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What if.....

Started by HugoMeister, August 21, 2008, 06:37:48 PM

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I would cry. Green Greens is freaking the most epic kirby song ever!

What if there was no music when fighting pokémon


then I would gather my friends and perform a capella action music whenever a battle came on (I would totally be the lead air guitar.. while playing.. somehow >_>;)

What if your musical instrument came to life and started talking to you?


Hmmm....I actually play a flute(-like) instrument so I guess I'd be hearing relentless innuendo.

What if leaves were actually blue?

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


This would mean that leaves don't have chlorophyll , so they couldn't change CO2 in O2, then Earth would be totally unlivable and humanity (and life in general) would die.

What if Nintendo and Microsoft merged!?  :o


Urk... don't want to think about it. x)

What if everyone stated his/her real name on here?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


people already have, [CENSORED]... you just want to be stalkerish and go searching for it... i already know a bunch of names without asking (cause they told me... haha)

What if everyone had to use their name when signing in, instead of a sn?


Ohh dear.  Then there would be more lurkers than registered users?

(Hmm...did you try stalking the users here on facebook via their displayed email and the NSM facebook page? I found universe-x there when I was reading some posts but I SWEAR IT WAS AN ACCIDENT  :o)

Quote from: FallenPianist on August 05, 2010, 07:28:26 AMThis would mean that leaves don't have chlorophyll , so they couldn't change CO2 in O2, then Earth would be totally unlivable and humanity (and life in general) would die.

It color exists in chlorophyll because plants absorb mostly the red light from the Sun. because Earth's conditions doesn't allow many shorter EM waves reach its surface. But if either the Sun emitted more high frequency, shorter EM waves like orange or yellow, or if the planet allowed more of these short EM waves to the surface, plants could have been purple or pink. Now if this changed suddenly, then the chlorophyll would currently be useless and everyone would die.  :D /rant

What if everyone on NSM forced one nerdy friend to join the site?

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


someone here has already friended me on facebook. and you'll have to dig me out of the NSM fb page!

If we forced one nerdy friend to join NSM, im outta of here... it'll be a nerd attack of catastrophic proportions

What if NSM wasn't a nerdy site?


then the nin in ninsheetmusic would stand for Nine Inch Nails

what if humans could all see ultraviolet/infra-red light?


we would probably have a pretty bad headache cause they are a higher/lower frequency... and UV rays are high intensity, too!

What if we could only see two colors (not black and white)


Life would be way dull. =(

What if everyone was blind?


Then things that we'd have to see to enjoy wouldn't exist.

What if music was something you could touch, and taste?


Then rap would taste look and taste like a dumpster... haha

What if video games were based upon real things (and events)


Some are.

What if lava lamps used real lava?


Then you couldnt touch the glass without your hands melting... plus theres not enough charge in a 120V outlet to melt rocking into lava

What if we constantly had the hiccups