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Can someone do me a favor?

Started by SirIngusBingus, May 17, 2009, 07:36:13 AM

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Can someone please tell me the pitches of the first measure or so of Warioware Inc.? I'm trying to figure this out but I'm havin trouble for two reasons. 1-My ear's not all that great. 2-I have an ear infection and can't hear right. So please, just the first 5 notes or so. Don't make a finale file of it; just post the (concert) pitches.

TY to whoever does this, I'll be sure to help you with something once I'm off the antibiotics in another 16 days. The medicine is disgusting.


A E F# G G#

I'd do more but im not so good at this im afraid ill go too fast and get one wrong

oh and seriously i should have mentioned this earlier, but uhh..

well you should definetely still make this song, but...

its one of those songs made with various instruments like violins and stuff that the piano can not match up to very good.
i think this in part because i hear songs on youtube fully on piano that are based on songs from heavy metal bands.  they sound not so good, but are played by good pianists.

But Warioware inc. song isnt exactly a heavy metal song, and it doesnt even have a singer, so ill have to wait and see what you and brassman come up with.


I don't know what pitches are but those are the first 5 keys to be played during the wha wha sound thing.  I checked them they are most definetely right.   ;D


They sound pretty much right, so...(mental pain)...thank you, Zintendo.


Quote from: SirIngusBingus on May 19, 2009, 11:56:40 AMThey sound pretty much right, so...(mental pain)...thank you, Zintendo.
I hope you'll get over it.
Good luck man :'(



No we're not, realistic is more like it.  ;)


Mean with a very good, realistic reason?



Just wondering... Is that spanish? Cause, I have no idea what that means.


I think something like "I'am so happy"


Wait a minute... It is spanish, the mouse says it.


Quote from: Brassman388 on May 19, 2009, 12:42:29 PMWait a minute... It is spanish, the mouse says it.
*piep piep piep* *I want some cheese*