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Starwars Demo

Started by Wrydryn, August 22, 2008, 09:17:05 AM

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With the new star wars Force unleashed demo out post you comments here about it.

I personally haven't played it since it's still downloading but I can't wait to play it.


my download has been really really slow.  something is wrong.

It took like the whole day to get to 40%.


My friend told me i was worth the wait


I didnt have to download it, Wrydryn's brother did it for me  ;D. Anyway, I played it, and I must admit the combat was SICK, it was so fun using the force powers.

However, I hope that the enemies get a little more diverse as the game gets on, and more strategy is needed. Instead of using all of the different moves because they look cool, it should be that the game needs strategic use of all of the moves you know.


Very much not worth the wait.  The game was decently fun, but had waaaay too many of the generic problems that fuck these kind of games up.  The targeting system is total shit, force grip doesn't feel near as good or easy to control as it should, the camera is obnoxious, and it gets a bit repetitive.  It's just about impossible to throw something the way you want it to go, pick up what you want to pick up, etc etc.  Controls are very clunky as Frank warned me D:

me irl


Yea I found myself mis-throwing most of the things I picked up. Is there a way to control what you throw at using right bumper or do you just have to aim right (and with long distances is very difficult with the current system)?


The sticks are the only way.  :|

me irl


I havnt played it but i reckon those problems were because of the learning curve on the game. The more u play the more u would (probably) come to terms with the controls. I know i was like that with Mass Effect and Kotor but the more i played it the better i got and they turned out AWESOME!


They were not learning curve.  They were incredibly flawed controls.  Go and play it yourself and you will see.

me irl


Quote from: Gamer4250 on August 23, 2008, 09:50:57 AMThey were not learning curve.  They were incredibly flawed controls.  Go and play it yourself and you will see.

I agree. I also had trouble with the Force Grip.


I beat it on Sith Lord on my second try(my first being on Apprentice). Way too easy. The only time I got really hurt was against the boss.

SePtEmBeR 16tt for America!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO!!!!
September 17th(18th?) for Asia!
September 19th for Europe!
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


I played it and I rather liked it.

Didn't find any problems with the controls.

I'm thinking 8.5/10.


7.8 for demo but to story might help out the game for the full version
also i read in a mag. the on the first level you get to play as vader with all force moves/abilities avalible


Quote from: Wrydryn on August 25, 2008, 07:07:37 PM7.8 for demo but to story might help out the game for the full version
also i read in a mag. the on the first level you get to play as vader with all force moves/abilities avalible
yeah- i heard that too. thats gonna be really sweet!!! (too bad its only at the beginning of the game... :'() - its... its... beautiful!

Super Zombie

I loved the demo. I didn't find any problems with it, except that it might get a little repetitive after a long time. The camera and force throw and grab worked excellent.


I don't know, I'll see how the controls work out in the final version. I still wish there was some sort of lock on with the throws, almost like L-targeting in Oot, but with the right bumper, like it is if you aren't holding something.