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Wii and Wii Game Friend Code Topic

Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 10:53:29 AM

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I added Gamer, Shadoninja, Dude, and Concerto.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Cool, I totally pwnd gamer, whos next?  :P


Pwned? How about laggified :(

There was a 2 second delayed reaction to my controls, and it totally froze up for a few seconds every once in a while, major suckage.

me irl

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Yeah, but you dropped out at the end, not cool man.  And I also had to deal with 2 second delay. :'(

Link Freak

I got to go get mine again, some of you already have me added ;)


I got it add me! I'm a very good Samus & Sonic User! (That is if the lag isn't messing me up >:()
Brawl FC--1633-3899-7290

PM me when you added me so I know who wants too play.


Here's my brawl code.

3866 7693 9998

If you add me, pm me so I know that you added me k.


here's mine:


(^^^brawl code, not Wii code^^^)

i'll be playing online a lot from now on...

damn commies.


Quote from: MetroidHunter26 on March 13, 2008, 08:24:41 PMI got it add me! I'm a very good Samus & Sonic User! (That is if the lag isn't messing me up >:()
Brawl FC--1633-3899-7290

PM me when you added me so I know who wants too play.

I'm going to add you as soon as my wi-fi starts working so I can get my code.

[Edit]: 0602-6029-5172 (SSBB), I added you.

I'm going to add Dude and Concerto also.


Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on March 13, 2008, 04:05:26 PMYeah, but you dropped out at the end, not cool man.  And I also had to deal with 2 second delay. :'(
...but I didn't ???

me irl


i'm gonna add everyone that's on the list once my brother gets off the Wii.

damn commies.

The Mindzeye


I'm adding everyone on the list THAT I KNOW. After I'm done spectaing the match. (Just a mere two minutes!) My friend code is...
I gotted a winning streak

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Latest Tracks: Super Mario RPG & Superstar Saga HD ReMIX


Plz can you all add me
I add everybody who's in this list

Link Freak

W00t, I just got brawl in mail today. Now I just gotta fetch my FC somewhere. I'll add everyone who posted.