[NDS] Pokémon Black Version & Pokémon White Version - "Pokémon Center" by goldenscruff

Started by Zeta, March 08, 2024, 02:50:30 AM

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Implemented all your slur suggestions.

Quote from: Bloop on April 08, 2024, 10:58:53 AMAbout the horizontal offset in m13 and 15, I actually do usually move the up-stemmed notes a bit to the right so they don't clash with each other. In this example it's not too crazy, but moving just a few ticks to the right doesn't impact readability that much, so I don't mind making that edit for you if you want ^^
Yes please! (I have since noticed this in one of my pieces that I am currently learning as well, Spoon River arranged by Grainger)

Quote from: Bloop on April 08, 2024, 10:58:53 AM-m10 and 14: When there's no second layer above or below the notes (like in beats 1-2.5 here), staccatos should go on the notehead side of the notes. -m12: I hear a low F on beat 4 in the bass
Changed these.


Awesome! [urrl=https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/17rjv8fxzcuv8wy8vh4pe/Pokemon-Black-White-Pokemon-Center-5.zip?rlkey=xlyvrz7xhso1u03o9phhdtpnr&dl=0]Here[/url]'s a zip file with the horizontal offset, as well as a few tiny fixups (centering the mf at m1, fixing the slur placement in m9-10, and deleting a random small comma that was added as an expression, musescore shenanigans probably haha). If you agree with the changes, you can change the files in your submission and I'm ready to accept ^^


