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Jake_Luigi's Halloween Sheet II: Electric Boogaloo - [GBA] MMZ: X, The Legend

Started by Jake_Luigi, October 12, 2022, 06:02:04 PM

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I haven't arranged something since last Halloween... let's change that!
This time, a spoopy Mega Man song (what else?)!

Some notes:
m8 and m12 have the tied notes but they are playing twice (it plays again on beat 3 when it shouldn't), I am not sure how to fix that.
The held notes between m12 and m13 I also could not figure out, Finale ties were not being nice to me :(
Fifths in the left hand are to simulate the cronchy percussion
File in the Dropbox folder 🍞

But ye happy spoopy month y'all!


You won't need to worry about how the tied notes sound, since the performer is using the pedal in this section the notes don't need to be tied at all!

One suggestion I have would be to use the pedal throughout? It might help the piece sound more full, while also giving more of that echoey feel the original has.

The rit. marking can be moved to the beginning of the measure, I'm hearing a gradual slow-down from there already. Also, in the last measure, the LH will need a fermata as well.

Is this imported via Notepad? If so, I can make the necessary formatting changes, and if not, I'll tell you what can be changed!


- Ah I see, should I remove all the tied notes then?

- Should I have the pedal pressed for two measures and then released and then it just repeats like that?

- That would make sense, I can move the rit

- Oops, missed the fermata

- I have full Finale now, so I can make changes! Just lmk what I missed

If someone gets back to me within the next 7ish hours, I should be able to upload the changes by 6pm EST tonight. Probably. 😅
Thanks for the quick feedback Xiao!


You're welcome!

With the 'tied notes' I meant the ones at the end of measures 8 and 12 in the RH, specifically. All the others can stay.

As for the pedal, I think every 2 measures would work well near the beginning, but from m13 onwards there are more frequent chord changes, so I'd recommend making some adjustments there. You can either work it out in detail yourself, or just write "con pedale" under the bottom staff at the beginning of the piece (and then delete/hide all the individual markings). With the latter method, the performer would then figure it out themselves :)

And for formatting, 2 main things:
  • The font sizes you set are correct, but notation programs do this weird thing where there are basically 2 sizes within each other (one for the overall text box and one for the text itself). To make sure all the sizes are consistent you'll have to select each bit of text with the text tool (You cannot view this attachment.), then go to text>font and then make sure "Fixed size" is checked.
  • To balance out the pages a little more you can move the 5th system onto the second page, either with the staff tool (You cannot view this attachment.) or the page layout tool (You cannot view this attachment.). This will also free up some space up top on the first page, meaning you can move the first system (and the tempo marking) just below the composer/arranger text.

Thanks for the quick response! If have any questions or want assistance please ask!


Alrighty, afternoon update:

- Got rid of the unnecessary ties in m8 and m12

- Used the con pedale route because Finale grayed out the flip option when right-clicking the pedal marks, so they're upside-down and hidden for now

- rit moved, fermata added

- Checked Fixed Size

- Moved the staffs to balance the pages

If something's being wacky please lmk and I'll try to fix it ASAP (probably not until late tonight at the earliest tho)
Updated file added to Dropbox (10-13)


The text seems the same on my end, but to save time I quickly went over it myself (file linked below)

The pedal markings look good! One thing I forgot to mention earlier is to use the Expressive Text panel from within the Expression Tool to make the con pedale marking. I also tweaked the spacing a bit and aligned the tempo marking above the time signature.

Here's the download link. I think I mistakenly made this in v27 so while it should be fine if it plays up I can try again in v26 or work something else out :)


- Hmmm strange, I'll chock the fixed text up to user error (It's me. I'm the user making the error.)
- Ah, of course there's an expressive text panel in Finale, shoulda remembered that from MuseScore
- Oooo spacing looks nice
- Apparently my v27 is slightly out of date, but it all loaded up for me fine anyhow so that's all good

Thank you for the updates Xiao, sorry you had to go out of your way for that! Hopefully I'll have a free day one of these weeks and finally learn the ins and outs of Finale (meant to do it over the summer, but life said no)...
I'll upload the file to the Dropbox (unless you did that already, in which case I will do nothing lol)


Looks pretty good, just some details to go over with you:
  • Inti Creates should be added to the copyright info, since they developed the game.
  • You don't necessarily need the courtesy natural in m17 since it starts on a new system, but it doesn't really matter either way.
  • If the track repeats in-game, you don't need the parentheses around the D.C. If it doesn't repeat, then just leave the D.C. out.


- So true, I forgot about them
- Courtesy natural removed, I didn't like it very much anyways
- Parentheses removed

File to be uploaded in a minute! Thank ye Static :bread:


-Maybe you could write out m1-4 without a repeat bar? There's enough space for 4 systems per page, and it makes the repeat from m12 a bit more intuitive. Or, another version that works with 4 systems, is to do m1-4 in repeats, m5-8 in repeats, m1-4 again afterwards as m9-12, and then m5-8 again as m13-16.
both suggestions in images for clarification
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Might be best to save this for last though, since I'll use the older version's measure numbers for the rest of my feedback
-m4: Maybe you could add a courtesy accidental to the F# in the R.H.?
-m13-16: I don't think this is an exactly counted out section, but more like a ritenuto in half notes, like this:
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-m25-26: I hear a lower E here too, and ending on an octave B sounds like it's ending on a V chord (B major, or Bsus4 technically) instead of on a I (E minor). Maybe you could write these bars like this:
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-This is purely playback based, but the hidden pedal marks you have aren't actually pedal marks, so they have no effect on the pedal playback. If you hold ctrl and click on the Custom Line Tool (the last tool in the smart shape tool palette), you can use the ped + star marking there. For m16-18 an m20-22, you could do pedal marks per half bar instead of per bar, so the chords from beat 1-2 don't ring on in beat 3-4.


It is 12:43am, that took a lot more Finale research than I thought haha!

- Used first suggestion, made much more sense to me
- Added the courtesy accidental in m4
- After much trickery, I added a disguised ritenuto
- Added the lower E in m25-56
- Added real pedal markings

Thanks for the feeback Bloop, uploading new file now! (Now time to not sleep because woo yeah silly brain time)


Nice! I'm ready to accept, there were just a few tiny things I got for you:
-There was a forte in m5 that probably copied over from m1, so I deleted that one.
-There was a double barline at the end of m12, which should've gone to m19.

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