Mitsuda vs. Nobou

Started by Magus Darkwind, April 29, 2009, 12:03:26 PM

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Mitsuda vs. Nobou


Magus Darkwind

Say your vote, but does anyone know(I know someone knows) how to create a poll alongside the note?
Necrophobe: "Enough of this! DIE!!!"
*casts flare*
Gilgamesh: "I believe that's MY line!!!"
*Self-destruct* They both die


theres a tab on the far right that says "create new poll" or something to the extent, right next to "new topic" and such...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.

Magus Darkwind

Necrophobe: "Enough of this! DIE!!!"
*casts flare*
Gilgamesh: "I believe that's MY line!!!"
*Self-destruct* They both die



Nobuo. This isn't even something you have to think about.

The glaring typo in the topic name is bothering me. His name is Nobuo.

Magus Darkwind

Sorry, about the typo, but I have a question. Have you played CT, Xenogears etc. and the pieces from CT were absolutely amazing, but no doubt Nobuo was a genius and had his own amazing pieces but I actually prefer Mitsuda.
Necrophobe: "Enough of this! DIE!!!"
*casts flare*
Gilgamesh: "I believe that's MY line!!!"
*Self-destruct* They both die


Chrono Trigger is another classic. But unfortunatly, i haven't played it.

Magus Darkwind

I'd say it is actually more fulfilling than the final fantasy games, although if course those are great,
PS if you haven't played FF1 you need to
Necrophobe: "Enough of this! DIE!!!"
*casts flare*
Gilgamesh: "I believe that's MY line!!!"
*Self-destruct* They both die



Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!