[PC] OneShot - "Someplace I Know" by Francesca Minasi

Started by Zeta, July 28, 2023, 04:38:50 AM

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Submission Information:

Series: Other
Game: OneShot
Console: PC
Title: Someplace I Know
Instrumentation Solo Piano
Arranger: Francesca Minasi

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This is a good baseline for the sheet! However, there's still some work to be done:
About the notes:
-There are quite a lot of note mishaps in your sheet currently: I can write down all of them for you, but I think it may be a good ear practice to try and figure out the correct notes yourself. Some places to focus on are:
   -Every second note of the L.H., as well as the whole of the L.H. in m8 and 16.
   -The R.H. in m5-9 (there's a note missing on beat 1 of m5, 7 and 9 too), as well as m12
   -Some missing notes in the R.H. in m15 and 16 (some are pretty soft, try listening behind the L.H. figure)
Try listening to the piece at a slow tempo, hum the note you hear, and try to find that tone on the piano until it matches exactly. Most notes you have currently are still chord tones, so they fit the context, but they aren't exactly what's being played.
-Also, in the R.H., I think some notes should be an octave higher than they currently are. If you have the right note, try playing along on a piano and listen if they sound similar or not.

About the arrangement itself:
-Maybe instead of "hold pedal throughout", you can write down "con pedale": I think most pianists would prefer re-pedalling every measure. Holding it down for the entire song will cause notes from m1 to ring on into m2, and those will clash: this is especially noticeable on acoustic pianos, where the tones ring on longer than most electric pianos.
-Since the pedal is being used, maybe you could write the L.H. like this:
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This makes the exact pedal length clear, and looks a bit cleaner than having a short-looking octave.
-m13-16: Maybe you can write these quarter notes as half notes, so there aren't any rests in this part. With pedal, it usually makes sense to write out the full length of the note if it's being held, unless you have a specific sound you wanna convey.


Hi Bloop, thank you for your advice.

QuoteThere are quite a lot of note mishaps in your sheet currently: I can write down all of them for you, but I think it may be a good ear practice to try and figure out the correct notes yourself. Some places to focus on are:
   -Every second note of the L.H., as well as the whole of the L.H. in m8 and 16.
   -The R.H. in m5-9 (there's a note missing on beat 1 of m5, 7 and 9 too), as well as m12
   -Some missing notes in the R.H. in m15 and 16 (some are pretty soft, try listening behind the L.H. figure)
Try listening to the piece at a slow tempo, hum the note you hear, and try to find that tone on the piano until it matches exactly. Most notes you have currently are still chord tones, so they fit the context, but they aren't exactly what's being played.
I think I caught most of the notes that you're referring to- let me know if something's missing.

QuoteMaybe instead of "hold pedal throughout", you can write down "con pedale": I think most pianists would prefer re-pedalling every measure. Holding it down for the entire song will cause notes from m1 to ring on into m2, and those will clash: this is especially noticeable on acoustic pianos, where the tones ring on longer than most electric pianos.
Super long-lasting reverb is a very much reocurring technique in OneShot's soundtrack, which is why I wrote it that way. I agree that it may sound too heavy on a piano in comparison to the electronic instruments used in the original, so I changed it to con pedale.

QuoteSince the pedal is being used, maybe you could write the L.H. like this
Yeah, that works better. It's been implemented.

Quote-13-16: Maybe you can write these quarter notes as half notes, so there aren't any rests in this part. With pedal, it usually makes sense to write out the full length of the note if it's being held, unless you have a specific sound you wanna convey
I initially wrote the end part that way because of how suddenly those notes in particular stop in the original track, but since this effect wouldn't even work to begin with if the pedal is being used, then it's probably best for all the notes to just be halfs altogether like you mentioned.

Quotein the R.H., I think some notes should be an octave higher than they currently are. If you have the right note, try playing along on a piano and listen if they sound similar or not
I'm a bit confused about which notes you're referring to here- I tried relistening and playing the notes along on a piano, but transposing them an octave higher just make them sound off. Do you mind pointing out which parts you meant?


This is looking a lot better! There's still a couple of notes and other note-flipping/layout things:

-Make sure the L.H. whole notes are aligned at the start of the bar (you might need to delete and re-enter them)
-m3: R.H. beat 1 should be an E
-m5 and 7: R.H. beat 3 should be an E
-m6, 8 and 16: I don't particularly hear these grace notes in the original
-m11: You can flip the R.H. note on beat 1, since there's not rest underneath.
-m12: R.H. beat 2.5 and 3 should be A and D
-m14: I hear a D on beat 1 here (an octave higher than m13 beat 4)
-m15-16: Couple of things here:
   -The note on m15 beat 4.5 comes out of nowhere, which makes this measure look like a 9/8 measure. It's best to unhide some rests before, so the placement is clearer.
   -I think it'll look better to have the stems of the top and bottom voice voice away from eachother: it's pretty clear what each voice is supposed to be.
   -The two D's on beat 1 aren't playable at the moment, the L.H. and R.H. both can't get the middle D. It's best to move the lower up an octave, or move the top voice from m15 beat 4.5 down an octave (I went for the first option in my example, but you can choose)
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Quote from: Francesca on August 15, 2023, 08:27:03 AMI'm a bit confused about which notes you're referring to here- I tried relistening and playing the notes along on a piano, but transposing them an octave higher just make them sound off. Do you mind pointing out which parts you meant?
I think I was mainly thinking of the instrument at m3-4 (I thought there was more but not necessarily): the high glockenspiel-like instrument is playing an octave higher than what you have written, though there's also a softer electric piano that's actually an octave below what you have written. I suppose you could keep it as is as a sort of middle ground, but you could also consider moving it up an octave to imitate the glockenspiel, both work ^^


QuoteMake sure the L.H. whole notes are aligned at the start of the bar (you might need to delete and re-enter them)
-m3: R.H. beat 1 should be an E
-m5 and 7: R.H. beat 3 should be an E
These have been fixed.

Quotem6, 8 and 16: I don't particularly hear these grace notes in the original
I do hear something there on the melody, especially in m8, but I guess it could just be the overtones. I left the grace notes out for now.

Quotem11: You can flip the R.H. note on beat 1, since there's not rest underneath.
m12: R.H. beat 2.5 and 3 should be A and D
m14: I hear a D on beat 1 here (an octave higher than m13 beat 4)
These have also been fixed- should I remove the lower D on m14?

Quote-The note on m15 beat 4.5 comes out of nowhere, which makes this measure look like a 9/8 measure. It's best to unhide some rests before, so the placement is clearer.
-I think it'll look better to have the stems of the top and bottom voice voice away from eachother: it's pretty clear what each voice is supposed to be.
-The two D's on beat 1 aren't playable at the moment, the L.H. and R.H. both can't get the middle D. It's best to move the lower up an octave, or move the top voice from m15 beat 4.5 down an octave (I went for the first option in my example, but you can choose)
I unhid the last two rests, are those enough? Also, should I make the note in m16 a whole note, like you did in the example? And if the eighth note is fine, how do you suggest I deal with the stems? if the stem faces down like the note that plays just before in m15, it clashes with the half, but if it faces upwards, then it differs from the note that was written right before. I also moved the lower D up an octave to make it playable.

QuoteI think I was mainly thinking of the instrument at m3-4 (I thought there was more but not necessarily): the high glockenspiel-like instrument is playing an octave higher than what you have written
Oh, I understand what you mean. A glockenspiel only really uses a high range of notes, though, so I think the melody here sounds more "normal" an octave higher for that instrument, but if it's a piano playing it like in this case then it's probably best left an octave lower like it currently is.


Quote from: Francesca on August 16, 2023, 07:18:10 AMshould I remove the lower E on m14?
You mean the D right? I think it's fine keeping it, but it'll look a bit nicer having it in a separate layer like this:
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Quote from: Francesca on August 16, 2023, 07:18:10 AMAlso, should I make the note in m16 a whole note, like you did in the example?
Ah yeah I forgot to mention that, I think it's fine changing it to a whole note, as the pedal will make sure it rings on for the whole bar, like the bottom note of every first beat in the L.H.

Quote from: Francesca on August 16, 2023, 07:18:10 AMAnd if the eighth note is fine, how do you suggest I deal with the stems? if the stem faces down like the note that plays just before in m15, it clashes with the half, but if it faces upwards, then it differs from the note that was written right before.
The 8th note in m15 should have its stem upwards, as the quarter notes in beat 3 and 4 are already having the down stems. The note in m16 won't be an 8th anymore if you apply the above feedback, but if it were, it should still have it stem upwards regardless of what came before.



The 8th note in m15 beat 4.5 is still pointing down, the stem should go up. You did flip m13 beat 1 for some reason though, that should go up as well. In m14 you could keep the bottom half note as a whole note if you want, since it will be held for the whole measure anyway because of the pedal.


QuoteThe 8th note in m15 beat 4.5 is still pointing down, the stem should go up. You did flip m13 beat 1 for some reason though, that should go up as well
I'm so sorry, it should be fixed now.

QuoteIn m14 you could keep the bottom half note as a whole note if you want, since it will be held for the whole measure anyway because of the pedal
Got it, I added the whole note.


Only thing I'm noticing now (which I could've noticed before, sorry!) is flipping the tie on m13 beat 4 so it goes under instead of over, but I won't hold up my approval over that ^^

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Noticing the same thing I did with your Hot project sheet - click through every measure and it should fix the spacing

Not an enforced requirement - but do you have any qualms about a system spacing that maybe looks more like this? Nothing wrong with how you have it but I personally like evenly spacing and taking space when I have 4-5 systems on one page.

The mf could also maybe move down a little from the A, and maybe a bit more to the right (can move con pedale right with it)

Seems like the notes are all good to me so most likely good to accept after your response


QuoteNoticing the same thing I did with your Hot project sheet - click through every measure and it should fix the spacing
I usually change the width of all the measures manually through Edit Measure Attributes, and I guess that doesn't work too well compared to just clicking on the measures... Thank you for pointing it out again

QuoteThe mf could also maybe move down a little from the A, and maybe a bit more to the right (can move con pedale right with it)
I moved it down (even though now it's a bit too close to the note from the lower measure...)

Also, I personally prefer to have the system spacing the way it currently is as the systems feel a bit too "scattered" to me otherwise. Thank you for the suggestion, though ^^


QuoteAlso, I personally prefer to have the system spacing the way it currently is as the systems feel a bit too "scattered" to me otherwise. Thank you for the suggestion, though ^^
Perfectly fine!

As for the con pedale, agree it is maybe a little too close now. You could move system 2 down a tiny bit, and move the mf a bit to the left to also move the con pedale a bit left as well


QuoteAs for the con pedale, agree it is maybe a little too close now. You could move system 2 down a tiny bit, and move the mf a bit to the left to also move the con pedale a bit left as well
Updated! Sorry for taking so long...