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TWG CXVI Postgame

Started by Kaiveran, September 29, 2023, 01:09:18 PM

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Also, Specs was getting waterboarded in the woods or something for almost all of D1 and N2, so I think he did pretty well given that. Happy first game as a wolf buddy


BDS, sorry to disappoint you with my night killings man.

I stick by my choice of Xiao on N1. Was he a potential lynching option during the day? Maybe, but I figured Math, THC, and A# had a way better chance of being lynched because of the davy lynch.

If I could go back, I'd take the safe bet and kill Poet on N2. A Specs-BDS-TZP-THC D2 would've been much more favorable. I didn't look ahead and should've thought it about it a bit more. I'll give you that one.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on September 30, 2023, 10:50:29 AMAlso, Specs was getting waterboarded in the woods or something for almost all of D1 and N2, so I think he did pretty well given that. Happy first game as a wolf buddy

Thanks. Not waterboarding, but definitely some uncomfortable stuff.

I think I did alright for a first time wolf, but definitely left some points on the table on N2. Gotta start somewhere
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: davy on September 29, 2023, 11:08:45 PMI really don't get this. Trying to find out some sort of town strategy, and pushing very hard for it is something I do in EVERY game. Granted, I do not always get this much pushback for it, but you disagreeing with a plan and giving it a lot of pushback is also nothing out of the ordinairy.
To be fair, when's the last time we played a game with each other? Probably 2019, so I think it's fair to say my recall of your play style wasn't super up-to-date. I think the issue wasn't that you pushed back, but how much you pushed back. My first response, I thought, was pretty chill, but your response felt a lot more aggressive comparatively, which struck me as unusual, like you were really banking on being able to follow through with your plan.

QuoteAlso, how would my plan allow me to run free but not the other assassin?
Suggesting a plan that the majority of humans seem to like tends you get you human points, a point the other assassin wouldn't have had in their favor. Plus, in a world where I wasn't an assassin, and the assassins were someone like you and Poet (I'd say this would probably apply to the majority of players in the game though), I think it's safe to say the other assassin wouldn't have nearly as much leverage against you when controlling the lynch, period. Just like you mentioned me steamrolling the game, you would've been able to very easily steamroll the game as an assassin.

QuoteI think you are severely overestimating my ability to control the lynch. The only way my ward in that scenario wouldn't get lynched is if specifically I redirect the lynch any time it would fall on them, and I would also need to redirect the lynch if it is falling on me (remember, I cannot defend myself in this scenario without looking extremely wolfy), and I need to do both of those subtly enough that no one gets suspicious of me. With three kills before day two at least 3 out of you, Toby, TZP, THC, Specs and Xiao would still be alive, all of whom I deem capable of seeing through such a ruse.
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on September 30, 2023, 10:44:06 AM--My read on BDS was very human, as Davy's was at the start, almost exclusively on the basis of how combative and stubborn he was being. I'm baffled that you're arguing for the Day 0 plan being a bad one even into the postgame, because losing Math and A# enabled us to force the game into the "ward suicide phase". I realize that there's no chance I'm persuading you of this now, but Davy's plan was a good one, and one that he paid attention to feedback on and modified his opinion of. It's beyond stupid that he got killed in the last five minutes for it...but it's also kinda hilarious that Math was almost completely inactive for 72 hours, but then shows up and successfully leads a bandwagon against the most senior (?) player in the last five minutes of the phase
Responding to both at the same time since I'd basically be saying the same thing:
Let me put it this way. In the game as it played out, there was a very real chance that THC could've been a lynch candidate, especially D1. If we had agreed to go through with davy's plan, there would be a 0% chance of THC being lynched since I could've pre-emptively push an aggressive lynch against someone who couldn't defend themselves (or would have to reveal themselves as a hot target, which only ever works in the assassins' favor; ideally, it shouldn't ever have to get to the point where the hot targets have to reveal themselves prematurely). I think both of you are underestimating how effective that strategy would be for swaying town to pursue a lynch they otherwise wouldn't be convinced to—basically, what already ended up happening in the game except even more one-sided.

Plus, the whole idea of someone not being to defend themselves is very messy and unclear and ultimately would've caused a lot more confusion for town than any benefit it offered (I think people were too focused on the chance at lynching the wards, to town's detriment). Pushing an alternative lynch when the dominant lynch is against you is intrinsically tied up in defending oneself.

Quote-Another interesting possible timeline: I really was about a hair away from killing myself rather than A#. In that timeline, I take Specs down with me and I think BDS has a fighting chance at winning. I'd assume he would, in that case, take a shot at Poet since he knew she was a hot target and there wouldn't be the threat of her death helping Specs any more. But she wouldn't help, because she was Specs' hot target, and then the final day phase staredown is A#, BDS, THC, and Toby. Who knows what happens then.
In a world where you were lynched and Specs died with you, leaving A# to survive, I think it would've been clear enough that the hot targets would've been both Toby and Poet (as hot target A# likely would've claimed long beforehand), which basically leaves a 50/50 for the game to end right there and not even make it to the final day. I guess it would've depended on who I felt more comfortable taking into a theoretical final phase. hindsight, I really just should've just let you go down like you wanted to. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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Currently busy with another game, but I'm willing to sub


Quote from: Oricorio on October 09, 2023, 12:23:09 PMCurrently busy with another game, but I'm willing to sub

Sorry, wrong thread lol