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The bad news topic

Started by Cobraroll, March 10, 2009, 01:36:42 PM

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Haha, now I know what to look for!


The wednesday before the show, I got up at 5:00, was at school for rehearsal by 6, in school from 7-2 (including band class, music theory, and music lessons), jazz band 2-3, and rehearsal for the show again from 3-10. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a pretty hardcore musician, but that is too much. I didn't get to eat that day, except for an apple in the morning and a slice of pizza at around 6:30! SOLLA SOLLEW!
Sorry, I needed to vent a bit there.


Hmmm bad news... lemme think about this for a second. I've got the worst news of all, I can't remember what my bad news was!!! :'(

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I accidentaly killed a tortoise...
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


I can't find my cheese. It's the last freakin' day that I'll be able to eat some proper, Dutch cheese and I can't find it >:(


I am craving an orange soda but I can't get the bottle open.


Sorry for the double post, but I put the bottle in a vice and finally got it open!

Should this post have gone in the good news topic?


Probably. :P

But these topics are really chatty, so it's fine. Unless we're starting some thing to save all chat for the post your thoughts of the moment thread


Quote from: kotorfanboy on April 16, 2009, 12:30:35 PMUnless we're starting some thing to save all chat for the post your thoughts of the moment thread

Eck, I highly doubt it.
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


Here's some bad news: I just tried to go to GMW, and I got the same sort of screen I got when NSM went down a few months ago....


Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


Seriously, what happened to GMW?


No idea

Hey wait! I got the 250th Post! WOOOHOOO BIYETCHES
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


I forgot I had theater today....... lol


Quote from: SirIngusBingus on April 16, 2009, 01:06:19 PMSeriously, what happened to GMW?
Quote from: Dude on April 16, 2009, 03:25:10 PMIt died.

B-K is either lazy, or poor and couldn't make the payments.
I can't tell if it's bad news or not.