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Super Smash Bros Brawl is finally here!

Started by chipmunk884, March 09, 2008, 06:15:49 AM

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Please tell me how the plot was "cool". 


Tabuu aka Gandhi shows up, Ganondorf is like "OMG!" all of a sudden when he sees the little strings on master hand, gets owned instantly of course, then master hand is like "LOL PUNCH AND DIE INSTANTLY ALSO" then Tabuu owns everyone and turns into a creepy butterfly and makes a bunch of shiny balls of doom go around him then stairs appear.

Ok, WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THAT PLOT.  I think somebody was drunk when they thought it up, it makes absolutely no sense, especially with only 1 spoken line.

me irl


Quote from: gamer4251 on March 20, 2008, 09:39:56 PMPlease tell me how the plot was "cool". 


Tabuu aka Gandhi shows up, Ganondorf is like "OMG!" all of a sudden when he sees the little strings on master hand, gets owned instantly of course, then master hand is like "LOL PUNCH AND DIE INSTANTLY ALSO" then Tabuu owns everyone and turns into a creepy butterfly and makes a bunch of shiny balls of doom go around him then stairs appear.

Ok, WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THAT PLOT.  I think somebody was drunk when they thought it up, it makes absolutely no sense, especially with only 1 spoken line.


you forgot the part where Sonic jumps out of nowhere and pwns Tabuu (kinda). but yeah the whole story makes as much sense as Cloverfield (dude, that movie was messed up).

damn commies.


but still, who plays brawl for the story??


Quote from: razer84 on March 21, 2008, 06:53:25 AM
Quote from: gamer4251 on March 20, 2008, 09:39:56 PMPlease tell me how the plot was "cool". 


Tabuu aka Gandhi shows up, Ganondorf is like "OMG!" all of a sudden when he sees the little strings on master hand, gets owned instantly of course, then master hand is like "LOL PUNCH AND DIE INSTANTLY ALSO" then Tabuu owns everyone and turns into a creepy butterfly and makes a bunch of shiny balls of doom go around him then stairs appear.

Ok, WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THAT PLOT.  I think somebody was drunk when they thought it up, it makes absolutely no sense, especially with only 1 spoken line.


you forgot the part where Sonic jumps out of nowhere and pwns Tabuu (kinda). but yeah the whole story makes as much sense as Cloverfield (dude, that movie was messed up).

You do realise there is a spoiler option for posts...

Soon i'll eat YOU!!!


Not anymore there's not. :P Dekudude or someone has to reprogram that into the forums. Notice our YouTube button is gone too.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Quote from: HugoMeister on March 21, 2008, 10:06:13 AMNot anymore there's not. :P Dekudude or someone has to reprogram that into the forums. Notice our YouTube button is gone too.

i've asked Concerto about it, and he's asked G-Han, and he's asked JaMaHa, so... it might be being worked on. :-\

damn commies.

Shiny Boy

True, the plot spiraled and spun quite a bit. But it was engaging nonetheless.
I really like "The Great Invasion" movie. Let's just say the Subspace Emissary had it's moments.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


That was definately the climax of the entire story mode. That scene was pure awesome.

If it didn't spiral around to all the different characters, then you'd be stuck playing as the same person over, and over, and over, until you reached "The Great Reunion" scene, and then you'd play as another character until they reached that point.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever

Shiny Boy

That wasn't really the problem...but at certain points it was ANNOYING how we left one group of characters HANGING forever. Especially right when it looked like the Ancient Minister was gonna change his mind.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


Aye, that was annoying. I hated how we had to find every single person in "The Great Maze" just to get to the final boss.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


they're just trying to make the game challenging, which makes people get annoyed


Shiny Boy

I know what you mean. The Falco trophy is still lost somewhere in the Great Maze, and someone else is missing too. Bugger.
Okay, does the flag mean an area is TOTALLY cleared, or the other way around?
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


Quote from: Silence of Darkness on March 22, 2008, 01:08:33 PMI know what you mean. The Falco trophy is still lost somewhere in the Great Maze, and someone else is missing too. Bugger.
Okay, does the flag mean an area is TOTALLY cleared, or the other way around?
"Both flags and crowns are proof that you’ve cleared a stage.

A flag means that you haven’t gotten all the things listed above for that stage. A crown means that the stage has been completely cleared."
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


What is Nintendo's definition of "combos" in training mode?


I dunno, but I got over 900 once.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman