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Google Chrome

Started by acropol, September 02, 2008, 02:50:29 PM

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sooo anyone tried the new Google Chrome Beta yet??

I've just downloaded it so I'm gonna try it a bit.. Mozilla may have some competition hmmm lol

well I kinda like it as of now! lol, didn't see any problems yet and it's pretty fast! ... and the 'home' page with your favorites is pretty cool


I notice no difference in speed.

Just need to wait for Chatzilla. Then I'll switch.


well it uses much less RAM than firefox for me anyway, but yeah gotta use it more to get used to it a bit


Google is teking over teh wourld!!

lol jk

maybe i'll try it. it can't hurt to download it right?

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well I heard it caused the dislocation of elbows, be aware


Since I use Firefox Ultimate Optimizer, my Firefox only use 800K of memory. Chrome uses 13,000k + 5,000k = 18,000k. Ouch?

I'll switch over when Chatzilla comes.


hm never heard of that optimizer thing

when I use firefox it always takes up 90mb+ ram, ill look that up


my firefox uses about 75 000k with chatzilla.  Chrome is only using 20 000k.

I think chrome is faster and I like it better, but it does need some sort of irc add on.


yeaaah there's some stuff I miss from Firefox.. but it's only in BETA, I bet there will be lots of extensions and updates in the future since it's open source anyway (I think it is)

but hmmm I still like firefox better but I'm sure GC will be better with time.


Waiting for the Mac version.


I hear it has no noticeable speed difference and all major advantages to Firefox can be added with addons.

me irl


actually there is a speed difference.


Everyone I know that tried it keeps telling me how fast it is to load pages. Sure the first time there's not much of a difference, but when you revisit it the speed is amazing.


Ooh yay, it's going to cache everything so I have a ton of temporary internet files that slow everything down again every time I delete them and could possibly slow things down and take up more RAM.

me irl



in GC, each tab is its own process, rather than being 1 process doing everything