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Started by shane91c, March 11, 2009, 03:00:00 PM

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I noticed the subtitle of this forum is "Sony bashing", so let's do that!

PlayStation 3 is an over-rated piece of crap and it's too expensive.
Sony tells people what they need instead of listening to what people want.

Continue the list!

^ Some active members would be nice.... :(

Main NSM Site


We don't need a fanboy troll thread.

me irl


Who said anything about fanboys? I'm just saying what I dislike about the PS3.

^ Some active members would be nice.... :(

Main NSM Site


Quote from: shane91c on March 11, 2009, 03:00:00 PMPlayStation 3 is an over-rated piece of crap and it's too expensive.
Sony tells people what they need instead of listening to what people want.

That is fanboy trolling.  And you know it.

me irl


Alright if you see it that way.... :P

^ Some active members would be nice.... :(

Main NSM Site