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The Love Topic

Started by GreekGeek, March 30, 2009, 03:03:54 AM

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I'm loving the fact that I don't live with my mother.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Welcome to the wonderful world of parents having children.


Well yeah, but I'm not going to be a total dick to my children


I imagine I'd be the cool parent but as a female I naturally fear that I will spawn complete idiots...
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Dont worry about it, just don't let them watch tv. That's corruption in a box. and not the good kind.


Christ. I LOVE to hate TV. I'll send them outside all the tiem. When I was a kid It could be raining buckets and I'd rather be fact I'm quite certain that I'm going to get sick and die, hahaha. It's raining today and it's cold rain. I've been inside for a good hour or so and I'm still shaking.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Cold showers are the best.

As for tv, It can burn in the depths of Muspell.


Cold showers are awesome but cold windy rain can get to be especially since I'm an asshat and wore no coat, I had flip flops on, and didn't use my umbrella. I walked miles too because the bus doesn't run on Sunday.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Wind with rain is not a nice thing. Unless you're in monsoon season.


I think it's going to snow tomorrow too.  :(
It was just starting to get nice warm and sunny.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^



Quote from: random_goldfish on April 05, 2009, 11:51:30 AMI think it's going to snow tomorrow too.  :(
It was just starting to get nice warm and sunny.

Come to Portugal xD Its always sunny, hot (about 25ºC) and almost no wind :P


that's how it is here, although it is kinda cold now for some odd reason.


It better not snow...I have no idea what happened to all my socks and close toed shoes. I only have sandals and flip flops.  :D
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


wow... I don't even have anything to say to that.