Fantastic Ike's "Too Hot to Handle" Project Sheet(s)

Started by Fantastic Ike, August 12, 2023, 10:11:13 AM

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Quote from: Fantastic Ike on September 26, 2023, 06:32:43 AMI think we've been over this. I've submitted sheets before with 8vb (which I prefer the look of) so trying to keep it consistent. Usually the updater after you clears for the 8vb
sorry to have mentioned this a couple times then, I tend to forget stuff like this but I'll try to commit to memory...

QuoteYeah, I switched to trill. I think mordent technically works better, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to add that flat.
If another updater knows how to do this, by all means let us know haha I agree mordent would be better, but I think this also clearly shows what note to do

QuoteDid you mean 4.75...?
Yes 4.75... sorry lol apparently I'm not reading 16ths as 16ths

QuoteYou mean a C? That's in your mockup, and was in my score before
Oh I did mean E but put C in my mockup. Also with this mockup, thinking it doesn't look so great having the 8vb going through the 16th there in m27. Played around on my end, maybe you could switch the system spacing so page 1 has 4 systems, pg2 has 5, and pg3 has 3? Now that things have moved along a bit more with this sheet, I think this might solve all the spacing woes, as pg. 1 still looks a bit too tight, but I think the above would work well

Fantastic Ike

Quotesorry to have mentioned this a couple times then, I tend to forget stuff like this but I'll try to commit to memory...

No worries!

QuoteYes 4.75... sorry lol apparently I'm not reading 16ths as 16ths

All good, I figured

QuoteOh I did mean E but put C in my mockup. Also with this mockup, thinking it doesn't look so great having the 8vb going through the 16th there in m27. Played around on my end, maybe you could switch the system spacing so page 1 has 4 systems, pg2 has 5, and pg3 has 3? Now that things have moved along a bit more with this sheet, I think this might solve all the spacing woes, as pg. 1 still looks a bit too tight, but I think the above would work well

Let's see how the spacing looks now. Maybe a bit sparse on page 1 but better than the alternative.



Spacing looks so much better now - and for page 1, you could widen the space even a bit more so there's not as much room at the page's bottom.

Only other thing I'd call out is m14 you could either add a bit more space with the measure tool, or just move the natural symbol on beat 3.75 a tiny bit to the right so it's not on top of the parentheses. But other than that, I will approve Yoshi Desert


Bowser Castle

• I counted the tempo to be a decent few clicks lower at q=169
• m5 LH 2.0 this is an En
• m6 LH 4.5 bottom note is a Dn
• m10 LH 4.0 and 4.5 bottom notes both En's
• m14 LH 1.0 bottom note is Dn
• m15 upper LH layer are you actually hearing the E hold for a quarter note length on beat 1.5?
• m18-25 I think the LH En tremolos actually sound like the lower pitch is before the higher one

Fantastic Ike

Quotem15 upper LH layer are you actually hearing the E hold for a quarter note length on beat 1.5?

Moreso wanted to convey the overlapping rhythms in the clearest way. Should I make the quarter note a staccato? Or just put it on one layer somehow?

Other than that got no questions. Yoshi Desert is updated too :)


Quote from: Fantastic Ike on September 27, 2023, 07:09:28 AMMoreso wanted to convey the overlapping rhythms in the clearest way. Should I make the quarter note a staccato? Or just put it on one layer somehow?
Sorry which rhythm are you referring to by overlapping rhythms? Is this a quarter note so that the upper LH layer isn't restriking on beat 2.0 when the lower layer is ascending? I am not hearing a quarter note that's more what I was confirming

Looks like Yoshi Desert's file was updated, but Bowser Castle is still the same one in the project folder

Fantastic Ike

QuoteSorry which rhythm are you referring to by overlapping rhythms? Is this a quarter note so that the upper LH layer isn't restriking on beat 2.0 when the lower layer is ascending? I am not hearing a quarter note that's more what I was confirming

Yes, more along the lines of that. I don't hear any restrikes on b2 so I made it a quarter note. Thought that would've been easier to read than a note randomly "missing" since the top note is there for every other instance in the measure. Let me know.

(I didn't update Bowser Castle since I was waiting to hear back on this but did it now)


Quote from: Fantastic Ike on October 02, 2023, 06:07:27 AMYes, more along the lines of that. I don't hear any restrikes on b2 so I made it a quarter note. Thought that would've been easier to read than a note randomly "missing" since the top note is there for every other instance in the measure. Let me know.

(I didn't update Bowser Castle since I was waiting to hear back on this but did it now)

Guess I misunderstood, when you said "updated too" I thought you meant you updated both files. Relistening again I'm pretty sure there is an 8th note E on 2.0, same sounding rhythm pattern as m4 LH.

• Additionally it sounds like m14 LH 4.5 the G is tied over to the G in the next measure. Maybe put m14 LH in the 2nd layer and have the tie on the G
• m33 RH beat 4 sounds staccatoed.

That's all I've got though.

Fantastic Ike


Thanks for making the changes, Bowser's Castle is now accepted

Fantastic Ike


Oh super circuit basslines how I have missed you not
  • m5 beat 1.5: I hear an F# grace note in the RH
  • m6 beat 1: I think a mordent works better here than a trill, provided the accidental is still present
  • m6 beat 4.25: I think I hear the figure from beat 2.25 again, not a gliss
  • m8 beat 4.5 LH: I hear the A-G figure again here
  • m9 beat 1.5 has a grace note also
  • m10: grace note here sounds like an An, note at beat 1.25 like a Cn
  • m10: I hear a low Bb-C-Bb figure at beat 4.25 LH
  • m12: beat 4 LH sounds like a Gn to me
  • m14: The LH accented notes would be better as 8ths, to match the RH and m13
  • m14 RH: I would keep the D-E-F-E-D line on top, and remove some of the bottom notes if needed, like in m13
  • m14 beat 4: I don't hear this chord in the LH, only a low D
  • m21 beat 4: low RH note sounds like a C not a D
  • m22: low RH note sounds like a D not a C
  • m22: Beats 3-4.25 LH all sound a half tone lower
  • m23: Beat 1 LH sounds like beat 1 in m24
  • m23: Courtesy accidental for the RH beat 4 Bn?
  • m24: You could include more harmony in the RH here, particularly the C at beat 3 or some of the Dbs
    Also the flute plays at beat 4.5
  • m25: I hear an octave lower F in the LH at beat 1.25, beat 3.25 also as that low F, beat 3.5 as a high F, 4.25 as a Dn and 4.75 as an octave lower Db
  • m26: I don't hear a G at beat 1 in the lower RH voice, I don't think it makes sense to include it
  • m26 LH: The C at beat 4.75 sounds an octave lower
  • m31: The beat 1 RH rest would be more readable if it's dotted, and the beat 2.5 chord as a staccato 8th
  • m33: I'd recommend removing the low Ds in the RH for playability purposes
  • When you have tuplet 16th notes beamed to another tuplet or regular 16th notes, you should break the beam:
    Quote from: Latios212 on September 15, 2023, 06:19:57 PMwhen there are multiple tuplets all under the same beam, it's best to break the secondary beams to clarify where the tuplets begin and end. Using the Beam Break Tool under Special Tools, click on the first note of the second tuplet and check the "16th" box (all the others will automatically be checked) -
    You cannot view this attachment.
nice job with the sheet :)

Fantastic Ike

QuoteOh super circuit basslines how I have missed you not

Fun to listen to, nightmare to transcribe!

Quotem6 beat 1: I think a mordent works better here than a trill, provided the accidental is still present

Talked with Kricketune about this, would love to make it a mordent, but I'm not sure how to do that and add the flat. Any ideas?

Quotem6 beat 4.25: I think I hear the figure from beat 2.25 again, not a gliss

Still keep the note on beat 4 right?

Quotem10: I hear a low Bb-C-Bb figure at beat 4.25 LH

I'm thinking start the 8vb next measure. Thoughts?

Quotem14 RH: I would keep the D-E-F-E-D line on top, and remove some of the bottom notes if needed, like in m13

That line is on the bottom though. Am I removing some from that to make it look like earlier in the measure?

Quotem24: You could include more harmony in the RH here, particularly the C at beat 3 or some of the Dbs

Took my best shot at this.

Think we're mostly updated here.


Quote from: Fantastic Ike on October 10, 2023, 01:06:25 PMTalked with Kricketune about this, would love to make it a mordent, but I'm not sure how to do that and add the flat. Any ideas?
You can create a new articulation, with the symbol #105, and position it above the mordent. Interestingly it seems to work with playback...
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Quote from: Fantastic Ike on October 10, 2023, 01:06:25 PMStill keep the note on beat 4 right?

Quote from: Fantastic Ike on October 10, 2023, 01:06:25 PMI'm thinking start the 8vb next measure. Thoughts?
I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I think the 8vbs are okay how they are

Quote from: Fantastic Ike on October 10, 2023, 01:06:25 PMThat line is on the bottom though. Am I removing some from that to make it look like earlier in the measure?
I'm so sorry, I wrote this at 4am yesterday and meant to say 'move' instead of 'keep'. That way you keep the melody that flows nicely into the C in the next measure:
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Quote from: Fantastic Ike on October 10, 2023, 01:06:25 PMTook my best shot at this.
I'm not hearing those Es, and maybe you could add those Dbs?
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  • With the beam breaking of tuplets, I forgot to clarify that the outermost beam should stay connected, and only the inner ones should be split (as is visible in the quoted screenshot).
  • In m30, the start of the gliss collides with the bass clef. Could you add a tiny bit of 'extra space at beginning' to the measure, via 'Measure Attributes'?
  • m25: The first low F should start on beat 1.25 instead of beat 1.5
  • The last 8vb line should end just after the last note, rather than at the end of the measure
  • System spacing: Could you move the bottom system on page 2 to page 3? That way you get 4-4-4 systems per page.
  • What's your reasoning for only crediting Minako Hamano as a composer? If I remember correctly there were 3 composers for Super Circuit and no individual track credits available

Fantastic Ike

QuoteI'm not sure what you mean by this, but I think the 8vbs are okay how they are

m10, b4.25-4.75 specifically. They're down the octave and was considering starting the 8vb marking there but decided against it

QuoteI'm so sorry, I wrote this at 4am yesterday and meant to say 'move' instead of 'keep'. That way you keep the melody that flows nicely into the C in the next measure:

No worries, I like that better anyway

QuoteI'm not hearing those Es, and maybe you could add those Dbs?

Sure thing.

QuoteWith the beam breaking of tuplets, I forgot to clarify that the outermost beam should stay connected, and only the inner ones should be split (as is visible in the quoted screenshot).

Yeah, should've guessed from that graphic.

QuoteWhat's your reasoning for only crediting Minako Hamano as a composer? If I remember correctly there were 3 composers for Super Circuit and no individual track credits available

...I'm gonna be honest, I forgot to check against the other sheets onsite. (Bowser Castle will have to be updated too, do you want me to do that?)
