
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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TWG CXXII: Rock Paper Scissors DEATHMATCH Postgame

Started by TheZeldaPianist275, April 30, 2024, 06:02:15 PM

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6 (75%)
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Total Members Voted: 8



Congratulations, Paper!

Part 1: Role Reveal

1. Rock Vigilante--ThatHiddenCharacter
2. Rock Reviver--davy
3. Rock Nullifier--therealmathguy

4. Paper Vigilante--Toby
5. Paper Reviver--BlackDragonSlayer
6. Paper Nullifier--mastersuperfan

7. Scissors Vigilante--K-NiGhT
8. Scissors Reviver--SpecsFlyer17
9. Scissors Nullifier--Oricorio

Part 2: Action Recap

N1 Actions
1.   Rock Vigi—ThatHiddenCharacter: Kill Davy
2.   Rock Reviver—davy: --
3.   Rock Nullifier—therealmathguy: Nullify BDS

4.   Paper Vigi—Toby: Kill BDS
5.   Paper Reviver—BDS: --
6.   Paper Nullifier—mastersuperfan: Nullify Oricorio

7.   Scissors Vigi—K-NiGhT: Kill Davy
8.   Scissors Reviver—SpecsFlyer17: --
9.   Scissors Nullifier—Oricorio: Nullify Davy

N2 Actions
1.   Rock Vigi—ThatHiddenCharacter: Kill K-NiGhT
2.   Rock Reviver—davy
3.   Rock Nullifier—therealmathguy: Nullify MSF

4.   Paper Vigi—Toby: Kill THC
5.   Paper Reviver—BDS
6.   Paper Nullifier—mastersuperfan: Nullify Math

7.   Scissors Vigi—K-NiGhT: Kill Math
8.   Scissors Reviver—SpecsFlyer17: Revive Davy
9.   Scissors Nullifier—Oricorio

N3 Actions
1.   Rock Vigi—ThatHiddenCharacter
2.   Rock Reviver—davy: Revive Math
3.   Rock Nullifier—therealmathguy

4.   Paper Vigi—Toby: Kill Davy
5.   Paper Reviver—BDS
6.   Paper Nullifier—mastersuperfan: Nullify Davy

7.   Scissors Vigi—K-NiGhT
8.   Scissors Reviver—SpecsFlyer17
9.   Scissors Nullifier—Oricorio

More to come!


Part 3: Phase Breakdown

Night 1

Davy claims Paper Reviver (BDS' role), BDS claims Scissors Reviver (Specs' role), and Specs doesn't claim anything, but casts a great deal of doubt on the legitimacy of those claims. (It would have been very funny if Specs had claimed Rock Reviver (Davy's role) here—a true RPS circle. Alas.) Since Davy and BDS are both actually revivers (but on different teams than the ones they claimed), this suits them just fine. Of course, neither one survives the night.

Meanwhile, in PMs, Oricorio goes on an absolute tear, claiming every team to three people each to try to glean as much info as possible, but being consistent and claiming Nullifier every time someone asks for his specific role. MSF and BDS play *just* coy enough with each other to figure out with a reasonable level of confidence that they're on the same team. Davy gets wind of this Paper alliance and decides to capitalize on it with his Paper claim. He has two options: claim Paper Vigi or Paper Nullifier, and hope whichever one he claims isn't MSF's role. Davy ultimately flips the coin and guesses incorrectly—he claims Paper Nullifier to the Paper Nullifier. MSF, however, elects to preserve the illusion that he believes Davy and keeps quiet that he knows it's a lie.

The Paper alliance (MSF and BDS), using information leaked through communication with Oricorio, realizes that they can set up a fake Scissors alliance. Before the night phase ends, BDS and MSF both ingratiate themselves with K-NiGhT as the Scissors reviver and nullifier respectively.

End of night: both reviver claimants are killed, each by their own vigis, for reasons completely unrelated (?) to their reviver claims in public. Lol. Lmao, even. K-NiGhT is the only vigi to shoot someone not on his team...and it's someone who was going to die anyway.

Day 1

Everyone attributes BDS' and Davy's deaths to their reviver claims, which no one believed. With two revivers down, Specs becomes the lynchpin, and the game profile heavily favors whoever can work with him the closest. These two people happen to be MSF and Oricorio. MSF starts talking lynch options over with Specs, suggesting that Oricorio might be wisest, but ultimately landing on a probable Rock-aligned player.

Oricorio has led Scissors to a very dominant position at this point—although this is far from clear to anyone. MSF has not connected with his team's vigi at this point in the game, but he has ingratiated himself with Scissors, and Oricorio trusts him more than K-NiGhT at this point, and the two start discussing options for the day phase. MSF, meanwhile, is playing his role in the fake Scissors alliance to the hilt with K-NiGhT. He acknowledges that he claimed Paper to Oricorio as a disguise to keep Oricorio from catching onto the fact that the "real" Scissors alliance was forming. The two *also* start discussing options for the day phase.

While the fake Scissors alliance is coming together, the actual Scissors alliance begins to form when Specs truthfully claims Scissors reviver to Oricorio, the Scissors nullifier. MSF basically single-handedly stops Scissors from running away with the game at this point by successfully posing as Scissors and keeping anyone from trusting Specs' claims too much.

In the last few minutes of an insta-ended day phase, K-NiGhT votes for Oricorio, citing the fact that Davy's killer (read: K-NiGhT himself) was alive and well. Oricorio does not take kindly to this, revealing K-NiGhT's (truthful) Scissors vigi claim to him. This will wind up defining the rest of the game, both influencing people's plays and coloring their attempts to solve for everyone's roles. Oricorio bites the dust and leaves the two remaining Scissors players no longer in communication with each other.

Night 2

Specs opens the night by publicly drawing attention to K-NiGhT's Scissors vigi claim. Publicly no one responds; privately everyone is confused, no one more than I, since K-NiGhT was revealed as being on Specs' team. K-NiGhT privately communicates that he's pretty sure he's a goner.

MSF turns on cheat codes at this point (and gives himself carpal tunnel syndrome, seriously, the PMs this game were insane) and coordinates all three vigis—endorses THC's hit on K-NiGhT, pushes K-NiGhT toward bumping off Math, and ties up the loose ends with Toby to kill off THC. Team Rock is out of the game at this point.

At this stage, no living player except Specs thinks that Oricorio was actually team Scissors because of the fiasco at the end of D1. MSF and Toby solve the game with Math as a reviver and Specs as a nullifier, ready to insta Specs and win in the day phase instantly....

Meanwhile, Specs is similarly confused by the Oricorio/K-NiGhT spat, and agonizes over whether to revive Oricorio or Davy. Oricorio he believes to genuinely be the Scissors nullifier but thinks that Math is going to revive him. Ultimately he chooses Davy and puts team Rock back in the game, surprising the hell out of Toby and MSF, who realize they have more cleanup to do.

Day 2

There are four players left: two members of Paper, and the revivers of the opposing two teams. Toby and MSF correctly realize that their dominant position very quickly goes away if Specs or Davy realizes that they're on the same team and coordinating. This is where Toby, hitherto one of the quietest players, really starts to come into his own, since he can plausibly claim that he hasn't interacted with any other players. He and MSF execute a masterclass in distancing themselves, cozying up to both Specs and Davy and individually saying "hey we need to keep these alliances hidden." MSF and Toby are very careful to not heavily favor one lynch candidate over any other, and nudge it toward Specs.

The day phase ends in entertaining fashion (for me) when Specs shoots me a text and says "Thanks for hosting man, this game is a blast," and is insta'd by every other living player not 20 minutes later.

Night 3

The game ends very cleanly with Toby and MSF vigi'ing and nullifying Davy, killing him and preventing him from reviving Math.

Part 4: Player Analysis

ThatHiddenCharacter (Rock Vigilante)—Tough way to start a game! It looked for a while as though you might miss the first phase of the game, and given that you wound up wasting your team's reviver, it might have been better if you did. Your kills thereafter (Oricorio and K-NiGhT) were pretty clearly optimal kills for your faction, so good job there, but I think you probably could have done more to track down your teammates—iirc I don't think you and Math ever exchanged PMs?

Oricorio (Scissors Nullifier)—Well done! I got excited as soon as I saw what you were pulling N1. Hands down the most aggressive strategy used this game, and it forced everyone into a very reactive position and required them to build their strategies around you. That said, it seemed like even though you were aware the lobby would catch on sooner or later, you didn't have a contingency plan for everyone realizing you had the most information. Even so, I think that there was a good chance that Scissors would have pulled it off due to your coordination and information digging if not for your deathbed outing of K-NiGhT. Scissors MVP

therealmathguy (Rock Nullifier)—decent job. You played fairly reactively, making intelligent assumptions based off of the information available at any given time, but on the other hand, you didn't do much work to try to track down your teammates either. I'd reiterate what I said for THC—the plays you made were intelligent, but you didn't do enough to try to coordinate with both friends and foes, and it ultimately cost you.

K-NiGhT (Scissors Vigilante)—ah man, that's a tough way to go out your first TWG in quite some time. Being completely truthful about your alignment, but only to a couple select people, is a very contrarian strategy, and I think that it could have paid off for you in much the same way that it did for Toby. Sadly, your vote for Oricorio (which seemed to publicly claim that you were the Scissors vigi?) largely did you in. That said, I think that up to that point your interactions with people in PMs were thoughtful and got helpful information without exposing yourself or your teammates too badly. I hope you stick around, it's great having another old forum dweller back!

SpecsFlyer17 (Scissors Reviver)—Gotta be honest, I was disappointed with your performance this game! I'm aware that you're new to faction games, but still, I think that there were some pretty clear mistakes. You messaged me N1 complaining that the game was too quiet—I received 153 (!) PMs N1, and you had thus far ignored the ones that had been sent to you. You ran interference on behalf of the enemy reviver claims, one of which was your own role (though they wound up getting killed anyway), you drew attention to the K-NiGhT/Oricorio spat even though it was near-certain that at least one of them would be your teammate, and you played very coy in PMs when the game had reached a do-or-die point. I don't mean to sound overly harsh, because you're a very intelligent player, but by the time you really started working for information and alliances, the game was basically out of your hands.

BlackDragonSlayer (Paper Reviver)—a short, but very sweet, performance. I think you had the strongest N1 of any player! Even though MSF wound up flexing Paper's muscles for most of the rest of the game, your reads and sharing of information laid the foundation for it. Well done.

Toby (Paper Vigilante)—Fantastic job. I totally agree with what you said in PMs with MSF—your playstyle this game worked amazingly well with his. You played a standout wolf game while he played a standout town game. Being a vigi allowed you to trust that other teams would eat the night kills until the waters were clear enough for you to find your allies with a near-solved game. I think if you had been paired with a less-active set of teammates, this would have blown up on you, even if you did come alive after the bloodbath on Day 1, but you played your part basically perfectly after connecting with MSF.

davy (Rock Reviver)—I was down with your strategy the entire game, and to be quite honest I think that you were hurt by both your teammates and rivals playing suboptimally (killing you immediately, not reaching out to you). I'm surprised you were attacked Night 1, and you were too if those PMs you were sending me were any indication! I also think that your revival was in part a result of you playing ambiguously enough that a reviver from pretty much any team could bring you back defensibly...and since you were the only one that happened to, credit where credit is due. I think that you made the most of a tough situation on Day 3 and couldn't have done much more. Rock MVP

mastersuperfan (Paper Nullifier)—Don't want to overstate my case here, but I think you played as close to a perfect game as anyone can be expected to have played. Being the player to coordinate ALL THREE vigi shots while convincing each vigi that they're doing the best thing for their team is pretty much unheard of, and you didn't even attract a lot of attention to yourself to do so. I know that you were caught off-guard by the fact that your game solve N2 had Math's and Specs' roles switched (and therefore prevented the game from ending immediately the next phase), but you had a very reasonable basis for making that assumption. I have literally nothing bad to say. Paper and Overall MVP

Part 5: General Commentary

Whew lad—478 PMs for a game with 9 players in it. That is ridiculous. My hot sheet for this game was far more convoluted than it usually would be, because I was doing my best to model the information that each player had as he received it (Oricorio singlehandedly covered an entire page with subcategories for each claim recipient). It was a handful trying to keep up with it, made harder by occasionally being left off of PM chains. Nevertheless, I think my writeup is a pretty good (albeit massively abbreviated) explanation of everything that went on.

Something that I didn't expect was that the three most senior players (I think—sorry if I'm being rude to anyone) would each tell the truth about their role but lie about their team (Oricorio in a roundabout way). For anyone not a vigi, I think this was a near-dominant strategy, and it surprised me that all three were the first to die! For the vigis, what did you think Davy's and BDS' roles were when you shot them Night 1?

It's been my experience recently that most games have one mechanic that winds up going underused, and for this game, it was the nullifiers. N1 the nullifiers hit two revivers, and a nullifier who had targeted a reviver. N2 the two remaining nullifiers hit each other. And N3 the only nullification was part of Davy's summary execution. I was hoping for some more intense headgames to come out of those. Also, it's a shame (though funny) that two revivers were killed by their own vigis N1, but that goes without saying.

I was sort of pulling for Paper early on in N1, and I'm glad they were able to pull off such a clean victory. When I initially thought up this game—a faction game with zero investigative roles and therefore no way to 100% verify alignment, something I've personally never played before—I was afraid that no one would be able to coordinate at all because of mistrust, but thankfully that was a misguided fear. Of all three teams, Paper unquestionably did the best job coordinating, and I think their victory was well deserved.

For me personally, this was a ton of fun, although very difficult to keep track of. I should apologize for the lateness of this postgame—I wrote a bunch of it while the game was going and still wound up having to do the majority of it at the end. Thank you all for playing my game!



Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on April 30, 2024, 06:02:33 PMgo nuts, the writeup will take a while

no kidding, I have at least 12 pages of PMs from this game alone (and that's not even counting the ones I sent)

for how active that game was behind the scenes the thread was deceptively short
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


I was so close to securing a Scissors alliance, but K-NiGhT wouldn't trust me for some reason...

GG all


Quote from: Oricorio on April 30, 2024, 06:04:20 PMI was so close to securing a Scissors alliance, but K-NiGhT wouldn't trust me for some reason...

unfortunately that was because you were beaten to it

from N1 K-NiGhT had already thought that me/BDS/K-NiGhT was the Scissors alliance
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.



When Davy claimed Paper Reviver I was stressing for a brief moment before I thought of my gambit. I figured that Davy actually was a reviver because revivers actually weren't as useful this game as first impressions might suggest (can't act N1, a gamble to actually revive someone on your own team N2; only really reliable from N3 onward. The fact that Davy was the only person revived kinda speaks to that fact), so I decided to go with a 50/50 chance of pressuring Davy into retracting his claim.

Unfortunately, he did not, as I evidently lost the 50/50 gamble, but on the plus side I managed to snag K-NiGhT, and, by some miracle, MSF and I actually connected. Speaking of which, MSF did a really solid job of gathering info N1, and based on the Paper win I'm assuming that momentum continued for the rest of the game. After I died I kept thinking about all the things I probably could've done to make a Paper win more likely (including possibly connecting with Davy, Toby, and/or Specs with a false claim), but at that point I was dead and couldn't change the past.

Rock Vigi hitting Rock Reviver N1, as well as Paper Vigi hitting Paper Reviver N1 was incredible. I guess that's what Davy and I get for false claiming :P

Oricorio's gambit, meanwhile, was interesting and definitely seemed to help him get some info early, but unfortunately it had the downside of making him public enemy #1 once people figured out what he was doing. Both me and Davy dying N1 probably helped ensure that he'd get lynched, as well, since nobody else seemed to be as "obvious" a pick.

Overall, fun to have experienced another alliance game. Kinda funny how like 90% of the game (if not more) was behind-the-scenes stuff. TZP, would you be able to put up an interest poll for the next game?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Oricorio on April 30, 2024, 06:04:20 PMI was so close to securing a Scissors alliance, but K-NiGhT wouldn't trust me for some reason...

GG all
From my very first communications with K-NiGhT (basically as soon as he mentioned you claiming Scissors to him), I tried to hammer into him to not trust you :P

I wonder how many people you claimed the matching faction to? I know you claimed Paper to me (correct) and Scissors to K-NiGhT (also correct).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on April 30, 2024, 07:26:40 PMI wonder how many people you claimed the matching faction to? I know you claimed Paper to me (correct) and Scissors to K-NiGhT (also correct).

I pieced together a list of everything he claimed to everyone

Oricorio claimed:
- Paper to BDS, THC, Toby
- Rock to me, Specs, math
- Scissors to K-NiGhT, davy

So he claimed the right faction to four people: you, Toby, math, and K-NiGhT. Not bad odds! (although I think Toby immediately didn't believe him)

BDS I'm sure you're dying to know what happened in the rest of the game so I'm currently writing up a play-by-play from my perspective, will post shortly


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on April 30, 2024, 07:23:43 PMrevivers actually weren't as useful this game as first impressions might suggest (can't act N1, a gamble to actually revive someone on your own team N2; only really reliable from N3 onward. The fact that Davy was the only person revived kinda speaks to that fact)
I think the fact that davy was the only person revived mainly just speaks to the fact that two revivers died N1 lol
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


For my first game in many years, I honestly was having a hard time keeping up lol. I picked all the wrong alliances and didn't do much outside of that.

It was fun to get back into it though! I'll try to stick around for a few more games to get back in the habit.

Quote from: Oricorio on April 30, 2024, 06:04:20 PMI was so close to securing a Scissors alliance, but K-NiGhT wouldn't trust me for some reason...

GG all

Honestly, I should've gone with my gut initially and trusted you, but quickly got swept up by the paper team. That's on me  :-\
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on April 30, 2024, 07:26:40 PMFrom my very first communications with K-NiGhT (basically as soon as he mentioned you claiming Scissors to him), I tried to hammer into him to not trust you :P

I wonder how many people you claimed the matching faction to? I know you claimed Paper to me (correct) and Scissors to K-NiGhT (also correct).

Rock to math was also correct. Plus, based on the way I randomized it, I put myself in the list to determine which slot was empty, so it got me as Scissors correct as well funnily enough.

EDIT: Oh, and Toby to. So the RNG got 5 out of nine correct, not bad!


I will say, I am proud of the fact that of the four Scissors claims I was presented with, I had correctly managed to deduce which two were trustworthy. Granted, trusting K-NiGhT in hindsight was a mistake, and by the time I found SpecsFlyer17 I didn't trust K-NiGhT enough to tell him, but I'm still glad of how close I did. I don't blame SpecsFlyer17 for reviving davy; I had told him to make sure K-NiGhT wasn't trustworthy before doing so, and to be fair by that point he wasn't.

Still, it was actually Toby who probably threw the biggest wrench in my plan to get things locked down, and him making me think he wasn't Paper was the biggest factor in making me miscalculate how to handle MSF. So I have to say, well played!


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 30, 2024, 07:34:33 PMFor my first game in many years, I honestly was having a hard time keeping up lol. I picked all the wrong alliances and didn't do much outside of that.

It was fun to get back into it though! I'll try to stick around for a few more games to get back in the habit.

Honestly, I should've gone with my gut initially and trusted you, but quickly got swept up by the paper team. That's on me  :-\

A little note for the future: if I'm dumping pretty much all my information to you, I'm probably not lying about my alignment. Just sayin'.


in the meantime I'll write a summarized play-by-play from my perspective if anyone's curious

Night 1
My role PM: Paper Nullifier.

Oricorio claims Rock to me and asks for my role. I'm skeptical — the message smells copy/pasted, and he's being very evasive in answering my questions — but for lack of a better response, I truthfully claim Paper anyway.

davy and BDS claim publicly. Skeptical of both claims, I claim Paper Nullifier to BDS, rather than davy. By a stroke of luck, BDS is the real Paper Reviver: he believes me, claims, and feeds me the information he's obtaining from Oricorio.

I decide to ask davy whether he's actually Paper. He says yes, but not the Paper Reviver; he was hoping to protect the real one. Hopeful, I tell him I'm in contact with the real one, and ask him to claim so I can confirm whether he's really Paper.

davy claims Paper Nullifier, which I know is fake. Rats. Not wanting to arouse suspicion by dropping communication entirely, though, I string him along and lie: checks out, I am the Paper Vig, and Oricorio was the so-called Paper Reviver, but I've just learned that he's been claiming all three factions, so I don't believe him anymore. davy appears skeptical, but we agree on me shooting Oricorio, and davy says he'll believe me if Oricorio dies tonight.

From Oricorio, I find out that math claimed Rock to him. I also contact THC and learn that he claimed Rock to Oricorio, though it's left unsaid whether said claim is true. Regardless, useful info to keep in mind for later.

BDS informs me that K-NiGhT has claimed Scissors Vigi to him, and sets up a fake Scissors alliance with me/BDS/K-NiGhT. We agree on vigi'ing davy and nullifying Oricorio (who, BDS thinks, might nullify K-NiGhT tonight).

Oricorio admits to me to having claimed different factions to different people, and tells me not to trust davy, who fakeclaimed Scissors Vig to him.

In the final hour, I guess Toby/Specs as the Paper Vig/Scissors Reviver (in either order), based on their reactions to the public claims and our PoE. BDS and I agree on me sending a PM to Specs saying, "If you're a vig, we might be on the same team — don't shoot davy or BDS." I also propose nullifying Toby in case he tries to shoot BDS, but BDS recommends I keep it on Oricorio. (As it turns out, Toby was indeed the Paper Vig, and did indeed shoot BDS.)

Day 1
davy and BDS go down. I'm on my own now, at least until I find the Paper Vig. Time to do some work.

I ask Oricorio for a genuinely honest claim. He refuses to give his alignment, but promises he's a Nullifier. As the Paper Nullifier, I know for sure he's not on my team, but I try not to let on that I know this.

K-NiGhT has heard that I claimed Paper to Oricorio, and expresses concern about this; I tell him that I fakeclaimed because I don't trust Oricorio. Knowing that Oricorio has claimed all three factions, K-NiGhT seems to trust that I'm the real Scissors Nullifier, not him.

Specs replies saying he's not a vig. Rats again. We both claim not-Rock, and (believing Specs to be the Scissors Reviver) I also claim not-Reviver, hoping it will foster belief that we might be on the same team.

Throughout the day, Oricorio and I exchange information. Toby votes Oricorio for claiming "to not be his alignment," and Oricorio gives me a tip: he claimed Paper to Toby, implicitly suggesting that Toby is not Paper. Suspecting that Oricorio is lying to separate me and Toby, I PM Toby to ask directly, but Toby confirms Oricorio's claim.

Oricorio also implies that he thinks both BDS and davy were Paper, and that I'm the only Paper left. I suspect this is why he's being so nice to me today. Secretly, I know davy wasn't Paper, so the real Paper Vig must be out there somewhere — likely THC or math, I figure. I know both of them claimed Rock to Oricorio, but it's not implausible for one of them to have lied.

Specs and I spend the phase discussing lynch options. I propose lynching Oricorio, but Specs is hesitant. His reluctance causes me to switch my read on him from Scissors Reviver to Scissors Nullifier, because otherwise, given my not-Reviver claim, I figure he'd more readily join me, thinking we might be on the same team. (Only by D2 do I realize that he really was the Scissors Reviver and that he and Oricorio had probably already formed some sort of alliance at this point.)

Specs decides to vote THC, but thinking THC might be the Paper Vig, I convince him that we should vote Toby instead, whom I believe isn't Paper. I place my vote.

Then I get another change of heart and decide to vote Oricorio. After K-NiGhT places his vote, I insta, hoping to stop him from causing chaos or setting up plans before he dies. Despite that, he gets out one final post ratting out K-NiGhT as the Scissors Vig.

Oricorio goes down.

Night 2
Oricorio's deathpost, which rats out the Scissors Vig, leads me to conclude that Oricorio was most likely the Rock Nullifier.

THC and I fully claim: me, Paper Nullifier; him, Rock Vigilante. Still not the Paper Vig — rats, yet again  — but I tell him that I think all three Scissors members are still alive, which he believes, and we form an alliance. THC suspects that davy and Oricorio were both Rock and expresses regret over getting them both killed. We agree on THC shooting K-NiGhT, whom Oricorio outed as the Scissors Vig.

At this point I'm thinking that the Paper Vig must be math — the only person I haven't reached out to yet — until Toby reaches out to me claiming Paper, saying that he lied to throw Oricorio off, and believes that I'm Paper because I voted for him. Finally! We claim, I trust him fully, and I give him all my info. Toby voices intent to shoot K-NiGhT, but, knowing THC also plans to, I have Toby switch to Specs.

At this point I'm certain about BDS/Toby/THC/K-NiGhT, and I believe Oricorio to be Rock Nullifier, math to be Rock Reviver, Specs to be Scissors Nullifier, and davy to be Scissors Reviver. (I cross my fingers that THC and math don't get in touch.)

Specs seems confused about whether davy or K-NiGhT is the real Scissors Vig, asking both me and Toby for information. Hoping to prevent K-NiGhT and Specs from uniting, I tell K-NiGhT that Scissors!Specs would have no reason to draw public attention to Oricorio's deathpost in the thread. I also tell K-NiGhT to shoot math on the basis that he's probably the Rock Reviver, although K-NiGhT never responds to me, so I'm left wondering whether he actually submitted his kill.

I PM math, claiming Nullifier and not-Paper, hoping to convince RockReviver!math not to revive Oricorio. In the best case, if I forge my PMs with BDS well enough, I might even be able to convince him to revive BDS. Apart from one brief question, though, math doesn't respond to me. (In hindsight, I figure this was because math was a Nullifier himself, and he subsequently proceeded to nullify me.)

Specs tells me that (a) math claimed Rock to him and (b) math seems to think Oricorio is Rock. Uh-oh, I think — math might revive Oricorio. Referring to Oricorio's anti-Scissors-seeming deathpost, I try to convince Specs that Oricorio is the Rock Nullifier and math is the Rock Reviver, hoping that Specs will nullify math (and not one of the three vigi kills I've set up). Specs seems to believe me.

Near phase end, Specs and I reveal, as I've known all along, that we're on different teams: me Paper, him Scissors. Trying to lock down tonight's events as tightly as possible, I ask him directly: if you're the Nullifier, nullify math. He refuses to specify whether he's Nullifier or Reviver, but says he will help out if he really is a Nullifier and that his role will probably be apparent tomorrow. Based on my concern over RockReviver!math, Specs concludes that I'm not a Nullifier, and therefore the Paper Vig. I don't deny it, and tell him (truthfully) that I'm targeting the Rock team tonight.

K-NiGhT still hasn't responded to me since I asked him to shoot math. Not knowing whether he submitted a kill, I tell Toby to switch his shot to THC, hoping not to get in a 2v2 against Rock tomorrow. Hoping that the three vigi kills go as planned and Specs nullifies math, I set my own nullify to math as well.

In the best case scenario, if all three vigi shots go off and no revives happen, Toby and I end up in a 2v1 tomorrow, and we win. If a shot gets nullified, or someone gets revived, we end up in either a 2v1v1 (possible to get a sure lynch), or a 2v2 (almost surely a KitB). I pray not to get the latter.

Day 2
Amazingly, THC, math, and K-NiGhT all go down as expected. But what bewilders me is that (a) I got nullified and (b) davy has come back to life. Who nullified me?? Who revived davy?? Surely ScissorsNullifier!Specs would have nullified math instead of me, and RockReviver!math would have revived Oricorio instead of davy. Maybe math was the Scissors Reviver, and he and Specs teamed up to nullify me and revive davy, thinking that davy was the Scissors Vig...?

But what matters now is whether Toby and I can successfully lynch either davy or Specs. Toby and I continually discuss our game plan throughout the day, figuring out how to get a lynch off without a KitB. We plan on getting davy to vote Specs, and I also devise a backup plan to convince Specs that Toby/davy are a Rock alliance. I pray that davy is really the Rock Reviver and not the Scissors one.

davy reaches out to me immediately, picking up our purported Paper Nullifier/Vig alliance from N1. (By another stroke of luck, even though Oricorio didn't die N1, davy still believes I'm the Paper Vig because Specs had also told davy as such.) I know davy's not Paper, but if he thinks I believe him, then it might make it that much easier to lynch Specs. I encourage davy to reach out to Toby and see if we can get him onboard for a Specs lynch.

Toby relays these PMs to me in secret: davy tries to convince Toby to vote Specs by telling him that Specs and I are both Paper. I constantly hammer Toby with warnings not to be too trusting or else davy might get suspicious, but thankfully davy never catches on.

Meanwhile, Specs reaches out to me, concerned about davy's alignment — after seeing three vig kills go off, he has realized that davy is not the real Scissors Vig. Specs also claims Scissors Nullifier to me. Strange, though — if he were the Nullifier, he must have nullified me, yet he still thinks I'm a Vig. It's at this point that I manage to piece together what really happened last night and what everyone's roles are, though it hardly matters at this point.

davy doesn't seem to suspect a thing, and once he votes Specs, Toby and I insta to win the game.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.



N2 I had a choice between Oricorio and davy. I figured Oricorio was probably telling the truth, but I really thought I had convinced Math (or at least his team) to revive Oricorio, while I went with davy.

Turns out I should've just taken the safe bet with Oricorio.

I wish I would've heard from K-Night- that may have swayed my decision to go with Oricorio over davy. Idk.

Sorry Oricorio.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


overall I'm proud of how BDS Toby and I played that but I also want to say that I think we just got insanely lucky at so many points

one thing about this setup is that it felt super likely to end up in a kitb against another team (e.g. a 2v2 or 1v1) at some point, and I think if anything had gone even slightly more wrong then we would have had to rely on a KitB to win

Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on April 30, 2024, 09:40:41 PMI wish I would've heard from K-Night- that may have swayed my decision to go with Oricorio over davy.
I'm not sure if he would've responded to you if he was less busy but I did tell K-NiGhT not to engage with you

I also suspect that was davy's plan from the beginning: as the Rock Reviver, claim non-Reviver roles for Paper and Scissors, so that there's a chance other factions revive you
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.