TWG III: Master Hand's Finale

Started by Nakah, August 24, 2008, 07:31:12 PM

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pumpy said something about his internet not working before sunday.


Dekudude is dead.


   It was not long before everyone made a last second decision to kill Dekudude in the ice cave in which they were in.


   It is now Night 3. Send in PMs(Yes I am way too tired to type up a detailed story right now). Night ends Friday @9:00 p.m. EST.



Okay, I have a little problem.

Gustav did a LOT of damage to my area. I have no power. I'm currently in Boloxi, Mississippi with my mom, sister, dad and his band so we would have AC and stuff. Anyway, we aren't expecting power until next week, but that may not be the case. Only 25% of Louisiana should have power in about 8-10 days. The other 75% should have it is 4-6 WEEKS. I SHOULD be in the 25% part, but I may not be. I'll be in Mississippi until Sunday, so I'll have some time to figure this out. I may or may not have to drop out. We should know by Sunday.


good luck iDOWN.

Our number of active players is dwindling.


sorry guys
i had a 2 tests and nonstop quizzes day after day
so i coulbnt get on
il try though to stay active every weekend


Night is over. iDOWN was killed. Story will follow.


   When everyone stared at the dead body of their lynched Dekudude in the ice cave within the ice ring that surrounded the planet as ice does with Saturn, it was all very silent. Suddenly everything started to quake. Everyone looked around in panic as shards were falling fast.

   "Look!" Screamed MasterPenguin.

   Pointing up at what was visible of the planet they circled, it appeared as though the entire planet was beginning to fall and would collide with the great desert below.

   Everyone held onto what was near them as the colossal planet plummetted towards the desert.

   It crashed with a great kafoom as sand swept into the sky high into the air.

   Everyone was surprised to have survived. They all stood up and saw the path to the next section was open yet again.

   Everyone entered what was now the identical forest they were in before.

   It was night.


   It is now Day 3. Start voting now. Day ends Tuesday @ 9:00 p.m. EST.



Updated Player List:

   1. Sirus
   2. Brawler4Ever
   4. pumpy_heart
   6. Kotorfanboy
   7. Jake3343
   8. Blah54
   9. MasterPenguin
  11. Gooch
  15. HugoMeister


Meh. Well, good luck to you guys.
Damn you wolves. ;-;

Just when the game was getting interesting, and I now have power at my house. :/

Well, see you guys in the next game.


I guess I'll state this now. I am Green

Whether or not you believe me is up to you. Then again, you may not have to take my word for it if you're a seer.

But that has flaws in itself, seeing as one of the wolves is seer'd green I guess it does come down to whether or not you trust me. :P

To the Wolves:

Go ahead. Seer me with your Wolf Shaman powers. (or whichever one it is) I dare you. You'll see I tell no lies.  Kill me if you must, but know that I believe there are still 2 people you should be fearing. I trust all three of your victims so far to be green. If you do kill me, my ideas shall live on.

To the Seer:

You could seer me as well, but that would be pointless. You need not waste a night's opportunity to find out what I just told you. I have no power at all in this game. All I have up my sleeves this time are my words. Use that power to find the guardian. Keep each other safe. Then go for the wolves. We can't win taking them on individually. We need a force of intellect and power.

To the Guardian:

Be wary of who comes to you with "I know you're the guardian." There's a 50% chance that he's a wolf. There's really no way for you to tell if he's the seer or wolf besides your own choice. Then again, there could be a seer creature power, you never know. Think things out, one step at a time. One wrong decision and we lose either you or the people you trust.

The wolves might not kill you immediately if they do find you. They can use you to get info on the other blue and the humans. Use caution.

With that said, based off of what I've seen and experienced in the chatroom, and on our generally inactive forum, I believe the wolves to be kotorfanboy, sirus, and MasterPenguin.

Quote[23:07:50]   <kotorfanboy>   I would suspect that those that aren't very active are not wolves, as if it was in there power to be active, then they would do so, as to not get too many phantoms and threaten their team's chance
[23:10:15]   <kotorfanboy>   so Hugo, it would be a higher probability that the wolves are active than inactive, meaning they would come on the chat to see what was going on

This quote makes much sense, and reverse psychology worked well for me when I was a wolf. As you guys have admitted, I had you fooled good. A simple truthfull statement from a wolf about they're status is enough to screw even the most elaborate plans up. Those 3 people I had stated before fit that category all too well.

I won't divulge any more of my knowledge yet, but as of this moment, my vote is cast for MasterPenguin, as it has been for the past 2 days. Of course, there's a chance I'm wrong, but if we want info, I urge you all to put people under pressure. Watch them crack. Observe their reactions. Take notice of everything. And if I'm indeed wrong, we have plenty of other people to go after. Of course, I'm included in there, but everything I have posted above is true. I am Green.

I strongly urge you people to take action. We're losing people fast, and I trust that 3/5 dead are green. Hopefully those other two aren't our blues. Our votes must be as precise as possible. We're coming down to 3 reds (2 or even 1 if our lynchings were correct), 2 blues, and 4 greens. There is a huge chance of killing ourselves.

I'll shut up now. :)

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Dang it, we're going to lose...

[Almost an EDIT]Whoa hugo...nice.
Master Wolf is seered green, btw. You could be lying...
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


As I indeed did state in the first few lines. :)

Quote from: HugoMeisterBut that has flaws in itself, seeing as one of the wolves is seer'd green I guess it does come down to whether or not you trust me. :P

And now the game begins.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Alright I suppose a defense is in order. Apparently you are not convinced about Jake's and Wrydryn's proximity to me in real life as a testimony to my being a green, but I probably wouldn't follow somebody on one piece of defense either.

That said, I am green. A regular green. I calculated the chances that it was more likely than not I would be something other than a regular human, I crossed my fingers, but yet, here I am, with nothing but my observations to contribute to the cause. But why you should think I'm green, well, I'm green because the two wolves Hugo just claimed to be my fellow wolves, are who I have been voting for. I voted for Sirus last round, and was planning on voting for MasterPenguin this round. You don't believe I was about to vote for MasterPenguin? Look at this:

(11:15:56 PM) kotorfanboy: so what about MasterPenguin Hugo
(11:16:33 PM) kotorfanboy: He's on the chat a lot, so he would be a good observer for the wolves to check out what is going on in the chat

I said that I though MasterPenguin was a wolf almost a half an hour before Hugo made his post. Even ask Hugo, he can vouch that I claimed MasterPenguin was a wolf before his post.

Let me just tell you that I don't consider Hugo my enemy now. I think he is right on the Sirus and MasterPenguin claims, but just jumped to the wrong conclusion on me. So I still think Sirus and MasterPenguin are wolves, but I'm adding Blah to that list, in the theory that Hugo quoted me on. The wolves will not be the ones who are inactive getting phantom votes in this game. They will be the ones just sliding across, not making too much of a scene while making sure every round to get things done for the wolves. Again, I reiterate:


I think they are the wolves. Don't think you have to pick between siding with myself and Hugo, I consider him an ally myself.

I'll start taking out the wolves, voting for MasterPenguin first.

On a slightly different note, here is my theory on the masons:

The masons, are just regular humans, but they have a little head start on the investigation process. I believe, that if at least two masons are still alive, that they should reveal they are masons, and the second or third mason can vouch their claim. I believe this can only help the human cause, as the list of possible wolves is narrowed. The masons won't take on any extra targets from wolves, as that now their big secret is out, so they are just the same as a regular human.

I believe the plan is foolproof, because two regular humans wouldn't do such a thing as claim to be masons, as it would shoot their own team in the foot. If two or more wolves claimed to be masons, I hope that that the real masons would come out as being the real masons, and expose the wolves as frauds.

At the this pivotal junction in the game, I believe it is the perfect time for the masons to come out and help the human cause with the extra power they have been granted.


inactiveness doesnt mean youre a wolf
and im not on chat b/c im  busy with school  :P
im not sure for now but if youre going to count inactiveness as a wolf-like charecteristic im voting for
for now that is
ill probably change my vote


Alright. Now that you're voting for me, it's time for me to come out and do something about it. I frankly believe that you[/u] two are the wolves. I believe you are trying to frame me. By your own words, I have been inactive. Yes, I have been inactive, as I hardly have a clue what to do. It's something that Nakah told me that makes me believe that you guys are the wolves.

Quote[2008-08-29 11:22:55] <Nakah> For some reason, people think that wolves are inactive people
[2008-08-29 11:23:01] <Nakah> When it's quite the opposite
[2008-08-29 11:23:18] <Nakah> Humans stay inactive because their roles are boring and people don't feel like playing so they lose interest and become inactive
[2008-08-29 11:23:44] <Nakah> Wolves have interesting roles and so irresistibly continue to be very active.

Looking at it, Kotor says Hugo isn't an enemy. No why? Because they're both the wolves. Though I'm not sure who the third wolf is, we'll find out soon enough. Both of you [Hugo & Kotor] fit the description that Nakah gave me, of who are the wolves. Both of you are active.

I've been trying to figure out who is who this entire game, and it finally hit me. That is my theory, and I think I cast my vote for HugoMeister.


something just hit me
if mastergamer was wolfed then ppl would know know pumpy would be framed
so therefore there is a possiblity the wolves knew that too and purposely wolfed mastergamer so they would somehow get pumpy at least free from suspicion for at least a few days while wolfing down other ppl
so im changing my vote to pumpy_heart