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What are you reading?

Started by musicguy49, March 04, 2008, 06:17:35 PM

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I can't believe my brother. He got the latest Harry Potter book in July and doesn't feel like reading it.  :o


well, he just wasted a few bucks right there



I just ordered Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood". Since I'm going to study Japanese languages and cultures, I think it might come in handy if I've read some Japanese literature. =)


I'm reading Poseiden.

It is ok, the movies are better I think, both of them..


I'm reading Fatal Terrain

It's when Taiwan declares independence against China and then a whole battle starts


Sir Awesomesauce

The book I'm reading is called I, Lucifer. No its not demonic  :P. Its pretty funny actually. God gives Satan a chance to return to heaven, but he has to pass a test. The test is, he possesses a mortals body for a month and if he goes the entire time without committing a deadly sin, he gets to return to heaven. But he decides to wreak havoc on the world instead of be good. Its hard to read though, apparently Lucifer knows a lot of big words.  :'(

Its for school, we have to select a prose piece to read aloud.
You should read my post, it's probably above this.


re-reading LoTR for a linguistics class (yes, we're learning elvish)

and... Sanshiro by Natsume Souseki for Japanese Culture class.


"Japanese Culture" by Paul Varley. =) It's pretty interesting.


i'm reading angelas ashes.. it's kinda boring.... i don't know... i don't like to read unless it's about nonfiction or wars.... although harry potter was alright... still took me a month to read half the book... =P.. we have this thing in our school called AR. you basically read a book and take a test on it and u get points. u have to get a certain amount of points in order to get a good grade for it. but what makes it so hard is that we have to read books in our class for homework and none of them are on the list. All the nonfiction books on hte list are .5 and 1 points... there are like 3 war books...(all of which i finished) and so i'm picking books randomly.. thank goodness anne frank was on the list.. i need 20 points and that one was 8 =P. angelas ashes is 17 so even if i miss a few questions i still get the 20 i need. =/.
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<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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we just finished reading The House on Mango Street for Eng.1,
and that book is evil. it has almost no story - its... its... beautiful!


i'm reading Into Thin Air. it's the true story of the most disastrous climbing season on Mt. Everest ever. it's written by one of the few guys who survived and he tells of all the horrible things that happened. for example (minor spoiler) some people died of exposure two yards from their tents because they couldn't find them in the blizzard.

damn commies.


I finished reading the stupidest book this world has ever seen. "Their Eye's Ere Watching God"


i just finsihed reading the Soon series by jerry Jenkins
its about the world after world war 3 when all religion is banned and the world becomes corrupt
compared to the left behind series this guy wrote with some other dude its not the best


Me? I is reading the Fionavar Tapestry (Omnibus) By Guy Garivel Kay... I haven't read much of it mainly due to the fact that I haven't had much time for anything XD
Credit to Strecno for the avatar! | MY SUBMISSION THREAD


I'm reading my old Archies !!