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The problem thread

Started by dahans, July 01, 2009, 06:14:22 AM

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Yep, that's my plan. I've had it ever since i could remember. Thanks anyway. I suppose the purpose of this thread is not to figure what is going on, but to vent and to figure what we have beyond what we see. Thanks Ingus, it's been helpful.


I have a tendency to hold grudges for a very long time. My only resolution to many of them so far is to punch the person its against in the face which I did once. Other than that, they usually don't go away. Any non violent methods for getting rids of these besides giving the person spam and viruses?

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Have it out with them in a solo duel. I'm serious, that's what I do, and it works for me.

If they're not musicians, then just act normal around them. You don't have to be kind to them or even interact with them in any way, just don't be unkind, and don't ingnore them. Treat them like they're just another person you don't really know.


Okay, I got a problem.

I've been in a discussion group about my mental illness, which is a depression and I met this really nice guy. I really really liked him, he was always kind, looked cute and he was so nice to talk to. My parents were called today, when I was at work, that he did a suicide attempt. And he succeeded. His arms were always scarred all over of the cutting he did. Man, I loved this guy and now he just cut his wrists or something. I don't what to do, my bf is to Croatia for 4 weeks, all my friends are gone and I have to put a happy face on every day for 8 hours to service little children at my work at the toy store. While my friend will be lying in a coffin soon.

What to do :'(...


Quote from: GreekGeek on July 16, 2009, 02:14:55 PMOkay, I got a problem.

I've been in a discussion group about my mental illness, which is a depression and I met this really nice guy. I really really liked him, he was always kind, looked cute and he was so nice to talk to. My parents were called today, when I was at work, that he did a suicide attempt. And he succeeded. His arms were always scarred all over of the cutting he did. Man, I loved this guy and now he just cut his wrists or something. I don't what to do, my bf is to Croatia for 4 weeks, all my friends are gone and I have to put a happy face on every day for 8 hours to service little children at my work at the toy store. While my friend will be lying in a coffin soon.

What to do :'(...

You and your friend have my deepest condolences. May his soul rest in peace.


I can only offer the same as Brassman. Unfortunately, he cannot come's horrible, yes, but there's nothing to be done.


The saddest part is that 20 years ago, that might have brought tears to someones eyes even if they didn't know the person. Now a days, its just so common that people who don't know them acknowledge the tragedy but aren't even really phased. But I am truely sorry.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


My condolences Greekgeek. May god protect his soul.

Well, I have to tell ya, my 1st girlfriend died in an accident just in front of me, when I was 14, and it was (and it is) the worts trauma I ever had. I think I know what are you suffering right now. But you know, maybe your work will save you from depression... Seeing happy little children puts everyone with a smile, because their happiness spreads to every single person.
Just dont think on it. I know its hard for you, and I know that your adolescence was sad, but try to find a reason to be happy, like me :) Ive got a lot of problems too, and I won against those traumas and sadness.
Dont act like that guy, because suicide is the coward way to finish the problems. You're strong, and your life is gonna be awesome. We just have to make some sacrifices, suffer, and wait, until something good happens to us.

I hope this can help you. and remember: you're friends arent gone, because we are all your friends ;)


GreekGeek, all I can say is try to find something you love to do. And do it. It can turn around depression and ALPRAS provided a good example. Suicide is never the answer when there is so much is life. I wish your friend realized it.I hope he finds a place in the afterlife. All things, no matter how great or how small, how evil or good, shall come to pass.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


This is a very vague problem, because anything within the next year might change it.
I am an English teacher (private classes) in Mexico and I like to paint and sell paintings. Im going to be what you would call a Senior this year. My parents have BIG fights, my father has a second family, and I want to move out of the house as soon as I finish high school. I'd live with an aunt and can take care of my own expenses aswell as paying my aunt as if it were rent. My aunt treats me like her own child and we have a close relationship. Also, there are many universities there, so I can get a degree there. What do you think? Should I move out of the house and take care of myself or keep up with my parent's BS just so they pay my school?

My deepest condolences to you GreekGeek, and may his soul rest peacefully.
Life puts you in hard situations, but remember that true power isnt when one has a full, happy life, it is when one can overcome the deepest of situations; see it not as an obstacle, but a way to recreate yourself to become a fuller person when it is overcome.


Quote from: Dalonzo on July 17, 2009, 11:12:43 PMThis is a very vague problem, because anything within the next year might change it.
I am an English teacher (private classes) in Mexico and I like to paint and sell paintings. Im going to be what you would call a Senior this year. My parents have BIG fights, my father has a second family, and I want to move out of the house as soon as I finish high school. I'd live with an aunt and can take care of my own expenses aswell as paying my aunt as if it were rent. My aunt treats me like her own child and we have a close relationship. Also, there are many universities there, so I can get a degree there. What do you think? Should I move out of the house and take care of myself or keep up with my parent's BS just so they pay my school?

My deepest condolences to you GreekGeek, and may his soul rest peacefully.
Life puts you in hard situations, but remember that true power isnt when one has a full, happy life, it is when one can overcome the deepest of situations; see it not as an obstacle, but a way to recreate yourself to become a fuller person when it is overcome.

Parental bullshit is never worth anything, plus that, leaving anything to start anew is always liberating. Liberation is good.


I'm not sure if this is a problem, but rather an intersting psychological trend I've noticed.

My friends see me as some uncaring, and un-emotional being whose sole purpose in life is to "accentuate thier problems;" yet they all seem to come to me for condolences whenever they are in emotional distress.

I get the uncaring part, because I am (I know about my issues, I know their causes too, I don't need any help with that at the moment), but for some reason my advice helps...

Is this something anybody else has to deal with (other than Ingus, obvioulsy)?

I would also like to give my condolences to GreekGeek, but he knew what he was doing. I don't mean to sound crass, but he made the decision to end his life. I understand that you lost a friend, but try not to follow in his path, for he failed to see all of the people who truly cared for him. I'm sorry if this doesn't help, but I'm not a psychiatrist, nor do I pretend to be...I'm a realist.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote(other than Ingus, obvioulsy)?

Anyway, Maestro. People might think of you as uncaring, but if they continue to come to you with their grief, then they see you as otherwise subconsciously. They just don't show it. Keep on doing what you're doing.

QuoteI'm a realist
Good for you.

Quote from: Brassman388 on July 17, 2009, 11:27:43 PM
Quote from: Dalonzo on July 17, 2009, 11:12:43 PMThis is a very vague problem, because anything within the next year might change it.
I am an English teacher (private classes) in Mexico and I like to paint and sell paintings. Im going to be what you would call a Senior this year. My parents have BIG fights, my father has a second family, and I want to move out of the house as soon as I finish high school. I'd live with an aunt and can take care of my own expenses aswell as paying my aunt as if it were rent. My aunt treats me like her own child and we have a close relationship. Also, there are many universities there, so I can get a degree there. What do you think? Should I move out of the house and take care of myself or keep up with my parent's BS just so they pay my school?

My deepest condolences to you GreekGeek, and may his soul rest peacefully.
Life puts you in hard situations, but remember that true power isnt when one has a full, happy life, it is when one can overcome the deepest of situations; see it not as an obstacle, but a way to recreate yourself to become a fuller person when it is overcome.

Parental bullshit is never worth anything, plus that, leaving anything to start anew is always liberating. Liberation is good.

Although I must agree with Brassman, if the problem isn't too serious, at least stay in contact with both your parents when you move. Even if bad moments have become prevalent in your family life, don't forget that there were good moments, too. People tend to forgive and forget when they age, so in 30 years, your parents may wish they had you back. Stay in contact, but yes, you should leave.


Thank you Siringusbingus, but yes, I do wish to stay in contact, I just wanna move away from the actual situation, because they involve me a lot, being the youngest and the one in school. I dont hate my parents, I hate the situation they´re going through

And thank you brassman, yes, you are spot on on the liberation thing.


Good. Another happy patient.

That'll be $699.99, please.