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TWG III: Master Hand's Finale

Started by Nakah, August 24, 2008, 07:31:12 PM

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   It is now the time for the final TWG game that I will be hosting to begin, and the first TWG to officially kickoff the forum for the future plans that I have for this. I have randomized the roles for everyone, and the PMs are sent. Without further ado, I present to you the TWG trilogy's finale.


   It was midnight in the forest of the Mushroom Kingdom. The great pine trees whistled in the wispy breeze as Toad and Kamek continued to journey down the path through the darkness. With Kamek carrying a lantern  i order to light the way, they both were silently creeping onward.
   Kamek looked up into the night sky. The stars were infinite and the moon was full. Toad followed being puzzled by Kamek's concern with the sky. Kamek had been looking at it all throughout the night, keeping check as if something were meant to happen.

   "We're almost there..." Spoke Kamek.

   "Where is it exactly, did you say?" Asked Toad stopping behind.

   Kamek made no acknowledgment of Toad's question. Instead, he continued to walk while speaking unknown words to nothing but the night. Toad did not bother to repeat himself, so he continued to follow.

   "We're almost where we need to be." Responded Kamek.

   With this, Kamek twisted off the path from which they were traveling upon and crept into the forest trees that twisted and screamed from the wind as they were rising in the night.

   "What might this supposed place be?" Asked Toad as he followed off the path with Kamek.

   They continued to journey through the dense and even darker forest, while creatures crept and slithered and sneaked around them. It was a while before Kamek finally spoke.

   "We are here." Responded Kamek.

   Kamek stood before a cave. This cave was dark and nothing could be seen within. Toad and kamek walked into the cave and began to climb through it's dark murky tunnels. It stretched deep and they spent very long finding ways through it into the deep darkness. When they finally crept through the tunnels they reached an opening. It was a great corridor with countless pillars the raised so very high that it could not be seen where the ceiling was with the darkness in it. Kamek carried the lantern and began to journey through the great corridor. Toad, still unaware of where they were going, followed without questioning. They had been questing for nearly 7 days since the return to the Mushroom Kingdom from Master Hand's Realm. Kamek spoke of summoning an alliance to conquer Master Hand. Since then, nothing was said.

   They finally reached the end of the corridor that had an opening. Following into the opening, and through a few more tunnels they came to an even greater chasm. They followed along the side of the chasm where a narrow path wandered through the darkness. Toad kicked a small rock off into the darkness.

   It clashed as it hit the rocky wall and slid down, the hitting another branch and bouncing off hitting the opposite rocky chasm making even louder sounds as it disappeared into the darkness. No sound of a bottom was heard. They continued to walk.

   When they finally reached a narrow bridge crossing the chasm to the next tunnel deeper into this cave, Kamek spoke.

   "One at a time, thus we'll make it safely across."

   Kamek began to cross the bridge. When he was near the end, it was Toad's turn to start crossing. So Toad did so.

   In the darkness, while Kamek had been crossing the bridge the small rock that Toad had kicked was falling yet through the darkness and the chasm walls which began to narrow the further the rock fell. Alas, the small rock reached an abyss of great darkness as the chasm walls suddenly dispersed and disappeared into a not visible sight The small rock continued to fall and swirled through the darkness.

   A dark colossal hand raised up and snatched it.

   While Toad began to cross the bridge, Kamek was mapping out where to proceed in the cave. Suddenly, the chasm began to quake. The bridge shook as toad began to shake in fear. Kamek turned around.

   "Come!" Screamed Kamek.

   Before Kamek could say more, the bridge collapsed and Toad jumped into the air and grabbed for the ledge, missing it and falling into the darkness.


   Kamek began to run to the ledge and was going to look over. Before Kamek reached the ledge, though, a great dark figure began to rise from the darkness and in it's hand lie Toad unconscious and bloody.

   Kamek mumbed in great horror. "Belome..."

   The great figure Belome climbed upon the ledge before Kamek and roared a crippling sound. Rocked fell from the top of the cave and crashed around Kamek. Belome took Toad from his hand opening his mouth and swallowing Toad who was now awake.

   Kamek whipped out his wand. With a swish he illuminated the entire chasm and shined his great green light in the eyes of Belome, blinding the creature.

   It roared in fear for not seeing.

   Kamek stepped forward, rising his wand. Belome began to swat at the air trying to snatch his opponent while not being able to see.

   Kamek screamed unknown words and his wand swished with a spell that blasted Belome into the rocky chasm behind, making the chasm crumble and the rocks fall into the abyss. Belome grabbed the ledge of the chasm in which Kamek stood upon, except the falling rocks were too much for it to control, and it fell into the great darkness, as Kamek stood before.

   Kamek turned and ran within and instant because of the entire ceiling beginning to collapse bring into the darkness. Kamek ran and jumped into the next tunnel, while rocks bombarded the way behind him, making him continue on with no way back from the way he came.

   Kamek stood up, brushed himself and continued to walk. The loss of Toad would be great, but he must continue. For they who are in this cave rely on him.

   Kamek reached a fine room. In this room was a throne. In the throne stood three dark figures.

   "Alas." Said Kamek.

   "What is it you have come here for?" Asked a mysterious yet very familiar voice.

   "When I said I needed you for more important things than your silly village, I did not kid you." Responded  Kamek.

   "What has become of my old village?" Asked the voice.

   "It matters not. What matters is your assistance. I'm forming an alliance."

   "Alliance for what?" It asked.

   "For the threat that would make your once peaceful no more. Master Hand has invaded our realm with the means to conquer it."

   "I can not face such a threat, we are not of it's greatness in which you wish us to be." Responded to figure.

   "I will make you so." Responded Kamek.

   With this, JaMaHa stepped from the darkness and into the light that shined into the cave. With him stepped HugoMeister and Dude. The three once werewolves of Mushrew stood before Kamek.

   "I will make you into something greater, you will be allowed to accomplish what needs to be done." With this, Kamek with his wans swished. The three figures twisted in shape and formed completely different figures. In the light was now Samus, Gannondorf, and Donkey Kong.

   "You are no longer who you once were, not in the slightest way." Said Kamek.

   The three that stood before Kamek agreed to help and they went from the cave and out of the forest. It was time return to Bowser's Castle, where they would enter Master Hand's Realm.

   "I have summoned others..." Responded Kamek before they returned into the castle.

   When they reached the spot where they had returned from the realm before, in the place was 12 others. Among them was the Windfish, who Kamek summoned knowing his extroadinary wisdom was needed.

   "I think everyone is here." Said Kamek. Before Kamek could speak more, sound of horrific pipe organ music began to play. Everyone turned to the instrument which had apparently survived in the rubble of the castle.

   "I wish to help you..." Said the voice, coming from it.

   From it, Motzhand was rising and came to the 16 that stood before him.

   "My brothers have gone insane. I must stop them. For the sake of everyone in Life." Responded Miotzhand.

   "Who are you brothers?" Asked Kamek.

   "In the realm that you seek are my brothers, who're Crazy Hand and Master Hand." Responded Kamek.

   With the alliance of 17 now, Kamek began to speak.

   "Alright, Motzhand will open the passage into the realm. We must defeat Master Hand, or all that we ever knew is lost. I will lead."

   Motzhand did as said and the realm was entered.

   The sky began to twist and colors swirled as the area around them transformed into the realm.


   Where they were was not the same as Kamek remembered. Instead of the peak of a mountain, they were in a beautiful garden. It was bright and sunny, it was much more stable this time in the realm than before.

   In front of the 17 was a great gate. It screamed into the sky with infinite height. They waked to this gate, it opened.

   When it opened, the area before them was much different inside. The realm in front of them seemed to be dark and twisted, yet also mysterious. there were many gates that divided certain sections of the realm. Each section was in daylight or night.

   "I know what this is..." Said Kamek.

   Kamek spoke to the alliance. "In order to reach Master Hand we must journey through his realm and complete his game. I know the way to play, I survived it from before..."

   Everyone in the alliance agreed with Kamek.

   When Kamek stepped into the first section, instantly he became a white blob.

   "I was expecting this."

   "We can't see one another apart!" Screamed one white blob.

   "I know, we must trust one another. Listen, everyone we-"

   Instantly everything went black.

   When everyone woke up, they were inside the gate and in the first section. A dark forest. It was night.

   No one remember where they were or who they even were, only what they must do. What they must do was embedded in them like instinct. They were without command. Everyone stared at one another.

   "Why are there only 15 of us now?" Asked someone.

   "I don't know..." Said another.

   "Look in the sky!"

   From the sky came three great figures. Laughing horrifically each figure flew around the 15. From the sight of the 15 was the Realm Keeper, Crazy Hand, and Master Hand.

   "Mwahahaha," Said Master Hand.

   "iidasdaiajsamcoiasdoijikl" Replied Crazy Hand.

   "Very interesting, indeed." Said the Realm Keeper.

   Each figure  swirled around the 15 and then shot into one of them. Thus 3 of the 15 were now possessed by the Realm Keeper, Crazy Hand, and Master Hand.

   In the chaos of everything, everyone was blown away in different directions by the three. Now no one knew where everyone was in the forest.

   It was night, in the realm.


   It is now Night 1. Send in PMs. Night ends Monday @ 9:00 p.m. EST.

   *Edit: I was going to keep this secret, though I've decided to make it known so that it doesn't affect the game in an way that will mess everyone up. In the realm there are many mysteries, surprises, and secrets. Each section of the realm has one special creature(A special role) that is given to one player(randomly). This role allows the player to preform specific skills(like any other role) only for that phase(once during it). I have already PM'd the player with the secret role for this phase. If you receive a PM from me saying that this creature's skill was used on you, with whatever the skill is will happen to you(in example, you receive a pm from me saying "The creature of this phase has vigi'd you. You are dead." Or "The creature has gaurded you." Perhaps "The creature has seer'd you.") Every Night phase I select a new creature, and at the end of the phase(if the creature uses it's skill and was not wolfed), the player returns to his former role. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR MY PMS. They will instruct you. You want to see how complicated things can get? The skills of these creatures will not only be familiar ones from past games, but ones completely new and unknown. The creatures of each phase will be told as well as the players they were assigned to at the end of the game. As will each of their skills. Alright, if anyone has any questions about this PM me with it.




You know for being a forum game, the story is really complex. To me part of the fun of the game is reading what happened. Like consider last game, what if instead of lynching Pumpy (sorry kinda), if we would have lynched dekudude. Then kamek would be dead and the story of this game would have been a huge difference.

So in other words... Great work Nakah.  :)
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Nakah said that somewhere...

How is Kamek still alive through all of this??
And is Kamek a he or a she...?
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


I think Kamek is Dekudude from the last game, and Kamek is a boy. Kammy is a girl.



Super Zombie

I can already tell that this thread will be way longer than the last game's. One thing we have to remember is that now we have the Masons who know who each other are, so three people acting together in this game doesn't mean that they're wolves.

Nice story.


Nice story.

I still no leads so I'm going back to the chat.


'Twas like reading a well put together book



Night is over. PMs are in. Story will follow.


   It was dark and misty in the forest of this section of the realm. Through the trees maneuvered the white blob Jake3343. In the trees were whistles and creaks that haunted the forest throughout the night.

   "I must find the others..." Said Jake3343 to himself. "Anyone, they could all be anywhere."

   "If only I could get a high spot to lookout from..."

   Jake3343 looked around, beginning to climb the tree near him. He climbed high into the tree and could now see the rest of this massive forest better in the light of the full moon and the stars. When he was nearly at the top of the tree a bristling through the bushes below could be heard.

   The sound came from behind the tree in which Jake3343 was climbing, it rattled and shook the bushes. Then was gone.

   Jake decided it was best to wait the remainder of the night out in the tree to avoid any raps that the creature below had set up.


   In another part of the forest, in the trees journeyed the white blob Brawler4Ever. He came to a great rock that reached above the trees, and decided to climb it to get a vantage point over the forest. The rock was tall and steep. Nearing the top, Brawler4Ever could see the entire forest. Much to his surprise, a small cave resided near the peak.
   Brawler did not want to risk anything or come to any creatures he could not fend off, so he decided it was best to not venture into the cave.
   While climbing back to the forest, in the bushes could be heard a shifting sound. Brawler stepped back. Then called out:

   "Who is there?"


   "It is I SuperZombie."

   "Why are you being so sneaky?" Asked Brawler.

   "I heard something afar back. I didn't want any confrontations during the Night, so I crept silently into the deeper parts of the forest."

   "I see, well there is-"

   Brawler's voice was silenced by a great roar that came from the forest.

   Both looked at each other, then in the direction from where the roar came from.


   In another part of the forest Sirus was walking, and he too heard the sound of the roar. Instead of finding a safe place, he decided to run towards it. Running and jumping through the trees Sirus finally came to the spot from where the roar came.

   In the darkness lie the dead body of a white blob, with a bite mark on it's neck.


   It is now Day 1. Master_gamer38 is dead. Day ends Friday @ 9:00 p.m. EST.



ummm, could anyone possibly post a player list, I could just look at the actual sign-up list, but it would be better if someone could do it.


Updated Player List:

   1. Sirus
   2. Brawler4Ever
   3. iDOWN
   4. pumpy_heart
   5. Wrydryn
   6. Kotorfanboy
   7. Jake3343
   8. Blah54
   9. MasterPenguin
  11. Gooch
  12. SuperZombie
  13. HugoMeister
  14. DaveyTheRebel
  15. Dekudude

   Nakah Edit* ; )
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


wow  ;D
i just checked this out b/c i was busy with school  :P
awesome story
hmm... ill try to be on chat but i cant be on it often so plz excuse me for school (i have like 5 quizzes this week, not counting possible pop quizzes)