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Zunawe's Space Travel Project Sheets

Started by Zunawe, April 27, 2022, 11:46:51 AM

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Whoa, I like space

[XBOX360] Halo 3: ODST  Bits and Pieces: From the Ashes

- For the left hand pattern in m. 5 and 6, etc... Not sure whether it works better to have the staccato hits to match the strings, or to sustain like the piano part does in the original. Opinions appreciated.
- This sheet has readability issues because of the overlapping voices and syncopation. Especially m. 10. I think it sounds find and isn't hard to play, but not sure what the best solution is to make it more clear visually.
- If anyone has a better idea of the right copyright holder, that'd be nice. This is consistent with the other sheet on the site, but I think this is just the publisher for the soundtrack release. Nbd though.

[MUL] Outer Wilds  Morning

- Tried a few versions of various combinations of 2/4, 4/4, and 6/4. This felt most correct to me; 2/2 all the way through felt like slamming measure starts into places too understated to be their own measure. I'd be happy with no time sig as well.

Might sneak another Outer Wilds piece in if I get around to it and it is allowed.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things

Fantastic Ike


-About the time signatures, I think I could actually get behind no time sig as well ^^ It seems pretty free of meter.
-m8: I hear a B on beat 4.
-m9: The low C and B on beats 1 and 3 should be an A and G, respectively.
-m10: Not necessarily wrong to have a fermate, but the last chord is exactly 6 beats long, so you could tie it to a whole note in a new bar, or, if you go with no time sigs, you could change it to a dotted whole note. Leaving it as a fermate half note is okay too though ^^


- Works for me
- Yep
- Yep
- At the time it seemed more in the spirit of the music to make it a fermata. Especially over adding an extra bar just for a tied note at the end. Doesn't matter to me though if we're going with no time sig anyway.

Should be updated.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Awesome! I'll approve of Morning, though there's one detail you might wanna change: it's currently kinda visible where the hidden barlines are (between the second and third groups of four 8ths, and before the last half note in the first system, for example). You might wanna write this in one long bar or two bars of idk/4 and idkbutmore/4, so those spaces aren't there ^^



x2 on what Bloop said about the hidden barlines.  If you want to write it out like this you need to use one long bar.  At the moment the spacings are pretty weird.

The only other thing I would say is that you have loads of vertical space but multiple elements of the sheet are overlapping horizontally at the top.  The composer info can start below the game title, the tempo marking can start below the arranger info etc.  Just space things out a bit more at the top.

Also the composer info, etc. needs to be aligned to the margins.

Bits and Pieces: From the Ashes

-Again the spacing at the top of the sheet needs to be cleaned up.  The composer info is waaay too close to the sheet title and can start below the game title.
-I'm not personally a huge fan of the staccatos mixed with augmentations dots.  I think it can be confusing to read.  I'd write these as quarter notes (still with a staccato if you want) followed by an eighth rest.
-The bass notes in bar 9 are Bb -> Ab, not F to C.  Those chords will probably need to be revoiced to make it work.
-I don't think these are parallel thirds in bar 9.  It sounds like the Bb is an Ab still.
-The way the second layer is written out in bars 10-13 is quite confusing and doesn't really match up with what is being played in the original.  On beat 3 of beat bar it should be play an Ab, and I don't know why it is currently playing a Bb on beat 4.
-Why are bars 18-19 written so differently to all of the other RH bars in this section?  I'd stick to one style of writing this RH part out i.e. either with the layers combined or split.
-Bar 19 is also missing Dns.
-Bar 29 has Bbs in the bass every beat (what is currently written in could be played by the RH). 
-The measure distribution in general could do with some cleaning up.  The last system of page 1 is far too dense, and the penultimate system of page 2 is very spread out.  There are lots of options, but it needs to be a lot more even.
-Is bar 26 really quieter than bar 1?  I'd try to make the dynamics a little more consistent.  Also, at the moment it is confusing what dynamic bar 2 should be played at the second time.  They could also be centred a bit more horizontally, particularly the one in the first bar.
-Does this piece loop in game?
-Copyright should be 'developer, publisher c 2009' i.e. Bungie, Microsoft Game Studios c 2009.
-Ditto as to your other sheet about aligning the copyright, composer info, mini titles etc.


Quote from: Libera on May 20, 2022, 11:05:48 AMMorning

x2 on what Bloop said about the hidden barlines.  If you want to write it out like this you need to use one long bar.  At the moment the spacings are pretty weird.

The only other thing I would say is that you have loads of vertical space but multiple elements of the sheet are overlapping horizontally at the top.  The composer info can start below the game title, the tempo marking can start below the arranger info etc.  Just space things out a bit more at the top.

Also the composer info, etc. needs to be aligned to the margins.

Since these edits were small, I got these for you.  Now accepted.

We're now closing out this project, so your other sheet will need to go through submissions instead.