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TWG CXIX Host Feast-Ups

Started by BlackDragonSlayer, November 16, 2023, 07:51:59 PM

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4 (40%)
1 (10%)
5 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: November 25, 2023, 03:21:43 AM


So instead of like wolves vs town setup it's a unique setup with multiple teams of equal balance usually so like a 3v3v3 for instance



Faction 1: Humans
Faction 2: Wolves

Every game is a faction game lol get rekt by facts and logic
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


TWG: Luigi Wins by Doing Absolutely Everything

(note: please tell me if there is a better antonym for "absolutely nothing")



1. Master Wolf
2. Redirection Wolf - During the night, can target a player, either living or dead, and another living player. If the first player is the Chosen One, the Aloof Seer will receive the color of the second player rather than the player targeted by the Aloof Seer. Loses this power once it has been used successfully.

Both wolves have access to the annonymous TWG account that obtained the Aloof Wolf Shaman role.


3. Chosen One - Has access to the annonymous TWG account that obtained the Aloof Seer role. Cannot be revived.
4. Sacrifical Lamb - After dying, can revive a dead player other then themselves during the night phase. Single use.
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Herring
9. Miller - Identity will be revealed privately to the wolves at the start of the game.

Divine Beings

1. Aloof Wolf Shaman
2. Aloof Seer - Seers blue players green.

- These two roles will be distributed randomly between the annonymous TWG accounts TWG Luigi and TWG Waluigi.
- Both wolves have access to the account that obtained the Aloof Wolf Shaman role, while the Chosen One as access to the account that obtained the Aloof Seer role.
- Dead players with access to an annonymous account can still partake in the game through the annonymous account that they have access to (they cannot partake with their own account anymore, though).
- Both Divine Beings cannot vote, cannot be lynched, cannot be wolf'd, cannot be targeted by any power, and do not count towards either team (Hence why they are called Aloof). They can use their seering power during the night, post in the topic and send or receive PMs.

Win Conditions

Wolves win at parity.
Humans win when both wolves are dead.

Other rules

N1 start.
No cardflips.
Instakills are enabled, phantoms are in play.
PMs are permitted.
Only living players can be seered.
If the Sacrifical Lamb targets the Chosen One, the power does not go through, but the single use will be retained for a later night phase.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game



davy my mind is blown. So the wolves have access to a 3rd account? And the Chosen One has access to another account as well?

Won't it be obvious when those accounts post, since its not a username we will recognize?
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on November 19, 2023, 07:48:49 AMdavy my mind is blown. So the wolves have access to a 3rd account? And the Chosen One has access to another account as well?


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on November 19, 2023, 07:48:49 AMWon't it be obvious when those accounts post, since its not a username we will recognize?

Those accounts have the names TWG Luigi and TWG Waluigi respectively. They are only anonnymous insofar as that it is not revealed which player(s) is/are behind which account.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I think the idea is that everyone will know the Aloof accounts are either a wolf seer or a human seer but they don't know which is which. Every day phase they will both say their seer result and try convince humans either of them are the human seer so the humans can believe their result. But also making sure not to reveal their own identity.

It's a way to reveal seer results in a safe way, but you also don't know which is the wolf and which is the human


Quote from: davy on November 19, 2023, 08:14:11 AMThose accounts have the names TWG Luigi and TWG Waluigi respectively. They are only anonnymous insofar as that it is not revealed which player(s) is/are behind which account.

But the besides the wolves and chosen one, nobody knows if Luigi or Waluigi is the Aloof Wolf or Aloof Seer?
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on November 19, 2023, 08:21:45 AMBut the besides the wolves and chosen one, nobody knows if Luigi or Waluigi is the Aloof Wolf or Aloof Seer?

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


The aloof wolf shaman is a seer too, right ?


Quote from: Toby on November 19, 2023, 08:35:52 AMThe aloof wolf shaman is a seer too, right ?

Correct. Wolf Shaman is just the name for a wolf aligned seer.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on November 17, 2023, 07:08:00 PMThe Thanksgiving Dinner Challenge


1. Boomer
2. Rich Boomer

Cool Family
3. Crazy Aunt
4. Protective Mother
5. Overweight Uncle
6. Cousin
7. Cousin
8. Cool Grandpa

9. Weird Emo Cousin

Dry Turkey x3: Three random players will get served some terrible dry turkey on each night. Bleh. They must vote on one player of their choice to eat the turkey. Any player is fair game, not just the three holders. As a result, that player's vote on the next day will not count. Resets at the beginning of each night. If a holder is killed, the item is removed from play. Will only be in play through D3.

Role Descriptions:
Boomer: They always make family gatherings difficult. They're always judging you, claiming how much harder things were back "when they were your age". The house they bought for $10.99 back in 1980 is now worth $700k, yet they complain how you haven't bought a house yet. Don't even mention politics.
Rich Boomer: Each night, this player can change their color or another player's color to any color. Resets each new night.

Crazy Aunt: Very weird and spunky, but fun to be around. She's into that crazy physic stuff too. Each night, she can submit one name to learn their color. Seer role.
Protective Mother: She means well, but is very protective and particular about things. Each night, she can submit one name to protect from the wolfing. If said player is wolfed, the wolfing will fail. Cannot be used on themselves, and the ability is optional.
Overweight Uncle: A pretty cool guy, but always seems to have a bit too much to eat. His extra weight allows him to survive one wolfing without dying. Does not apply to lynching. Refuses to believe he's overweight thought, so his role PM says he's just a cousin.
Cousin: Just a normal cousin that you see a few times a year. Pretty cool to be with, but nothing special.
Cool Grandpa: Despite his age, Grandpa rocks. Unfortunately, he will flag red if seer'd by the Crazy Aunt. Thinks they're a cousin.

Weird Emo Cousin: He is quiet, antisocial, always looks angry, and probably doesn't have a whole lot going for him. He's running out of hope and really just wants to leave the dinner table. His goal is to be lynched by D3. If he is successful in doing so, one random player who voted from him will also be lynched. If he fails to be lynched by D3, he loses and is removed from the game. Cannot be wolfed; a wolfing attempt against him will fail.

Other Rules:
N1 start.
No cardflips.
Instakills are enabled, phantoms are in play.
PMs are permitted.
Dry Turkey votes must be individually cast; any vote sent in a group PM will not count.
If a Dry Turkey item holder is wolfed or lynched, the item is permanently removed from play. In the case of the Weird Emo Cousin leaving the game with a Dry Turkey item, the item is also removed from play.

Win Conditions:
Boomers: Achieve even number of boomers and cool family members + Weird Emo Cousin.
Cool Family Members: Remove all Boomers from play.
Weird Emo Cousin: See role above.

Ok, first let me strip the thematics from the game for a bit, so it becomes more clear what we are working with:

1. Wolf
2. Wolf Painter

3. Seer
4. Guardian - Cannot self guard
5. One-time Wolfsbane - is told he is a normal human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Miller

9. Wolfsbane Brutal Fool - Loses and is removed from the game by D3. Win con is non-overriding. Counts towards the humans for parity.

Dry Turkey x3 (there are no standardized names for items afaik)

Next, some clarification questions: "by day 3" means that the fool can still win when they are lynched day 3, correct?

"Will only be in play through D3." means that the Turkey will not be redistributed from N4 onwards? In that case, I think its clearer to specify that it will only be distributed N1, N2 and N3.

Are the players that receive the turkey aware of which other players received the turkey?

What happens if the three players that receive the turkey all vote for different players?

The "x3" is a little confusing to me. It suggests that it can be used three times, but reading the discription suggest there is only one player that can be targeted to lose their vote.

What, if anything, will be announced if a player was targeted for wolfing, but did not die?

If no wolfings are blocked, wolves will achieve parity after two mislynches by end of N3, meaning there will not be a D3 for the fool to lose, nor a N4 for the turkey to be redistributed.

However, with a guardian, a wolfsbane and a one-time wolfsbane, and no investigative powers for the wolves, it is pretty likely for at least one wolfing to be blocked. While this may seem to award the humans a second mislynch before losing on the third, in reality, another player will be lost either by the fool's brutal power, or by them leaving the game on D3, meaning that even after two mislynches and a correct lynch, parity will be achieved by end of N4. This is of course, unless the brutal ends up taking a wolf down, but the chances for that aren't very high.

Having only one mislynch before losing the game is quite low. We've had it recently on nothing special 2 and the Lantern Keeper, and both of those were clear wolf victories. I'd suggest adding something to the game to give the humans a third mislynch. Perhaps by making the game a D1 start.

Also, I'm not sure what the Dry Turkey is doing, other than being thematic. It seems to just be a way to give the wolves an even easier time controlling the lynch D2 and D3, if at least of them happens to be in the pool of three players that receives it.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: Toby on November 19, 2023, 04:12:09 AMIm in mood for a faction game

I'm a big fan of faction games myself, but since TWG was revived here we've played a Menhunt, a Manhunt with a gimmick and a 3rd party, a Menhunt with two different wolf teams and a gimmick, a Menhunt with a gimmick and a game with a third pary, a gimmick and one special role. Not a single alliance game among them. I think it's a bit too big of a step to go from Menhunts all the way to Faction Games when a big chunk of the player base has never played an alliance game.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Only way to learn is to try

I would say faction games are easier to play than normal setups. Less social deduction