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Finale 2009

Started by Nana1Popo2, June 19, 2009, 11:07:23 PM

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I've had trouble with this, and still do and was wondering if anyone could help me. ive already asked a few people and they're not sure, either. I'd like to see if it can be fixed. :)

So the basic problem is, i cant Authorize Finale 2009. it says to right click the icon and click "Run as Administrator." so, i did, but nothing happens, i'll re-open Finale and it will say the same not sure what to do.... whether its something wrong with my computer, the program......hmm.....

and this is a downloaded version of Finale.....via Torrent..... >_< (i have tried another source)

any ideas? thanks ^_^
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


try to re-install it, but as administrator. (Click with the RMB and choose "Run as administator" in the Install icon)..
How many Sessions do you have in your compouter?


Quote from: ALPRAS on June 20, 2009, 05:17:01 AMtry to re-install it, but as administrator. (Click with the RMB and choose "Run as administator" in the Install icon)..
How many Sessions do you have in your compouter?

ive reinstalled it many times......and when i right click on the install icon, it doesnt have the option to Run as Administrator

..and wat's a Session? .....
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


Are you running Vista?

And it's very possible that the upload is just bad.

me irl


Session/account of your Windows...

Try to download Finale again Via torrent.
Here, take this site:


o, ya, i have Windows Vista, and only one account on this computer.

ive also tried two sources....that i could find.......

and ok, im downloading the torrent, hopefully this one will work... :/
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


No, there's a process you have to do. (Note, I forget some of the terminology of the buttons you have to click, but follow this general process)

1. Disconnect from internet
2. Say you'll register by whatever the non-internet option is
3. You'll be given a user code. Plug that into the keygen. Write down the serial code the keygen gives you.
4. Exit, and open Finale again. This time, authorize with the serial code the keygen gave you.

That should work...again, I might have mixed up some of the names of codes and stuff, but follow that general guideline.


ya, i have the instructions....but its jsut, it wont let me Authorize it, cuz its not "Running as administrator"...... :/
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


are you sure that your account have the admin. privileges?
To check it go:
"Control panel", then something like "account users". Then check if you have all the privileges...


Oh, that's what I do for XP.


and it worked?

PS: Ill never get used to your avatar, kotor... I got used to your rabbit avatar  :P


ok, i am the administrator for my computer. im goin to uninstall the finale i have now, and reinstall it with the one from the link u sent me.

*EDIT*: oi still wont run as administrator.......i right click the icon, click "Run as administrator", but nothin happens.....i also tried clicking "Open" while right clicking the icon, but that didnt work either, i have to double click it in order for it to open... >_< ....such a simple task.....and it wont do it....  :'(

haha, so.....ya, i have no idea wat to do still...  :/
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


Why not trying turning off your user account saftey thing? I don't know what the accual term is, but that might help.



*EDIT*: hmm......well, i cant change it cuz, apparently theres another account on this computer for "Guests" ....which i really dont have to make the guest administrator.....then it would change....soo......ill try it to see if it does work....

*EDIT*: yea....that doesnt work......ahh.........
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


I was wondering, can you download Finale 2009 somewhere on the net without downloading Finale Demo 2009. I got the keygen for it and I'd like to use it. Only prob: I don't want running a torrent. It made my computer crash twice. Any site I can download it?