna's the best partner ever.
Spirit Tracks has a lot of charm like Wind Waker, but it also feels smaller, cozier, and more...I don't know, cute? It's a good time. Puzzles are good, characters are good (Cole is one of my favorite Zelda villains and Byrne is the badassiest badass in Zelda history), story is charming, it's not epic but it's fun.
I thought Skyward Sword was great. Yes, the sky is shit and the game's linear as all hell, but the controls worked great for me, Link and Zelda are just adorable oh my gosh, the world was bright and expressive, and I just had a lot of fun. Also Ghirahim is hands-down my favorite villain and I loved every minute of his antics.

That's it, me done
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book



Trainer Ave

Skyward Sword may have been linear but it handled it in such a wag that made it still feel like you were on an adventure. With ocarina they just told you what you were going to do and you did it
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Skyward sword's linearity came from an emotional desire to move through the game and not necessarily "you have to go do this now".  Plus it didn't have a fairy reminding you to go do stuff 24/7

Nitro Indigo

Quote from: MaestroUGC on January 07, 2017, 11:45:40 AM
You mean a thing that happened some time ago is older now and it's suddenly dawning on you that an equal amount of time has passed for you as well? How revolutionary.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on September 27, 2016, 11:04:31 PMPlus it didn't have a fairy reminding you to go do stuff 24/7

Thank god it isn't a fairy ::)

Seriously though, Fi is waaaaay worse than navi. Sure, navi might interrupt you with short messages to keep you on track, but Fi would talk for unnecessarily long amounts of time about literally nothing. "Master: hold the joystick in a forward-direction to move forward. You will find that this action can be quite useful in all endeavors" Good god Fi, are we THAT dumb?
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I'm still playing through Wind Waker on the Gamecube at my grandma's house and I'm at the Forsaken Fortress (2nd time).
I actually never played Twilight Princess, I watched my brother rage through it.
I really want to play Skyward Sword, it looks great.

Trainer Ave

It is. Fi is annoying but other than that the game was great
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Yes, fi is more annoying than navi, but she only interrupts you when the battery is empty.  She actually has useful things to say, like current play time, etc.


Sure, what she says is usually useful, but does she have to take up so much time to say it? That's the worst part about her. She over-explains everything.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


It would have been great if you could skip through text in that game.  Although if you could you might miss great stuff


Technically, Navi only "said" five things:


-Watch out!
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Hector Hard Mode in FE7 is truly unforgiving.

May the RNG bless my soul...
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Nebbles on October 02, 2016, 07:43:34 PMHector Hard Mode in FE7 is truly unforgiving.

May the RNG bless my soul...

(may the power of save state abuse be your redemption ;))

Haha meanwhile I'm stuck at Chapter 14 in FE6. Nebbles told me to expect a chapter worse than Battle Before Dawn, but this - holy crud, how even. So painful.

Also I previously decided to play the game blind and not check a character guide, and I just broke that pact. I regret everything ;_;

Meanwhile I'm playing Explorers of Sky, and it's just so cute, argh. I pretty much laughed out loud when I saw Wigglytuff start to build her rage and everyone just stared at me. Mind you, we're talking soldiers who could be sent to war and stuff. And laughing like a kid playing a Pokemon game is a thing.