[PC] Slay the Princess - "The End of Everything. The Beginning of Something New." by Samusthedude

Started by Zeta, July 07, 2024, 07:08:59 PM

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Submission Information:

Series: Other
Game: Slay the Princess
Console: PC
Title: The End of Everything. The Beginning of Something New.
Instrumentation Solo Piano
Arranger: Samusthedude



Welcome back!
  • m11 beat 1 LH: I hear this in octaves like m9
  • m16: The clef change in the RH should be placed after the repeat barline
  • m17: is the idea here that each hand plays a different dynamic? If so, they should be placed around the first notes, outside the staff
  • We've recently updated our formatting guidelines, could you update your tempo marking to match them? (Notehead: MaestroTimes, 16pt, symbol Œ; Numbers and equals: Times New Roman regular, 12pt; Text: Times New Roman bold, 14pt)
I'll get to m33+ once the above has been looked at!


m11: updated
m16: despite googling I couldn't figure out how to get the courtesy clef on the other side of the repeat line. If you could let me know how or link me a how to that would be great
m17: The idea is a crescendo from pp to mp, not two hands playing different dynamics
formatting: updated

Thanks for the feedback!


Hello! Figured I'd add some input now that I'm back:
m13, m45 - Last note in RH should be a C, not a D
m17-32 - I hear an overtone of the left hand an octave up from as written. I think it probably plays fine as is, so it's really up to you if you include it or not (I think), though if you didn't hear it before it is there as an option
m39 RH - There is a missing tie
m43 LH - b1 you could probably include the Bb
m47 LH - b4.5 I hear another F
m35, 37, 41, 45 - It might be good to include the violin notes that play here somehow (Eb, Eb, C, G) since they play pretty strong. I'm not sure as to the best way to do that though.

Seems like a pretty cool sheet though. Great work.