TWG CXVII: The Lantern Keeper Redux

Started by TheZeldaPianist275, October 19, 2023, 05:40:24 PM

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Like, if you really have read the entire thread, do you really make just one post and then dip? Feels artificial


Quote from: Oricorio on October 21, 2023, 06:25:46 PMWell, anyway, enough mechanics talk, who do you see as wolfiest? I still think THC's (nice acronym) entrance is weird, especially as it received no follow-up
I think his schedule's a bit wonky as (IIRC) he tends to work night shifts. Also he basically did the same thing last game where he was one of the last people to show up so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Don't think it's particularly reflective of his alignment either way yet.

To directly answer your question, I'd say you or Specs at the moment, though I'll hold off on voting for the moment to see what other people have to say as they trickle in.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on October 21, 2023, 06:29:54 PMI think his schedule's a bit wonky as (IIRC) he tends to work night shifts. Also he basically did the same thing last game where he was one of the last people to show up so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Don't think it's particularly reflective of his alignment either way yet.

To directly answer your question, I'd say you or Specs at the moment, though I'll hold off on voting for the moment to see what other people have to say as they trickle in.

Come on, dig your heels in, we have to get started somewhere! What particular posts of mine seem wolfy?


Oh, and one question that will be very important, is there a specific format that votes need to be in to count?


Waiting for players who may never arrive is not a good strategy. It's best to share your thoughts now and work from there.


THCs entrance was odd. It doesn't jump out to me as extremely suspicious, enough to say "Hmm, that was odd and not too helpful for the town.

Robbie hasn't posted yet. Don't love that, but there's not a lot of conclusions to draw.

Math I feel has been the most helpful and has the most town lean. His suggestions regarding the strange man seemed to be in the best interest of the town.

Poet has responded with posts that don't really contain any substantial content, but that's just how she plays. Happened last game and she was a human, so I'm not pinning wolf on her because of it.

davy has reacted to the strange man conversation with posts that seem helpful, although it wouldn't surprise if he was the strange man. When someone suggested lynching the strange man, he called it out immediately- which is fair, as I think it's fairly unwise. But it struck me as "no don't do that!!!!"

I also still believe Oricorio may be the strange man, and BDS discussed early. I could see his strategy trying to get people to leak information regarding having a lantern.

Not really sure what to think about BDS. Seems to be playing similar to last game, but the suspicion lists are at least a helpful tool for the day phase.

Xiao's early accusation of BDS being the strange man seemed a little out of place, but he did that last game.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL

A# Minor

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on October 21, 2023, 06:00:37 PMA# Minor was found dead, a peculiar grin on her face.
here's what you saw:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

... this is the second time I accurately predicted my death  :o

welp, good luck humans!!
hey! listen!! ⬆️

haha get drowned

I unintentionally set an avatar that matches my custom title (Termina Tango) and now I don't want to post


i will try to get through everything later today


Quote from: Oricorio on October 21, 2023, 06:32:04 PMCome on, dig your heels in, we have to get started somewhere! What particular posts of mine seem wolfy?
It's not about particular posts, it's more about the pattern of posting—and, as I mentioned in my suspicion list, how you changed after me pointing it out and saying I thought you were the Strange Man because of it.

Quote from: Oricorio on October 21, 2023, 06:33:02 PMOh, and one question that will be very important, is there a specific format that votes need to be in to count?
Just bold the name of the person you're voting for. We don't have an automatic system like some places, but it makes it easier for the host to see.

Quote from: Oricorio on October 21, 2023, 06:41:49 PMWaiting for players who may never arrive is not a good strategy. It's best to share your thoughts now and work from there.
My thoughts have been shared; if I think of anything else new to add, I will add it. Anything other than that is simply speaking for the sake of speaking.

Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on October 21, 2023, 07:22:05 PM
Specs' takes on all the players
THCs entrance was odd. It doesn't jump out to me as extremely suspicious, enough to say "Hmm, that was odd and not too helpful for the town.

Robbie hasn't posted yet. Don't love that, but there's not a lot of conclusions to draw.

Math I feel has been the most helpful and has the most town lean. His suggestions regarding the strange man seemed to be in the best interest of the town.

Poet has responded with posts that don't really contain any substantial content, but that's just how she plays. Happened last game and she was a human, so I'm not pinning wolf on her because of it.

davy has reacted to the strange man conversation with posts that seem helpful, although it wouldn't surprise if he was the strange man. When someone suggested lynching the strange man, he called it out immediately- which is fair, as I think it's fairly unwise. But it struck me as "no don't do that!!!!"

I also still believe Oricorio may be the strange man, and BDS discussed early. I could see his strategy trying to get people to leak information regarding having a lantern.

Not really sure what to think about BDS. Seems to be playing similar to last game, but the suspicion lists are at least a helpful tool for the day phase.

Xiao's early accusation of BDS being the strange man seemed a little out of place, but he did that last game.
A bit of a vanilla suspicion list (though that's not necessarily a horrible thing). Aside from THC and somewhat davy, it's not much different than the suspicion list I posted.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

The Musical Poet

I like making terrible titles for my schoolwork, but I never follow through.


Alright, here's where I'm at with every player (in the order they're listed in OP):

SpecsFlyer17: Opening is still a little odd. The reason why I jumped on it was because last game I caught a wolf who showed TMI in a similar manner, but that wolf had admitted to not reading the thread and it's more believable that he had read the thread. Still, the "reads list" is a bit of a problem, being hedgy on all but one player (threalmathguy town seems to be his only real stance), which doesn't look too good (although at least it's not whole paragraphs of nothing, which is really wolfy). Still a suspect, though not a very strong one as I can still understand their actions from a town perspective.
A# Minor: Definitely town, as far as I know there is no way for only a wolf to die at night with all three lanterns in play. They were my top townread in my list this game, so maybe my reads are accurate this game! Or maybe not, we'll have to see.
davy: Has mostly engaged in mechanical discussion, and that's pretty easy to fake as a wolf. However, their openness to both sides of the Strange Man argument suggests that they aren't coming in with an agenda on one side, and his posts do feel genuine. Willing to treat them as town for now.
threalmathguy: Had a mechanical question, then mostly dipped. Still, promoting the Strange Man is risky for a wolf as it would most likely get two of them killed... Although, if the wolves knew that all three lantern holders were town (as no wolves would be holding lanterns in that case), there may be a reason... although that is counteracted by their last post, which does suggest a progression and openness to the thread. Still GTH town for now.
BlackDragonSlayer: Most active player, and has had a few questionable moments as I pointed out. Stark opposition to the Strange Man may be town not wanting to risk a gamble, or a wolf not wanting multiple of their own to die. I will say though, if they are a wolf they are pretty bold, standing against the most active townie and making stances people are likely to disagree with, such as suggesting we lynch the Strange Man. Still, GTH wolf.
XiaoMigros: One of the slots I'm most conflicted on. On one hand, they were one of the most vocal early, but then most of their later posts are bland disagreements that don't really push anything forward, not to mention their dropoff in activity. Still, as I was writing this, they said they'd catch up more, so maybe they'll improve later. Still GTH town, but I have my eyes on this slot.
ThatHiddenCharacter: Only one post, and it was a bit questionable. It's one thing to have a post that suggests you've read the entire thread (a la SpecsFlyer) but completely dipping afterward? I mean, if you've read the thread, surely you have more to say! GTH wolf, but I suggest we look elsewhere for today unless we get a major bump in activity from them (see below).
Robbie89: Still hasn't shown up, making it a slank slot. Still, as even if them and THC (the other inactive player) are both wolves, there's still an active wolf out there, so for now I would like to focus on people who can actually respond. Would be an excellent target for a seering, though.
Oricorio: Hi! I don't want y'all to think I'm weird just because I'm used to more high posting games, but what do I know? Read as you wish
The Musical Poet: I guess they're playing too? None of their posts have really made me feel anything, which is usually a bad sign, but I know there are some players who always post like that. Still, they'll have to participate more, cause 'til then they get a GTH wolf from me!


The fact that we have three wolves is maybe causing me to look deeper into a few things than I should, so I should pay attention to avoid confirmation bias. Still, given that we have one mislynch to work with, a POE of 4 wins the game (barring any shenanigans caused by the Strange Man). We need five people to be obvious town/The Strange Man.


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on October 21, 2023, 07:22:05 PMTHCs entrance was odd. It doesn't jump out to me as extremely suspicious, enough to say "Hmm, that was odd and not too helpful for the town.

Robbie hasn't posted yet. Don't love that, but there's not a lot of conclusions to draw.

Math I feel has been the most helpful and has the most town lean. His suggestions regarding the strange man seemed to be in the best interest of the town.

Poet has responded with posts that don't really contain any substantial content, but that's just how she plays. Happened last game and she was a human, so I'm not pinning wolf on her because of it.

davy has reacted to the strange man conversation with posts that seem helpful, although it wouldn't surprise if he was the strange man. When someone suggested lynching the strange man, he called it out immediately- which is fair, as I think it's fairly unwise. But it struck me as "no don't do that!!!!"

I also still believe Oricorio may be the strange man, and BDS discussed early. I could see his strategy trying to get people to leak information regarding having a lantern.

Not really sure what to think about BDS. Seems to be playing similar to last game, but the suspicion lists are at least a helpful tool for the day phase.

Xiao's early accusation of BDS being the strange man seemed a little out of place, but he did that last game.

THC: Hedge
Robbie: Nothing
Math: "Most town lean"
Poet: Hedge
davy: Strange Man?
Oricorio: Strange Man?
BDS: Hedge
Xiao: Hedge

So we have one that says nothing, four hedges that also say nothing, two allegations of being Strange Man with no look at the slots beyond that, and only one real stance and it's still kinda softcore? Come on now, this feels like a wolf trying to keep the POE open without pissing off too much people.

Vote: SpecsFlyer17

Do you have any actual suspicions?


Interesting that two of my major wolfreads have threalmathguy as town. If either flips wolf, that would indicate that threalmathguy is a townie that the wolves are giving to the thread... is what I would say if we weren't playing flipless


Quote from: Oricorio on October 21, 2023, 10:55:20 PMInteresting that two of my major wolfreads have threalmathguy as town. If either flips wolf, that would indicate that threalmathguy is a townie that the wolves are giving to the thread... is what I would say if we weren't playing flipless

Although we might have an idea of one flipped wolf if we cooperate with the Strange Man, so I suppose it's still worth keeping in mind.