TWG CXIX: Luigi Wins by Doing Absolutely Everything

Started by davy, November 30, 2023, 09:22:21 AM

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Couple hours left in phase

I'm leaning Xiao for lack of activity, and he said he'd provide a suspicion list but hasn't - although poet did this last game and was human so it might actually be a human tell rather than wolf

Or honestly maybe Specs as I've found just some of his posts to be slightly off, and he's been caught out on 2 mistakes against TZP and Math - has he been trying to grasp at straws to get ammunition against his irl friends who can read him well? I would like to hear more from TZP and math against Specs as they know him best but I think it's especially interesting they both chose to vote their irl friend day 1 and I don't think you'd do that unless you really thought they were a wolf. I don't see a wolf leading a lynch against their irl friend day 1 - seems nasty lol !

I did think I would have ended this phase voting math purely based on activity, but although he hasn't posted a lot it's not been as low as activity as previous games. I'm feeling the activity this game is actually okay, with Xiao maybe being the only exception due to his posts not having much content to them as of now.

TZP has also had low activity but his posts have been content heavy which does give us something to read. And I think it's very brave to start the first accusation of the game going against your irl friend, which is majorly risky that I don't think I see a wolf doing


^^ I feel like I should say something about this. For the last couple of games people have been talking about me like my tone has changed significantly, like I don't talk much now and when I do I'm just all business. I really don't feel like my tone has changed all that much from the way I normally play, but if it has and I'm not aware of it, it's probably because of a new job I've started. When the game revival started earlier this summer I had quite a bit of free time in front of a computer that I just don't have the luxury of now. Still really enjoy playing with you all, it's more just that my bandwidth is fuller than it was, and I'm not able to be mulling things over as actively as I was a couple of months ago.

Anyway, I am rolling up to church now and almost certainly won't be able to tag in before phase end. My leans right now are wolf on Specs, human on BDS, neutral on Oricorio and Toby, completely unsure on Math and Xiao, and I'll be happy to give my reasons for those later on. I'm comfortable leaving my vote on Specs for reasons stated earlier, but I also wouldn't be unhappy to see Math/Xiao lynched, as I feel like most people don't have much of a read on them yet, and Specs talks enough that I could feel more conclusively about him one way or another based on further developments.

TZP out


I am changing my vote to Specs a bit due to the (sorry i forget the twg nickname) recent jumping on the "vote math" train so quickly.
Additionally, I agree that posts are a little off, and i have actively spoken with both TWG's. I will post information most likely after day phase change. Or at least have a contingency plan because lets be honest im dying in the night lol

Depending on the N2 results, we could have a very different game on our hands.
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


Quote from: Toby on December 03, 2023, 05:43:41 AM2 of Specs irl friends voting him, are you noticing a change in characteristic or are you both basing your reasoning on events?
I voted based on the reasons in my suspicion list, not a noticeable change in playstyle. I voted for Specs over Xiao because Xiao had more votes and I didn't want to set the table for an insta before I left


My gut is leaning town on math and I was leaning between specs and Xiao and given the vote count I'll put it on Specs

I think his 2 mistakes was a slip where he was trying to get further ammunition to make cases against math and TZP and was hoping to not be called out on it. I think his interaction with Waluigi was a bit odd and he had resistance to my plan which was going to help us confirm the human seer.

Also according to TZP he was showing a different tone to my plan in the topic compared to PM's which I find strange. As if he was afraid to show his true opinion in topic or trying to sway people behind the scenes.


Wolves laughing rn.

If I am lynched, I think reviving THC is a must. Get a human (likely) back in the game.

Remember, inactivity has burned us multiple times in previous games.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


TWG CXIX: Luigi Wins by Doing Absolutely Everything


1. Master Wolf
2. Redirection Wolf - During the night, can target a player, either living or dead, and another living player. If the first player is the Chosen One, the Aloof Seer will receive the color of the second player rather than the player targeted by the Aloof Seer. Loses this power once it has been used successfully.

Both wolves have access to the annonymous TWG account that obtained the Aloof Wolf Shaman role.


3. Chosen One - Has access to the annonymous TWG account that obtained the Aloof Seer role. Cannot be revived.
4. Sacrifical Lamb - Can revive a dead player other then themselves during the night phase. Single use. Can be used even if the Sacrifical Lamb is dead.
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Herring
9. Miller - Identity will be revealed privately to the wolves at the start of the game.

Divine Beings

1. Aloof Wolf Shaman
2. Aloof Seer - Seers blue players green.

- These two roles will be distributed randomly between the annonymous TWG accounts TWG Luigi and TWG Waluigi.
- Both wolves have access to the account that obtained the Aloof Wolf Shaman role, while the Chosen One as access to the account that obtained the Aloof Seer role.
- Dead players with access to an annonymous account can still partake in the game through the annonymous account that they have access to (they cannot partake with their own account anymore, though).
- Both Divine Beings cannot vote, cannot be lynched, cannot be wolf'd, cannot be targeted by any power, and do not count towards either team (Hence why they are called Aloof). They can use their seering power during the night, post in the topic and send or receive PMs.

Win Conditions

Wolves win at parity.
Humans win when both wolves are dead.

Other rules

N1 start.
No cardflips.
Instakills are enabled, phantoms are in play.
PMs are permitted.
Only living players can be seered.
If the Sacrifical Lamb targets the Chosen One, the power does not go through, but the single use will be retained for a later night phase.


1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. TheZeldaPianist275
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. Toby
5. Oricorio
6. SpecsFlyer17
7. XiaoMigros
8. threalmathguy
9. Nana1Popo2

1. The Musical Poet

Role PM's

Day 1 is over. SpecsFlyer17 was lynched.

It's now night 2. Night 2 ends december 4th 10:00AM PST/11:00AM MST/12:00PM CST/1:00PM EST/6:00PM GMT/7:00PM CET
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Not the worst D1 lynch all things considered. Would've preferred holding off and seering him instead, but oh well, what can ya do.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


N1P2, did the chosen one claim to you ? Can you reveal which TWG account is confirmed human seer now?



Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on December 03, 2023, 08:48:02 AMAdditionally, I agree that posts are a little off, and i have actively spoken with both TWG's. I will post information most likely after day phase change. Or at least have a contingency plan because lets be honest im dying in the night

Wait, does this mean both Luigi and Waluigi are talking to you on the side?


BDS: you definitely are giving me red role vibes but i think miller is slightly more likely

Oricorio: possibly master wolf or maybe regular wolf that was misseered. I would have expected more solve-y posts from you, but I didn't feel like we got that many

TZP: A little quiet in some areas and some of his posts seem to be trying almost too hard to score human points, but I don't have much to go off of besides that. playing with the waluigi account seems like something he would do

Toby: playing like im used to seeing toby play. largely helpful posts, with some slightly questionable strategies sometimes

Nana1Popo2: 95% sure on sacrificial lamb

mathguy: a little too quiet to formulate substantial opinions on, but I will say (as a fellow quiet player until now) that its weird how theyve just gone along with everything thats been said.

that said i dont get this quote at all:
Quote from: threalmathguy on December 02, 2023, 10:02:43 PMneutral
Oricorio - has brought good discussion to the table but one thing holding me back from human rating is that he acknowledged Waluigi's blue seering before it was called out, meaning it is possible that Oricorio made the slip
last i checked oricorio didnt acknowledge the result before waluigi announced it



Quote from: XiaoMigros on December 03, 2023, 04:17:49 PMthat said i dont get this quote at all: last i checked oricorio didnt acknowledge the result before waluigi announced it
Pretty sure what math meant is that Oricorio commented about Waluigi's blue seering result without calling it out?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Not sure I like the Specs lynch, they seem to be a standard earlygame lynch at this point and they weren't as wolfy as the first game I played with them. Would've preferred to nuke an inactive slot, but whatever.

And since some people are confused as to what "bastard" means in a mafia context, here's a short definition: