Have Optimus Prime Call You!...

Started by Playgame38, August 24, 2008, 04:59:06 PM

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or someone eles! :)

Send a personalized message to your friend from Optimus Prime!


<<Last number is 8


I know a guy who would crap himself if he got that, i'll have to do it immediately. BUT, before i do, will i get a computer-sploding virus or some other crap like that if i do this?


Quote from: Gooch on August 24, 2008, 06:54:02 PM...will i get a computer-sploding virus or some other crap like that if i do this?

I didn't and I've done this about 10 times already! So funny.

<<Last number is 8



it'll have to wait 'til tomorrow, for 'tis late and i am far too tired to do it now.


Matt how do you find this stuff it is so funny


I don't get why you have to enter all the names if he doesnt even say em


dunno maybe so he can use the right proverbs or other stiff I don't know about??