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In Progress Discussion Topic

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, March 03, 2008, 12:53:39 AM

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wait can i do a song that was rejected in the old NSM but fixed now?


i hate it how people just request stuff without giving any midi or MP3 (hell, i'd settle for a YouTube video). they just expect us to know all of the songs. we're not that awesome. (but we are awesome)

damn commies.


I'm totally confused. So we have to claim what song we want to arrange before we do anything, or is this just for requests?


In the "In Progress Topic" you can claim 5 songs. If you have those posted, nobody can steal them from you. This topic is where you can discuss any "difficulties" with other members regarding who's arranging stuff.

This topic (Music Feedback Topic) is where you're supposed to post any songs you need help with but *coughcough* NOBODY WILL STICKY IT.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


lol. Read the first post on that topic. It reads something like this...
QuoteDue to the fact that submissions are back up, this topic is now CLOSED.
But don't worry, next time that NSM closes, and the submissions are down, this topic will (hopefully) be brought back.
Please Lock this topic!

If you want it back (AND PLZ STICKY IT!!!), then say so and I'll un-please-lock-this-topic the topic.
Yay! New weird really long word!  :P

Yes, iDOWN, that is what you have to do, although I think that I'm a little off on the 5 songs... ::)
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Quote from: Gamer4250 on April 19, 2008, 04:10:21 PMI only have the melody for this one, no bass yet, but some feedback please?  And I know it doesn't have a key sig.


Original Song -

Haven't gotten that far in the game so I can't comment on that, but I would love some Lost Odyssey music. posted the mp3 for the theme song, and they give you the option to buy the lost odyssey CD. You could arrange the theme song they give you.


I have suspended all of my Lost Odyssey arrangements as I haven't worked on them in like a year.  Maybe during the summer I'll hook my keyboard up to my computer and work on stuff again.

me irl