WiiMan96's Arrangements | Added Trine "Main Theme" 23rd January '12

Started by WiiMan96, September 09, 2008, 11:34:43 PM

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Arrangement focus?

Music WiiMan wants!
Doesn't bother me so long as you keep arranging!



• Bomberman Tournament - Overworld
• Donkey Kong Country - Gangplank Galleon (Special thanks to Brassman388)
• Mega Man 9 - Title


Phew! Sorry about the inactivity. But a long wait means a HUGE update!  :D


• Animal Crossing: City Folk - 9 A.M.
• The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Cave
• Mario Kart 64 - Frappé Snowland (Revision)


• Final Fantasy X - Besaid Island
• Harvest Moon 64 - Bar
• The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Market
• Mario Party 7 - Windmillville
• StarTropics - Overworld

Added MP3 Files For:

• Bomberman Tournament - Overworld
• Donkey Kong Country - Gangplank Galleon
• Final Fantasy X - Besaid Island
• The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Market
• Mario Party 7 - Windmillville
• Super Paper Mario - Sammer's Kingdom

Format Fixes:

• Removed "Working Repeats" entries.
• Put all arrangements in alphabetical order (by game) in their respective categories
• Added the crucial yet forgotten 'WiiMan96' next to all arrangements.

Over an hour of my time put into updating and uploading alone means some feedback, please! ;)


I've looked at two of your new songs, the only two I've heard:

King K. Rool/Gangplank Galleon:
It was nice, but I think you could have made the bass a tad deeper where the drums are in the real version. I know this is usually an accordion/pan flute/drums song, and you've done a great job converting it, but I think the bass could be deeper.
EDIT: Just typed that, when I saw it's set deeper than it appeared at first. Should be OK, then. And I may be able to play it as well. Awesome.

Sherbet Land/Frappe Snowland:
It's nice. Very nice. But how the hell do you play it? Could you make it a duet or something, at least, it seems very hard to hit all those keys at that speed. Please note that I haven't tried to play it yet, just looked at the sheets, but can I ask other commenters, do you agree with me? It sounds just right, though. Creds for that.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Thank you!  ;D

Brassman edited Gangplank for me (and did a wonderful job) and gave it to me with percussion. I removed the percussion for the sake of it being a 'Piano Arrangement' but I'll upload the percussion version as well.

Yeah, I'm fully aware of how unplayable Frappé is. I'll remove the Layer 1 notes for the two-hand version and upload a four-hands version soon.  ;)

Thanks again!


Sherbet Land: It's great (but yeah it's impossible to play). But in my opinion some notes should be changed, since there are a bit too many dissonences.
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Quote from: dahans on June 01, 2009, 02:35:16 PMSherbet Land: It's great (but yeah it's impossible to play). But in my opinion some notes should be changed, since there are a bit too many dissonences.

Thanks! What measures do you think should be updated?  :)


Well, I think number 19. It sounds a bit strange, I don't know why, just try to update. And the beginning of 20. I think the rest is OK. But I might be wrong.
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Alrighty, I'll change some of the notes there, as well as translate it to a four hands arrangement.  It should be up by Sunday. ;)


Whoo, sorry about the inactivity, what with end of semester exams and whatnot, I haven't been able to find the time for NSM. I apologise to the people who I promised requests (about two weeks ago I think), they should be up this weekend.


your Sims 2 arrangement is so cooooool!! :D
I laught it hard, cuz It makes me remind the good old times playing sims 2. Its very good accurate :)
the only thin you should repair its the pauses in the "2nd voice" (the red one). You should hide them, tapping H.

Seriously man, I love it! Keep up the good work :)


Nice songs! Especially frappe sl is great! It remind me of better times... Anyway good job and keep on arranging MK and SM songs :D
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Update!  :D


• Animal Crossing - K.K. Love Song
• The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Temple of Time
• Sonic Unleashed - Apotos (Day)
• Tekken 2 - Character Select
• Wii Sports - Title Theme


• Animal Crossing - 8PM
• Animal Crossing - Crazy Redd's Tent
• CTR: Crash Team Racing - Intro / Main Menu Medley
  (I need some help with the key sig in this one.  :-\)
• The Sims 2 - Building Theme One
• Super Paper Mario - Sammer's Kingdom


Thank you! It's been updated.
Hey, remember last year when we started this Count Bleck's Theme? Should we start it again or forget about it?  :P

@ dahans

Thanks! I ought to make Frappé Snowland a four hands arrangement one of these days. Maybe next update.


I think we should re-start it, since our skills are better now :P
and also because I dont have nothing to do in this vacations :P


How's about I remake my version, and you put your ALPRAS touch on it to improve it, and submit it together? Or you can do it. It'll probably come out better that way.  :P


Quote from: WiiMan96 on June 20, 2009, 01:13:49 PMHow's about I remake my version, and you put your ALPRAS touch on it to improve it, and submit it together? Or you can do it. It'll probably come out better that way.  :P

I like that Ideia :P Just make sure you put all the notes correct ;)