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TWG CXV: Just a Numbers Game

Started by BlackDragonSlayer, August 17, 2023, 05:52:41 PM

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Also jyk Toby, I've agreed with you in public a lot more than I did in private, mainly before the no lynch situation. Was hoping it might lead somewhere but it never did


I'm also discounting TZP's Toby accusation with number 50, since I think that could go either way (town!TZP making a valid accusation, or wolf!TZP clearing themselves/town!TZP forgetting to account for everything)



Quote from: XiaoMigros on August 29, 2023, 10:39:54 PMToby, the main reason I suspect you is that your play style has felt very reactionary the whole game.Your play style and post contents hace constantly been changing, almost as if to adapt to any possible suspicions that might otherwise arise. Also, you've just felt a little too passionate these past few days, with countless walls of text being posted. I appreciate investing that amount of time, but forgive me for thinking that sudden uptick of activity looks a little off. You've also seemed like you favor your own life over the success of the town, somehow lynching you was never an option even when it couldve helped us because we all suspected you. town!Toby could afford to have taken more risks, and should have taken some too.

A reactionary play style is genuine though rather than trying to process everything through a wolf filter and keep my cool lol. Which contradicts with your final point that I could be taking more risks ? I've not been afraid to say my thoughts and opinions this whole game and I literally fake claimed a third party to throw off the wolf, so I don't follow your reasoning at all

Also fyi I picked number 51 last night slap in the middle because I wanted to die since I was at the top of everyone's suspicion lists. I also stayed quiet when olimars plan was to have me killed and I posted a full detailed suspicion list just before phase end. I'm not going to allow town to waste an mis lynch on me that doesn't make sense at all?

Too passionate? Sudden uptick of activity ? I've been less active as the game went on and there's less people to talk with. I'm sure day 1 was my most amount of posts.

None of this makes sense lol


What risk have u taken Xiao ? U stopped the PNS killings themselves just so we could waste a lynch on them the next day lol


Quote from: XiaoMigros on August 29, 2023, 10:55:40 PMAlso jyk Toby, I've agreed with you in public a lot more than I did in private, mainly before the no lynch situation. Was hoping it might lead somewhere but it never did

What does this mean? Hoping what might lead where


Quote from: Toby on August 30, 2023, 12:31:38 AMA reactionary play style is genuine though rather than trying to process everything through a wolf filter and keep my cool lol. Which contradicts with your final point that I could be taking more risks ? I've not been afraid to say my thoughts and opinions this whole game and I literally fake claimed a third party to throw off the wolf, so I don't follow your reasoning at all
I don't think that reactionary and risk taking are synonymous, but that aside, I think the risks that you took are much easier to read as wolf moves than town moves


Quote from: Toby on August 30, 2023, 12:31:38 AMAlso fyi I picked number 51 last night slap in the middle because I wanted to die since I was at the top of everyone's suspicion lists. I also stayed quiet when olimars plan was to have me killed and I posted a full detailed suspicion list just before phase end. I'm not going to allow town to waste an mis lynch on me that doesn't make sense at all?
There's no way to know what number you picked ..


Quote from: XiaoMigros on August 29, 2023, 10:52:35 PMI don't want to base my arguments solely off of 'vibes', but when I avoided doing that last time it ended up costing town the game. Toby, ever since you sent me that PNS PM you've felt extremely suspicious to me. Not that there's anything super suspicious about doing that, but unfortunately that's just how I feel.

TZP, it would be wrong to say I haven't suspected you but you've remained consistently low on my suspicion lists, as you still do now.

I find it odd this PM makes you suspicious of me considering I explained that it followed TZP suggesting to me multiple people should claim PNS, and I asked not only you to fake claim PNS but I also asked magnet

Quote from: Toby on August 19, 2023, 09:34:58 PMHi I assumed your PNS claim in the topic was a joke but since the PNS actually claiming could be damaging to humans if they work with the wolf, I think you should double down on your claim and I'm just gonna claim too to mess things about more lol

I also still don't understand your rationale for unclaiming and why me claiming was good enough

Quote from: XiaoMigros on August 19, 2023, 11:18:08 PMhey! it was half a joke and half just an attempt to get things moving a little, but if you claim too that sounds good enough for me to unclaim lol

And you say that you've been suspicious of me since this PM exchange but then I was the 1 person you reached out to when you were messing with Olimar ? And seemed like you trusted me then ?

Quote from: XiaoMigros on August 22, 2023, 05:58:55 PMHi, I really hope you're town lol

I'm in a bit of a mess rn and I might get wolfed as a result, or by chance. If you're the wolf, the game is probably over after today, but if I die, please please keep a close look on A# Minor (and Olimar of course, if he isn't able to kill himself or if he gets lynched).
Sending this just before the phase change just in case...

Why do I feel like all your reasoning today is a bit all over the place. I can tell you've not looked back to remind yourself of events or really dig into me or TZP again. Maybe it's because you're feeling safe right now


Quote from: Toby on August 30, 2023, 12:33:23 AMWhat risk have u taken Xiao ? U stopped the PNS killings themselves just so we could waste a lynch on them the next day lol
this is what i mean with passionate


Quote from: XiaoMigros on August 30, 2023, 12:44:08 AMI don't think that reactionary and risk taking are synonymous, but that aside, I think the risks that you took are much easier to read as wolf moves than town moves

Can you be specific

I've taken the most risks this game. And suggested more plans to harm the wolf than anyone



Quote from: Toby on August 30, 2023, 12:49:53 AMCan you be specific

I've taken the most risks this game. And suggested more plans to harm the wolf than anyone

Actually why don't you do a comparison of risks I've taken this game Vs risks TZP has taken to justify this reasoning ?


Holy smokes lots to respond to here. Sorry I missed so much back and forth.

Toby, to clarify what you say in this claim to Xiao--you said the no lynch strat would benefit the wolf? Are you going back on what you think of the plan, or are you saying that *opposing* the no lynch strat is what benefits the wolf?

Re: your enthusiasm about coming up with plans for the humans--if you are a human and this is sincere, that's the exact same thing I was doing

Regarding what you said about wanting to lynch Magnet being a bad play as a wolf--this is a valid point that when you're a wolf and everyone has narrowed a list of acceptable lynches to you and one other person.  I could really go both ways on this is what I'm saying

Xiao, re: the plan I shared with you and Specs: I assume you're talking about my interpretation of the N2 wolfing of A# rather than Olimar+someone being convenient for Toby. You're definitely right that it could be a wolf banking on increased attention being thrown his way, [], but I hope it's been clear that I have not been playing. I said earlier on that I

Toby also talked far and away the most N1--I'm not sure what you are referring to here Xiao? There are fewer people to talk to, but also it's the end of the game and so the decision we make here is literally life or death. I think being more passionate is entirely appropriate.

Toby, Xiao makes a fair point that it's very easy to say that you picked 51

Lastly Toby, I do like you and have been really happy to be able to play with you again after so many years--sorry if I've been communicating dislike!


incomplete post that I accidentally pressed enter on--my b. Completed sentences below:

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 30, 2023, 11:00:46 AMRe: your enthusiasm about coming up with plans for the humans--if you are a human and this is sincere, that's the exact same thing I was doing at the start of the game.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 30, 2023, 11:00:46 AMRegarding what you said about wanting to lynch Magnet being a bad play as a wolf--this is a valid point that when you're a wolf and everyone has narrowed a list of acceptable lynches to you and one other person, you ideally keep that other person alive for as long as possible. My hesitation in taking what you say at face value here is that lynching Magnet would have allowed to keep Olimar alive for nighttime shenanigans if you were a wolf, and possibly would not have forced you into the position of siccing Xiao and me on each other in that situation. I could really go both ways on this is what I'm saying

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 30, 2023, 11:00:46 AMXiao, re: the plan I shared with you and Specs: I assume you're talking about my interpretation of the N2 wolfing of A# rather than Olimar+someone being convenient for Toby. You're definitely right that it could be a wolf banking on increased attention being thrown his way, {I thought someone else had brought this up earlier and was going to link it here but I couldn't find it}, but I hope it's been clear that I have not been playing that angle. I said earlier on that I wasn't at all sure that I wanted to publicly air out suspicion on Toby in a PM to Specs, and that I wanted to wait for Olimar to weigh in in case I was jumping on something that was a setup.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 30, 2023, 11:00:46 AMToby, Xiao makes a fair point that it's very easy to say that you picked 51 without any way of corroborating that pick.