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The bad news topic

Started by Cobraroll, March 10, 2009, 01:36:42 PM

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Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Quote from: JaMaHa on March 29, 2009, 12:55:05 was invented by us Finns.

whoops... sorry. blame the person who wrote whe wiki page.



Im in love with 2 girls and I dont know who do I have to choose...


that really sucks... goodluck


who do i have to choose?

ERRORERRORERRORERRORR!!!!!!!! 100111011010110011010101pfiuhdsofidsuhfpoihf


*ALPRAS head just stop working...


Be glad they're both girls.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever



A boy and a girl would make it a hell more complicated ::)


Not really. You could just remove yourself from that equation and those two would live happily ever after.

Or not.


I had a seizure Thursday...
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Quote from: random_goldfish on March 30, 2009, 01:09:20 AMI had a seizure Thursday...

Wow :o I mean you're 19, correct? That's horrible :(
That's doesn't belong to "The bad news topic", it belongs to the "Horrible News Topic"...

Quote from: JaMaHa on March 30, 2009, 12:49:54 AMNot really. You could just remove yourself from that equation and those two would live happily ever after.

Or not.

Isn't that the choice every human, whether hetero-, homo- or bisexual, has to make 8)?


Eh, with me it happens. I've had neurological problems since I was 15. It's not epilepsy though. I've just now started seeing a doctor.
The worst part was I was alone when it happened.  :'(
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


I do have epilepsy. It sucks if you're alone, but if you try to relax, it is supposed to get better. How do you recover? Do you take any medication? It helps with me.


Wow, that's no bueno. I know someone with epilepsy. Bascially the main points of my neurolgical issues are insomnia, sleep paralysis, and hallucinations. Occasionally I'll get confused and pass out...but rarely a full blown seizure.

I don't have medication yet. Basically I had to move out and go to college/get on my own before I could start seeing a doctor about it...don't want to get into details about how my mom has handled me because that would start a five hour rant...

By recover, I'm wondering if you mean after the fact? Because I'm usually just pretty tired and confused for awhile.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^