TWG CXVII: The Lantern Keeper Redux Postgame

Started by TheZeldaPianist275, October 26, 2023, 04:43:53 PM

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im just happy i got 2/3 lol and the 3 was inactive anyways
really regret not being able to switch my vote to specs d1 aaaaa


THC fake claiming was bad full stop. In an mis lynch or lose situation if our seer claims we need them to come forward encountered and be able to trust them and their result. Thats why wolves fake claim to disrupt the real claim so town don't know who to trust.

THC played as a wolf disrupting the towns focus, providing a fake RED result, and it would only have been worse if the real seer had still been alive and unable to be verified.


I'm proud of my ploy to make sure people knew I was the seer in case I died lol

When I got the notification of who the lantern holders were, I was like "shit, this situation is useless" since I had already seered Xiao (and Toby had already been seered), but over the course of the phase I realized how I could twist it to my advantage. I was already planning to make my final post as close to the hour as possible, but Specs claiming made it even more deliciously ironic:
1. I called Specs out for not making his claim closer to the end of the phase and somehow managed to post on the dot of the hour.
2. I said I thought Davy could be the master wolf, but then followed that up by saying that if Davy and Xiao were wolves together then Xiao was totally the master wolf wink wink (though I feel that may have been a bit too subtle of a way of revealing my N1 seering results).

In hindsight I probably should've just said I was the seer directly (or at least send Xiao a PM saying "hey I sent Toby an important PM, make sure he posts it or else"), but I was hoping I could trip someone else up and get a wolf (whether it be Xiao, or, if Specs had been the Strange Man, an actual wolf) to accidentally reveal themselves.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

A# Minor


looks like poet gets the "luigi wins by doing nothing award"

hey! listen!! ⬆️

haha get drowned

I unintentionally set an avatar that matches my custom title (Termina Tango) and now I don't want to post


I'm honest surprised I generated so much suspicion N1 and D1. My opener wasn't intended to be weird or anything... but noted for next game.

gTh tOwN
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on October 26, 2023, 05:03:44 PMbut I was hoping I could trip someone else up and get a wolf (whether it be Xiao, or, if Specs had been the Strange Man, an actual wolf) to accidentally reveal themselves.

Well, it almost worked. Just instead of a wolf, you caught a human.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on October 26, 2023, 05:04:47 PMI'm honest surprised I generated so much suspicion N1 and D1. My opener wasn't intended to be weird or anything... but noted for next game.

gTh tOwN

I didn't find your opener suspicious but it was posts following that

I thought it was odd you were avoiding some points/questions directed to you

A# Minor

hey! listen!! ⬆️

haha get drowned

I unintentionally set an avatar that matches my custom title (Termina Tango) and now I don't want to post


Quote from: Toby on October 26, 2023, 04:55:21 PMTHC you literally ruined the game lol, like low key ban-able offence?
That's a little harsh... I wasn't trying to lose the game. I sincerely thought it was the best play at the time. Once I had done it, I couldn't exactly go back.
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Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on October 26, 2023, 05:12:38 PMThat's a little harsh... I wasn't trying to lose the game. I sincerely thought it was the best play at the time. Once I had done it, I couldn't exactly go back.
but why do it in the first place, i dont understand...


Quote from: Toby on October 26, 2023, 05:11:26 PMI didn't find your opener suspicious but it was posts following that

I thought it was odd you were avoiding some points/questions directed to you

Yeah... to be honest, that's because I was in the middle of moving from Texas to Delaware. 5 days of driving about 7 hours per day. I missed some stuff.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: Toby on October 26, 2023, 05:11:26 PMI didn't find your opener suspicious but it was posts following that

I thought it was odd you were avoiding some points/questions directed to you

Yeah... to be honest, that's because I was in the middle of moving from Texas to Delaware. 5 days of driving about 7 hours per day. I missed some stuff.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL

A# Minor

hey! listen!! ⬆️

haha get drowned

I unintentionally set an avatar that matches my custom title (Termina Tango) and now I don't want to post