The Legend of Zelda: the minish door

Started by fuselinestudios, August 24, 2008, 04:35:09 PM

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  We at fuseline studios now verify that this game:

  Will be made. I myself have already started working on it. You can go to the forums: or even help us out in the making
of this game!
  To join our game making team, go to the forums and pm the admin (me). To do so you
must login/register. The game is still being worked on and a stable release is due to come soon.


as in a sequel to minish cap? But its not capcom...


no its not actually a sequil. Well it kinda is but it doesn't matter cuz the game is free. If i charged you to play on the other hand... That would be very very illegal.


so kind of like B-K pianist and his crystal jiggy thing? A fan made game?


yeah basically. But this game is probably better since its an mmorpg being made by a large group of people.


I can only wonder the credibility of this...


Quote from: fuselinestudios on August 24, 2008, 04:51:18 PMyeah basically. But this game is probably better since its an mmorpg being made by a large group of people.
You're getting called out BK lol


lol if only someone could help us out with tilesheets though. That has been a major issue with the game is that we can't find a way to make the old minish cap tile sets 32x32 because they are 16x16 right now. And increasing the size will cause it to blur.


so I went to the that echo the same echo that posts here?


I doubt it. He and i have been working together for a bit now and besides he is a scripter for the game.


just wondering if that's how word of this got to this site.


It might be that we pretty much do all things Nintendo (music wise) and they are putting this on every Nintendo related site, or this is a total farce.


No actually im not doing either. Im just trying to find more people to join the community. Its pretty boring only having 6 members. If i had more me and my team could do more things with the community.

