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The bad news topic

Started by Cobraroll, March 10, 2009, 01:36:42 PM

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Yeah luckily we're sending it off. At long last.
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.



[17:11:08] <@Dude> ...Damnit
[17:11:15] <@Dude> Now I'm depressed again.
[17:11:18] <~HugoMeister> ....D:
[17:11:27] <@Dude> bbl eat candy
[17:11:39] * ~HugoMeister gives out hugs with those kisses ;)
[17:11:49] <@Dude> I didn't get kisses >_>
[17:11:56] <~HugoMeister> ...damn
[17:11:59] <@Dude> Hehe
[17:12:00] <~HugoMeister> well then...
[17:12:06] <~HugoMeister> :P
[17:12:21] <@Dude> I finally got my easter candy today
[17:12:25] <@Dude> anyway
[17:12:26] <@Dude> bbl


[17:16:19] <@Dude> anyway
[17:16:23] <@Dude> What should I eat first...
[17:16:39] <@Dude> Dark, krackel, or a PB cup?
[17:16:55] <@Dude>
[17:17:22] <~HugoMeister> yes XD
[17:17:31] <@Dude> What option do I use?
[17:17:44] <@Dude> List Randomizer?
[17:17:53] <@Dude> Yeah
[17:17:57] <@Dude> I think that's it
[17:18:15] <~HugoMeister> sure
[17:18:30] <@Dude>    1. PB cup 1
[17:18:30] <@Dude>    2. Krackel
[17:18:30] <@Dude>    3. PB cup 2
[17:18:30] <@Dude>    4. PB cup 3
[17:18:30] <@Dude>    5. Dark
[17:19:09] <@Dude> Mmmmmm so good
[17:19:42] <~HugoMeister> :3
[17:19:48] <@Dude> I'm drooling
[17:19:52] <@Dude> bbl napkin
[17:20:01] <~HugoMeister> XD
[17:20:25] <@Dude> k
[17:21:36] <~HugoMeister> are we clean? XD
[17:21:41] <@Dude> Yeah
[17:21:46] <@Dude> I had to grab the phone
[17:21:48] <~HugoMeister> good :)
[17:22:19] <@Dude> I've been drooling alot lately
[17:22:43] <@Dude> New medicine ftl
[17:23:03] <@Dude> Damn these pb cups are good
[17:23:15] <@Dude> All gone D:
[17:23:19] <@Dude> Only dark is left
[17:23:41] <~HugoMeister> gogogogo
[17:23:43] <~HugoMeister> gods
[17:23:47] <~HugoMeister> i have so much crap -_-
[17:23:49] <~HugoMeister> i got like
[17:23:52] <~HugoMeister> a tub of cookie dough
[17:23:55] <@Dude> Gimme
[17:24:00] <~HugoMeister> like
[17:24:02] <~HugoMeister> 2 symphony bars
[17:24:05] <@Dude> Gimme
[17:24:07] <~HugoMeister> a giant dark bar
[17:24:08] <@Dude> Wait
[17:24:09] <~HugoMeister> bunnies
[17:24:10] <~HugoMeister> egs
[17:24:15] <~HugoMeister> ....a phone :3
[17:24:18] <@Dude> I never had a symphony bar before
[17:24:26] <@Dude> What's in it?
[17:24:28] <~HugoMeister> ... :|
[17:24:32] <~HugoMeister> its just like
[17:24:34] <~HugoMeister> milk chocolate
[17:24:37] <~HugoMeister> but omg -_-
[17:24:57] <@Dude> I haven't had a cookies and cream hershey's bar either
[17:25:02] <~HugoMeister> OMG
[17:25:03] <~HugoMeister> YOU NEED ONE
[17:25:07] <~HugoMeister> they're sooooo good D:
[17:25:09] <@Dude> I've wanted one even since I was little
[17:25:16] <@Dude> My mom's like "NO D:"
[17:25:27] <~HugoMeister> i am so mailing you one
[17:25:29] <~HugoMeister> :P
[17:25:33] <@Dude> And I'm like D':
[17:25:36] <~HugoMeister> my bro got a giant one of them
[17:25:53] <@Dude> :(
[17:26:33] <@Dude> I only got a bag of pb cups and a bag of hershey's miniatures today and a pb egg on easter
[17:26:41] <@Dude> Nothing else.
[17:26:56] <@Dude> Well I /did/ get an epic trip to florida :D
[17:26:59] <@Dude> But still
[17:27:08] <@Dude> That won't heal the hole in my heart D:
[17:27:17] <@Dude> *stomach
[17:27:33] <~HugoMeister> poor dude D:
[17:27:48] <~HugoMeister> next time you're in pittsburgh, ill like, leave a basket or soemthing outside a hotel or whatever
[17:27:51] <~HugoMeister> and you can be like
[17:27:53] <@Dude> :D
[17:27:56] <~HugoMeister> '....omg *nom* '
[17:28:11] <@Dude> Thank you
[17:28:19] <~HugoMeister> XD


Quote from: Dude on April 13, 2009, 02:30:31 PM[17:11:08] <@Dude> ...Damnit
[17:11:15] <@Dude> Now I'm depressed again.
[17:11:18] <~HugoMeister> ....D:
[17:11:27] <@Dude> bbl eat candy

Bla bla bla...

How interesting.


What's that supposed to mean? >_>


Don't we have place for chat logs? Just wondering.


Yeah, but this log was depressing ::)


What does "bbl" mean? You say it quite a bit.




I just got some bad news: I spent over three months working in the pit for my school's musical (I was the only sax...) and was completely exhausted, with insanely long rehearsal spanning 8 hours a day by the last week. The show finally came last Friday, and I was incredibly happy to be done with it. Yesterday, though, my band teacher told me that I was so good in his show that he signed me up to play in the pit for another school that needed a saxophone, starting in two weeks.  :(


That sucks, I'll sympathize for ya.


I almost cried when he told me...*sniff*....

Especially since the my school's musical was the Seussical. NOTICE ME, HORTON!


Uhg...I know what you mean...last year I had to do a musical...but I had a singing part. Anyway. I'd have to get up for jazz band at 5am...go to school...and right after stay for musical rehearsal sometimes until 11pm. There were several days where I literally did not see sunlight because I was inside the school all the time and I was unlucky enough to be in classrooms with no windows.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


I don't see daylight cuz I sleep in the day and reveal my secret identity at night-

Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.