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TWG CXVIII: Noughts and Crosses

Started by Oricorio, November 05, 2023, 06:00:04 PM

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Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on November 06, 2023, 05:34:25 PMwhy are you not twg'ing while sleeping

twg'ing while driving is the new pro gamer move
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


I'll take the blame (if there is any) over pushing a corner strategy. I figured it was good since it provides the best way to win via TTT, and it pushes the wolves into a weird situation if Math is a wolf.

The more I think about it, the less likely it is for anyone to win via TTT, and the odds of Math being a wolf aren't worth playing the corner strategy imo.

Playing center likely will cause a tie, but we'll be controlling the board much better than if the wolves take middle. We can attempt to keep play away from the IC as well. I think it's the move.

Comfortable voting Math for now, but I'll be open to changing.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


24 hours remaining!

Current vote count:
therealmathguy — 2 (Toby, SpecsFlyer17)


Quote from: Toby on November 06, 2023, 07:18:53 AMIf math guy is a wolf sucks for him because he is defo dying either today or tonight lol
Looks like I'm dying, wolf or not

Nice playing with you all :'(

But seriously, I think offing me for tic-tac-toe could be a good strategy, though I'd prefer the corner strat since I know my role. With town start and two squares wolves can't hit on the board, they're almost certain not to win via TTT, so being more relaxed on TTT and hunting wolves could be an option.

Quote from: Toby on November 06, 2023, 03:26:22 PMMath guys profile shows he has been online so I wonder if he's trying to adopt his wolf strategy from last game and keep quiet when under pressure lol
Oh yeah I should change this but I typically have the tab open from game start to end even if I'm not actively checking it, so don't look into it too much

The Musical Poet

If we get the center, we can go searching for the wolves and defend the TTT.
I like making terrible titles for my schoolwork, but I never follow through.

The Musical Poet

btw just a warning. Until Wednesday, I now have limited time to go on TWG due to some complications, so expect slow responding.
I like making terrible titles for my schoolwork, but I never follow through.


Brief thoughts on players thus far:
- Toby and Specs are unlikely to be wolf partners together; if they are, they're doing a good job at appearing genuinely at odds with one another. My initial inclination is slight wolf lean on Specs, slight human lean on Toby.
- Slight human lean on Xiao. Seems pretty typical Xiao behavior at this point.
- Slight wolf lean on TZP. Feels like most of what he's done so far is to not be disagreeable to anyone, which feels almost as if he's playing things a bit too safe.

A#, Poet, and Math haven't posted enough to get a good lean on, though I would have expected A# to be at least a little more active at this point in the game.

And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

A# Minor

oh damn, i didnt post at all today?

so lets go for a corner and lynch poet since she wont be on anyway

seriously though, I'm still not too sure about focusing on the tic tac toe, but usually when I play, a corner gives me a bit more control... this is a real tiny board though

I really need to spend some time to play when it's not almost 2 am
hey! listen!! ⬆️

haha get drowned

I unintentionally set an avatar that matches my custom title (Termina Tango) and now I don't want to post


A little bit sus:
specs- same vibes as last game start. if we lynch center and math is human, gets more human points

a# minor- possibly a new wolf who isnt sure what to say

tzp- pretty quiet and not contributing as much, for tzp standards

poet- not this again

less sus
math- doesnt matter if theyre sus or not, they're gonna end up lynched and aren't really putting up a fight (fair)

bds- clearing me is odd behavior for someone who would be trying to blend in super hard

toby- i always read toby as human but they might not be

not sus
thc- you are innocent
me- i am innocent


A# Minor

time to attempt a suspicion list... <:

wolf lean:
tzp: he's been sort of alarmingly quiet lately

specs: hasn't done anything too suspicious yet but something... doesn't feel right (oof)

bds: i naturally have a slight wolf lean on you, but so far your posts seem okay

null ig:
poet: please start being readable kthx

math: i can't read you either D:

human lean:
toby: nothing sus yet

xiao: looks like xiao being xiao, but still very hard to read... human for now ig

THC: super sus, he's definitely a wolf, lynch him right now!!

ok time to go to bed and miss all the action again
hey! listen!! ⬆️

haha get drowned

I unintentionally set an avatar that matches my custom title (Termina Tango) and now I don't want to post


A#'s suspicion list kinda rubs me the wrong way :thinking: Aside from TZP and Specs being wolf leaned (as both Xiao and I seemed to agree upon as well), my placement in the list feels a bit weird and contradictory.

Gonna avoid voting for math at the moment to avoid accidental insta.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



Wolf Lean

A#: Posts have been absent and pretty unhelpful imo. Yesterday logged in, posted how there was activity while asleep, and then didn't contribute at all. My initial reaction is she's a wolf and is a bit unsure of the way to proceed, so she's siding on the quiet side. Suspicion post seems pretty vanilla.

Slight Wolf Lean

Xiao: Slightly confused why you're getting similar vibes from me as last game. Last time, I was on the road for 8+ hours a day, resulting in me missing stuff, repeating things that were already said, etc. I've been one of the more active players this time.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on November 06, 2023, 11:43:03 PMif we lynch center and math is human, gets more human points

Cardflips are off. May be just an oversight, but we won't know if Math is a wolf, so it's odd to include that in a suspicion post.

Neutral Lean

Math: Probably will be lynched. Post appeared pretty human, but it's likely irrelevant being in the center square.

Poet: Not posted a whole lot, hard to read right now. Did come in and explain that they'll be a bit inactive due to IRL stuff, which could be genuine or a fake alibi.

TZP: I feel that A# and Xiao jumped on your inactivity a little too harshly. Posts have felt safe, but nothing too wolfy. Contributed a fair amount early to the TTT discussion. No read yet.

Slight Human Lean

BDS: Suspicion post read pretty well. Some good TTT discussion regarding strategy early on. Posts felt a bit safe, but nothing alarming.

Toby: Very helpful discussion regarding corner vs middle TTT play. Suggestions and discussions have appeared helpful to the town. Didn't love that he called me out for posting the strategy link when a) BDS literally asked for it, and b) the wolves could easily have looked that up on their own, and likely would have to avoid a mistake.

Human Lean

THC: Is the IC

Host Lean

Oricorio: Set up the game, sent role PMs, clarified rules questions, and won the hosting poll. Probably host imo.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


GTH I say A# and Xiao are the wolves, but playing center square D1 (or D0 idk) is the move.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL