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something i am really interested in...

Started by dahans, April 26, 2009, 02:24:35 AM

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is it usual in ur countries that people (especially teenager) who like classical music are discriminated? In my country it is, unfortunatelly. That's somehow funny: In Austria, the place where the classical music was born with Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven they hate people who like classical music! Due to the fact that I really adore classical music, they sometimes call me gay or something like that. Is this "normal" in ur countries too?
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Oh, yeah, that's usually the case in America too. However, at pretty much every High School, you can find a group of students who appreciate classical music, so it's not so bad.


Yeah, but you learn to just leave them to thier horrible sounding things that they call music.


Quote from: Brassman388 on April 26, 2009, 09:39:46 AMYeah, but you learn to just leave them to thier horrible sounding things that they call music.

hmm... maybe that's why you're discriminated against? an elitist attitude like that surely won't do you any good...

classical music is not enjoyed like it used to be... remember, its peak was a few hundred years ago... which means currently, for the most part it is used as an educational tool which i think might be part of the dislike for it, because due to the amount of history behind it there is so much to learn and it is easy to confuse someone who doesn't understand it... 

the thing is that anyone who studies music educationally will likely appreciate classical music, but those who just listen for enjoyment will likely not enjoy it as much because there is all the history and understanding that needs to be put into it to understand it... whereas modern music does not have that background yet because its modern...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Quote from: blah54 on April 26, 2009, 10:15:46 AM
Quote from: Brassman388 on April 26, 2009, 09:39:46 AMYeah, but you learn to just leave them to thier horrible sounding things that they call music.

hmm... maybe that's why you're discriminated against? an elitist attitude like that surely won't do you any good...

classical music is not enjoyed like it used to be... remember, its peak was a few hundred years ago... which means currently, for the most part it is used as an educational tool which i think might be part of the dislike for it, because due to the amount of history behind it there is so much to learn and it is easy to confuse someone who doesn't understand it... 

the thing is that anyone who studies music educationally will likely appreciate classical music, but those who just listen for enjoyment will likely not enjoy it as much because there is all the history and understanding that needs to be put into it to understand it... whereas modern music does not have that background yet because its modern...
yeah I suppose that's true. Are there really "groups" who like classical music in America? Well in my school there are 2 people who listen to classical music. My friend and me. But it seems to me that a lot of people who listen to classical music listen to video game music as well. Maybe this is the "classical music" nowadays. But I hate people who say classical music is "gay" although they have never heard such music. It seems to me that the discrimination results from the peer pressure. And it is obvious that in High School peer pressure is a big problem.
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


My school's music department is a seperate building from the rest of the school, and pretty much everyone who hangs out around there is a total music nerd, kinda like us. We all know each other really well, we're all classical music listeners, it's actually a pretty awesome situation.


Quote from: blah54 on April 26, 2009, 10:15:46 AMhmm... maybe that's why you're discriminated against? an elitist attitude like that surely won't do you any good...
I'm sorry but I will never consider rap in any way, shape, or form music. All it is is people saying horribly written poetry to a beat. It takes no skill, no practice, and absolutely no brains to perform or enjoy.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: SirIngusBingus on April 28, 2009, 12:43:07 PMMy school's music department is a seperate building from the rest of the school, and pretty much everyone who hangs out around there is a total music nerd, kinda like us. We all know each other really well, we're all classical music listeners, it's actually a pretty awesome situation.

Quote from: SuperFireKirby on April 28, 2009, 03:17:21 PM
Quote from: blah54 on April 26, 2009, 10:15:46 AMhmm... maybe that's why you're discriminated against? an elitist attitude like that surely won't do you any good...
I'm sorry but I will never consider rap in any way, shape, or form music. All it is is people saying horribly written poetry to a beat. It takes no skill, no practice, and absolutely no brains to perform or enjoy.

You are absolutely right SuperFireKirby (I like this name :) ). In my opinion are rap songs primitive poetry with a beat. And SirIngusBingus I want to go to your school! This sounds amazing. REALLY EVERYONE? In my school there are two who listen to classical music and this in Austria.
What about concerts? Are there a lot in your country? (I mean classical music) Due to the Haydn Year, there are so many concerts, sometimes 3 a day.
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!

Magus Darkwind

There is definite discrimination, yet you'll find that there are a whole bunch who do enjoy it, as you may find a silent majority at certain places, for instance since they are commonly discriminated against they won't really make their opinions clear.
But ultimately, the main reason, I believe, for this is that, with modern technology you can just turn on your iPod and hear an orchestra, so in hearing classical music, it doesn't sound as 'cool'/epic as their music. Another contributing factor is the style of music, music portrays a message, always, whether, love, power, intensity, emotion, remorse, all these things are expressed in music, and the music a person listens to demonstrates some of their emotions. And at this point in time, few people feel like the piano can express their emotions, people want to be heard, people are depressed, when you think of depressed people listening to music, do you imagine them listening to classical, or rap something that requires no thinking, that in fact makes them stop thinking, why? because they don't want to face life. (this by the way, is not fact, this is theory, as I have seen it true in those around me)
Necrophobe: "Enough of this! DIE!!!"
*casts flare*
Gilgamesh: "I believe that's MY line!!!"
*Self-destruct* They both die



I never give my iPod to anyone
I never let anyone listen to it
I never tell anyone what I'm listening to
Unless I'm home alone, I won't listen via speakers.

Why? Because the amount of crap you get for listening to "wrong" music just isn't worth it.


me irl


Quote from: JaMaHa on April 29, 2009, 02:12:08 AMI never give my iPod to anyone
I never let anyone listen to it
I never tell anyone what I'm listening to
Unless I'm home alone, I won't listen via speakers.

Why? Because the amount of crap you get for listening to "wrong" music just isn't worth it.
It is quite similar to what I do. My iPod is always at home. I hate people who use their iPods to show what music they listen to. Honestly, who cares what kind of music I like? This is just my "business". Even more, people take your iPod away and laugh at you.  I always ask me: What's happening with the society? People are getting more and more stupid, their ecducation is really bad. And I absolutely can't stand, when someone who has an IQ between 0 and 10 laughes at me! And the problem is, most teenagers do that! Results this from peer pressure? Or are we living in a society, where the only important thing is to show off and to show that you  belong to the group? 50 years ago the situation was totally different (it was the end of the romantic age too): People did not care what music you like! I think you can compare classical music (of course only in this situation) with alcohol, even if it sounds stupid. 50 years ago it was really unusual to be completely drunk and those who were totally pissed were the "outsiders". Today it is an ordinary situation when you see 13-year-old kids lying on the street completely drunk! And  those (that's the reason why I compared it with classical music) who "refuse"  alcohol are outsiders. Is this really necessary? What did the humans wrong, when I look at this society. And JaMaHa I am really in the same situation with you. But why aren't we allowed to listen via speakers without being laughed at and discriminated against? In my opinion this society must change, or else I am getting crazy. And why should we be ashamed just because we like classical music?
This is my point of view. I think not everybody will agree, but I think I am somehow right. And I am just in despair, because noone can stop the "lapse" of the contemporary society.
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!

Magus Darkwind

I'll tend to be on a slightly different note, and actually allow myself to be known, many people will flash some contempt, others will simply swear.(those people are part of the reason I continue, because they are actually so funny) And sometimes, you'll find a small group of people who enjoy classical/instrumental, and you know frankly, sometimes it is good to know that you aren't the only one who likes it.
Necrophobe: "Enough of this! DIE!!!"
*casts flare*
Gilgamesh: "I believe that's MY line!!!"
*Self-destruct* They both die


I think classical music might comeback but probably not. As the time changes, so does the majority of the poulation's taste in music. 20 years ago it was long haired metal bands. Ten years ago it was hard rock, alternative when it was still good, hip-hop that was actually decent, ska punk, and metal. Now its super heavy metal, rap and the queer bag Jonas Brothers. I bet that by 2015 the majority of the population will have moved on to some other form of muic.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!