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[Wii] Wii Sports- "Main Theme"

Started by Cobraroll, June 04, 2009, 06:30:56 AM

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Completed by Wiiman96

And the link:

Umm... with the new rules of how to make a request, how do you make a topic a bit more containeous (?) without repeating what you said in the title, and no more?

What about... describing the song!

OK, the Main Theme of Wii Sports. The song you listened to for twenty minutes after setting up the Wii you just got for Christmas, while you kept pressing 1 and 2 at the opening screen instead of A and B (honestly, what kind of people manage to find that B button at the first try, without reading the manual?). After a while, and a few phone calls to the idiot at tech support (It's Christmas Eve, for someone's sake! How can they be home on holiday, when people need help?), you realise that you haven't muted the TV yet. You've listened to the opening theme for half an hour now, but still you haven't given the mute button a thought. Isn't the song quite... catchy?

Finally, your five year old niece come to your aid, pointing out the B button hiding under the controller, and you finally press the correct buttons. The game magically starts, leaving you and your niece playing various sports for the rest of the evening. Later that Christmas night, you sneak back to the TV to try out the practise section, to avoid being beaten at boxing by a kindergarten girl more times. Whens the sun rises, and you can't lift your arms anymore, you go back to the title screen, sinking down in the sofa, let the Wii controller glide out of your sweaty hand, and fall asleep to the tune of sports events, the sound of the present you've wanted since your 22nd birthday, when the Wii was announced. Finally.
Dududumdum dum-dum-duuuuuuuu...  Dum-Dum... dumdumdum-dum-dum dum dum-dum... du-dummm...  Zzzz...

So... anyone ready to take the challenge?

Thanks in advance!
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Sure.  ;D Should be up within the next week. That song is awesome.


I'm really sorry, end of semester exams pounced up on me.  >:( It's here.


Thanks a lot!

Now, I've only listened to it in Finale, so I have no idea on what it will be like in real life, but isn't the bass quite... strong? In the real version, you can hear the main melody quite well, but here, it seems a little deafened. Perhaps it's meant to be that way, but I'd like to hear why you made it like that. I'm no musical expert, so keep it in layman's terms, please.

Thanks a lot for bothering to arrange, though!
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


The bass line has the straight, plain notes and it only happens that it turned out strong. I do agree, though, and suggest that you play the bass line softer than the playback and the melody stronger. I might add some dynamics down the line.

To be honest, I wouldn't know anything more about music than you do. I have a total music experience of one year, and all that is self-taught.  :-[