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The Truth about Gamestop

Started by Playgame38, September 08, 2008, 12:34:36 PM

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This is the REAL truth about Gamestop

"An ex-Gamestop employee explains how Gamestop truly operates."

This is why I buy used online and maybe sell used to GS, I mean BS.  ;D

<<Last number is 8


yay the truth revealed!
and GS sucks I only use for selling even though the price sucks (GBASP= selling=$10/buying=$50)


the truth about gamestop- theyll hire ANYBODY- and by anybody, i mean the dumbest possible people. ive only been there like 3 times, and everytime it took the people who worked there like 5-6 minutes just to get my change!!! and it wasnt a weird number- it came out to exactly 2.25! and what i bought didnt even work!!! (it was a controller btw)

so, the truth about gamestop- they suck

now, i shouldnt generalize- maybe its just the gamestop where i live, but, man do they suck - its... its... beautiful!


Indeed. If there is a Play N Trade in your area, that place is so much better. They let you play the games or use the accesories before you by them to make sure they work and that you actually like the game/accessory. So much better than Game Stop.


didn't everyone already know that?



Let me tell you a little story. I bought a used game from gamestop. So I go home, I try it and it doesn't work. I restart the system. It still doesn't work. I try like, 5 more times and it still doesn't work. So about a week later I go back to gamestop and tell them my problem. They say they can exchange my game for another copy. I thought ok that works. So I go back home. Try this used copy of the game( Which was Gran Turismo 4), once again IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!! Game Stop sucks, end of story.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


One time I bought a game, and when I opened the case, the disc was cracked in half. :/
Don't go there.