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TWG CXVII: The Lantern Keeper Redux Postgame

Started by TheZeldaPianist275, October 26, 2023, 04:43:53 PM

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Quote from: Toby on October 26, 2023, 05:29:16 PMBut you went from it being a group decision of who to choose with 50% chance to trying to make it your own choice which is kinda selfish
It wouldn't have been 50% as a group. There were 7 people alive. It was only 50% since what I did excluded myself from the pool, making it 6 people.
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Quote from: Toby on October 26, 2023, 05:27:59 PMThat's worse

You should have just claimed 2 green results  if you genuinely thought you were being helpful but also there was no need to protect Specs claim. I think Specs claim was obviously false given how early in the night phase he did it. He would have posted it last minute if he was the real seer

But did you buy davy's reasoning that getting me wolfed actually helped the town by freeing up the D2 lynch? Even if I was the real seer, claiming early allowed the wolves to see it. And given the suspicion on me, having me around D2 may have just been an instant "lynch specs"
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: Toby on October 26, 2023, 05:29:16 PMwhich is kinda selfish
1. My intention were not to be selfish. I apologize if it came across that way, but it was not the case.
2. It's just a game. There's no need to get so upset over it.
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Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on October 26, 2023, 05:33:21 PM1. My intention were not to be selfish. I apologize if it came across that way, but it was not the case.
2. It's just a game. There's no need to get so upset over it.

THC, for what it's worth, I appreciated your claim and thought it was a good idea.
Memes aside, yeah its just a game. You took a risk and it didn't work, no biggie
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on October 26, 2023, 05:30:38 PMBut did you buy davy's reasoning that getting me wolfed actually helped the town by freeing up the D2 lynch? Even if I was the real seer, claiming early allowed the wolves to see it. And given the suspicion on me, having me around D2 may have just been an instant "lynch specs"

I bought the reasoning for Davy suggesting it, but it didnt change my opinion on your alignment at all. As a wolf you were almost lynched and would co operate with a risky plan. As a human you may also do it to benefit town and to avoid the mis lynch

So your seer fake claim was fine because it was a co ordinated plan that made sense


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on October 26, 2023, 05:36:21 PMTHC, for what it's worth, I appreciated your claim and thought it was a good idea.
Memes aside, yeah its just a game. You took a risk and it didn't work, no biggie

Don't get me wrong, I realized very quickly how stupid a play it was. But I had already done it and there was no way I could back out without the same results happening anyway.
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The Musical Poet

what the heck.

spec, math and I were going to do a coordinated attack to force an insta, and you guys did it for us.

and I even did stuff early so I wouldn't miss it


on a side note, I have a basic understanding on which I can help, so I should be more active in helping the next game I play.
I like making terrible titles for my schoolwork, but I never follow through.


Quote from: Toby on October 26, 2023, 05:24:15 PMI didn't get the lynch of you at all but I think it was the wolves that swayed it not the humans

Also none of the night 2 lantern holders were wolves so that doesn't make sense

Well, it's about considering alternate scenarios. In hindsight, number one was true. But also in hindsight, it doesn't really make sense for wolves to believe that the Seer is a safe claim


Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on October 26, 2023, 05:33:21 PM1. My intention were not to be selfish. I apologize if it came across that way, but it was not the case.
2. It's just a game. There's no need to get so upset over it.

It's how I see it I'm not sure if anyone else is feeling the same but I appreciate the apology to everyone

I'm not upset it is just a game but everyone puts in effort so I just feel bad on everyone else's behalf, fortunately I was only in this game half as long and had a busy few days so didn't invest as much time in as others did

If you quite literally did nothing we likely would have lynched specs lol

The Musical Poet

Quote from: A# Minor on October 26, 2023, 05:04:09 PMwelp

looks like poet gets the "luigi wins by doing nothing award"


wow, I'm so good at this.
I like making terrible titles for my schoolwork, but I never follow through.


Quote from: Toby on October 26, 2023, 05:40:28 PMIt's how I see it I'm not sure if anyone else is feeling the same but I appreciate the apology to everyone

I'm not upset it is just a game but everyone puts in effort so I just feel bad on everyone else's behalf, fortunately I was only in this game half as long and had a busy few days so didn't invest as much time in as others did

If you quite literally did nothing we likely would have lynched specs lol
I mean, I understand that, it's just the way you've been saying it has sounded rather condescending and I don't really appreciate it. I had good intentions, even if they didn't pan out.
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Quote from: Oricorio on October 26, 2023, 05:40:25 PMWell, it's about considering alternate scenarios. In hindsight, number one was true. But also in hindsight, it doesn't really make sense for wolves to believe that the Seer is a safe claim

What do you mean in regards to wolves believing the seer is a safe claim? As in a wolf would never counter claim seer ?


Quote from: The Musical Poet on October 26, 2023, 05:39:43 PMwhat the heck.

spec, math and I were going to do a coordinated attack to force an insta, and you guys did it for us.

and I even did stuff early so I wouldn't miss it


on a side note, I have a basic understanding on which I can help, so I should be more active in helping the next game I play.

Poet lost her job to make it to the wolf rush apparently
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on October 26, 2023, 05:43:31 PMI mean, I understand that, it's just the way you've been saying it has sounded rather condescending and I don't really appreciate it. I had good intentions, even if they didn't pan out.

I apologise I don't mean to sound condescending, but I think quite a few people would agree this should be at least a learning opportunity so it doesn't happen again


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on October 26, 2023, 05:27:37 PMOricorio-

I was giggling when you posted "hi open wolf" after I changed my vote.
That was funny.

Also, what's NOC vs OC?

OC is "outside contact"; it means any player can privately message another player at any time. NOC is the opposite, meaning any gameplay is limited to the thread and factional chats like wolfchat, Masons chat, etc. It's the default on most mafia sites, or at least most of the prominent ones like MU, TS, FoL, etc.

Also, yeah, your vote was pretty wolfy. Self-preservation is fair as town, but doing it so last-minute without even considering if my claim might be true? You might as well be admitting to being a wolf there. Interestingly, your fakeclaim blindsided me as the Seer is the only townie who had reason to behave like that at EoD. But it turned out to be fake, and yeah I was less than impressed

Also, THC, never self-vote, it goes against wincon. Despite my reservations about davy and Specs, I still would have voted for you because of that.