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[Wii] Super Mario Galaxy - Multiple Songs

Started by ALPRAS, January 17, 2009, 08:23:12 AM

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are you trying to advertise GMW??.... youre beeing mischievous....
Im also a GMW member, dont forget :P and probably in the future, all the SMG arrangement will be mine (MUHAHAHAHAHA)


Well, Nacho also has his up at Apollomix, I believe. So I just picked the one I was thinking of at the moment.


Toy Time Galaxy: Not done yet.
Cosmic Mario/Luigi: Done by gzgregory. Look at next post.
Space Peace: Not done yet.
Good Egg Galaxy: Done, already on site.
Gusty Garden: Done, already on site
Beach Bowl Galaxy: Done, already on site.
Grand Star Rescue: Not done yet.

EDIT: Awesome! Thanks gzgregory!



The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


I arranged all of these, you can find the sheets on my piano arrangements page (linked at the bottom of this message)