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Rocket Knight Adventures

Started by ALPRAS, September 09, 2008, 04:59:43 PM

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Most of the people of the generation of the Sega Genesis might remember a Konami game named Rocket Knight Adventures. And for those who played this game, it probably was the best game of their life. This was the best game I have ever played (not even Mario is better). So I have the idea of arranging the songs of this awesome game. The problem is that I can't find Midis or MP3's of the game and that makes me furious. I've seen some of the music on youtube but I don't like arranging songs from youtube. PLEASE HELP ME.
I need also the mp3 of Team Fortress 2 for arrangement.


There's Level 2 from Rocket Knight Adventures, but that's it. Sorry I can't help further...  :'(


It was a good help. Youre a good friend  :)


No problem! Anytime  ;D

PS: To help you with your English (not making fun of it) here's a check of your first post:

"Most of the people of the generation of the Sega Genesis might remember a Konami game named Rocket Knight Adventures. And for those who played this game, it probably was the best game of their life. This was the best game I have ever played (not even Mario is better). So I have the idea of arranging the songs of this awesome game. The problem is that I can't find Midis or MP3's of the game and that makes me furious. I've seen some of the music on youtube but I don't like arranging songs from youtube. PLEASE HELP ME.
I need also the mp3 of Team Fortress 2 for arrangement.

Despite some spelling and grammar issues, you have one hell of a vocabulary  :)


sorry for my vocabulary  ::) Im not Amerian or English, Im portuguese. I speak a bad english because I dont pay to much atention to to the English class  :P
Thanks for correcting my english.
By the way, I like very much your arrangements but they need to be corrected too  :P


(sry for 2 posting)
You can check 2 songs of this game in my arrangements site. Theire both in progress but finished will not be hard.


Thanks, I know I need a bit of practice  ::)

I'll look at your arrangements soon, but I've got a whole heap of Maths homework to do :)

PS: what does Ty mean? Sorry, I'm a little ignorant.


Ty = Thank you

Ahh... Im so lucky because I dont have Maths :P
You can check now the "Final Battle" song of Super Mario Galaxy too
Good luck with Maths Mate



You used the word mate!!! My native language  ::) lol

Anyway, I checked your final battle. Excellent! There's more detail in my PM. Ty  ;D

Could you please check some of mine? They need some desperate help  :P


Yeah, I know that. Thats the reason why I put it.;P I know that youre Australian. One of my dreams is make a trip in Australia :P


Yeah, its a beautiful place  :)

And I'm aware that overseas (particularly in Europe, no discrimination intended) many documentaries show kangaroos and desert and sometimes the Sydney Harbour Bridge, so some get the picture that in the city we ride on kangaroos  :P

but Sydney is just like any other big city. watch out, though. One thing in those documentaries is true for sure: we get hot summers  :) > 35oC


In Lisboa (or Lisbon), in the summer is almost 33 - 35. In this summer, the temp. reached the 42! lol


I think the hottest temperature recorded in Australia was about 52oC, and where I live, 48oC

LOL!!!  :o

Maybe you should change the subject line to "ALPRAS and WiiMan96 Write to each other about random stuff" as we have been WAY off=topic. lol  ;)


Yeah, I was thinking about that. we should create that channel LOL
I think we should "close" this topic because nobody will help me...


I would help you more, but I cannot find more MIDI's. Wait... you arrange by ear! Let me see what I can find... mp3's or youtube?