The problem thread

Started by dahans, July 01, 2009, 06:14:22 AM

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Do you have a problem? Do you feel really bad? Then this is the right topic for you! In my opinion this is quite useful, since I always have problems and I need somebody to talk with. However, just be honest and the NSM forum members will help, for sure!
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Wow, a therapy thread, huh? Interesting...


Yep I think so too, hopefully is there someone with a problem ;).
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Now all we need is patients!


I'll be the first patient, I have summer school. Not that kind, online summer school. I failed Algebra 1 honors 2nd semester, so i gotta take it again. But my mom signed me up for that, science and spanish, a crapload of stuff, so i gotta spend almost all of summer at school. But my mom said i can take spanish here or at school, but i don't wanna take it here, or at school, what should I do? HELPZ!


I really had to read this message for like three times before I got the point. Sorry =P
Since I kinda don't understand your question, my advice would be: hit your mom in the face. Always works for me =D


Sorry for my terrible "Get to the point" grammer, what I mean is should I take spanish in High school or here at home?
And thanks for the idea, but I'm pretty sure I would get killed.Not in a good way.


Im the 2nd patient!

The problem is that, in the next year Ill finish the school, but I want to to go the US to create musics for video games. But, in the other hand, I want to stay in Portugal... I have everyone here, including my girlfriend and I dont want to leave them...I hate when my professional and personal side get into war....


PetPet: Don't sweat it, school over the summer isn't that bad of a thing. Not that I've ever failed anything (1st in my class!!) but I have gone to colleges to take courses over the summer. Your situation's kinda different, but...anyway, you should prolly take it at home. Otherwise, you may have to deal with all the deliquents who are there 'cause they're delinquents, and that will probably not be fun.

ALPRAS: Come to America. It is always better to travel and experience new cultures and enviornments. You could become very successful here, and I'm sure your family and girlfriend will wait for you to visit. In fact, if you're successful enough, you could very well bring them here with you in the future!

If that doesn't sound very good to you, here's an alternative: See if you can work with Nintendo of Europe or another gaming company over there. You'll be closer, and you'll still be doing what you want to, just on a smaller scale. And I'm sure that if you do well enough, the company will send you on buisness trips to America and even Japan at some point!


Ty siringus, that makes me feel better.



Lol ingus is our psychologist. I would advise you the same ALPRAS. It makes no sense if you go the America with a bad feeling. This is a very important decision and if you are not entirely sure, let it be! Ask to work with the Europe company of Nintendo and you can stay in Portugal.
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


May I be the next patient?


Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Quote from: SirIngusBingus on July 01, 2009, 06:34:38 PMALPRAS: Come to America. It is always better to travel and experience new cultures and enviornments. You could become very successful here, and I'm sure your family and girlfriend will wait for you to visit. In fact, if you're successful enough, you could very well bring them here with you in the future!

If that doesn't sound very good to you, here's an alternative: See if you can work with Nintendo of Europe or another gaming company over there. You'll be closer, and you'll still be doing what you want to, just on a smaller scale. And I'm sure that if you do well enough, the company will send you on buisness trips to America and even Japan at some point!

Thanks pal :)
Thats what I was thinking about. I was invited to work in the portuguese videogame company Ydream. It looks pretty cool, and the good t hing is that the company have affiliates in Brazil and also USA... They could send me to the USA through them.. A good start I think.