Atcero's Aquatic Update Project Sheets

Started by Atcero, June 21, 2024, 01:23:57 PM

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Oh man a new arrangement after being gone for months :please:

Depending on how this one goes/if I have time, I may also do a second short one.

I did simplify a bit just do to how many voices are going at the same time in this song, but I do have a 32nd run that can be eliminated/changed if need be.


Quote from: Dudeman"When Atcero and Dudeman are busy whooping Maelstrom's ass, Alfonzo mans the Spirit Train."



Quote from: Atcero on June 21, 2024, 01:23:57 PMI did simplify a bit just do to how many voices are going at the same time in this song, but I do have a 32nd run that can be eliminated/changed if need be.

For m16 this run is a bit jumpy to expect a singular hand to pull off, and I don't think it's currently possible to play that first note on beat 2. I think you could play it swapping back and forth between LH and RH though (starting with LH), and removing the current LH part. You could get some cross stave action goin lol if you go that route. Open to seeing what you had in mind as well

Overall looks pretty good!

• Looks like this arrangement is still using engraver font for tempo marking
• counted the 6/8 time sig a little slower at 166 instead of 168
• I would adjust 3rd and 4th systems on page 1 so they are a little higher, that way system 5 (last system)'s repeat doesn't look so tight on the page
• If not doing any sort of cross staff for the 16th runs: You could make the m15 system not as wide, 1.41" should still look good. You could also lower this system a bit from the top of the page as it's a bit high to the page # and title.

• m3 I would remove RH An's in the 2nd layer, it doesn't sound like they are restruck and that would be restriking the held An in the LH
• m4, m13, and m15 it's going to be impossible to hold that 2nd layer throughout, so you could just have a lower octave under the current 1st layer note for the same beat length
• m15 LH accidentals should be consistent (sharps) with previous measures
• m18 and m20 I don't hear a trill in either measure


Quote from: Dudeman"When Atcero and Dudeman are busy whooping Maelstrom's ass, Alfonzo mans the Spirit Train."



Quote from: Atcero on July 04, 2024, 12:11:57 PMGot that all updated, thank ya!

Sorry I don't see the file updated on Dropbox


Looks updated to me, not sure why its showing its not. I moved it in and out of dropbox, hopefully that fixed it?
Quote from: Dudeman"When Atcero and Dudeman are busy whooping Maelstrom's ass, Alfonzo mans the Spirit Train."
