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TWG II: Post Game

Started by Nakah, August 20, 2008, 10:48:20 PM

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   The game is over. The wolves have won. The roles are as follows:

   The Roles:

   1. Sirus-Mushroom King(Guardian)
   2. Gooch-Human
   3. HugoMeister-Super Mario(Vigi)
   4. HungryDragon-Human
   5. Jake3343-Peach(Psychic)
   6. iDOWN-Human
   7. Concerto No.20 in D Minor-Wolf(Baby Bowser)
   8. Purple1222119-Human
   9. Super Zombie-Wolf(Bowser)
 10. Tranzlater-Human
 11.  Master_gamer38-Human
 12.  Pumpy_heart-Human
 13.  Blah54-Human
 14.  Brawler4Ever-Human
 15.  Dekudude-Wolf Shaman(Kamek)

   The Item: The Staff of Wisdom: It allowed the resurrection of one player. It was originally given to Brawler4Ever and used Night 2 or so. It also seer'd the player it was used on, except had a 30% chance of failing and killing the player who used it.

   Comments: I really tried to spice this game up a bit with all of the roles and special item. Although I did not include much story line as compared to the first(due to the extremely busy schedule I've been having), it was no doubt a great game for all. I was suprised to see how quickly everyone began to take this game to the next level when they were under pressure and were forced to act. MVP this game is difficult to decide upon, since many of you deserve it. While pumpy may have had a great lead most of the game, one wolf was killed because of him. The other was lynched randomly(Concerto) by an unknown isnta. Also, pumpy was tricked in the end, or the entire time mostly, by dekudude.
   Dekudude, although was very sneaky and had an excellent game plan, was not active until he needed to be, although I commend him very well for his great wolf skills.
   I shall grant MVP to SuperZombie for his very smart defense. If the majority of the players weren't under the command of pumpy at the time, I believe he would have survived and convinced them all otherwise. Kudos to you.

   I don't really have much else to say. I'll start signups for the third and final TWG(that I'll host) on Friday. Until then feel free to discuss this game, or ask any questions. I'll answer them.


Dekudude that insta at the end was awesome. Jake has been telling me the entire time since he was wolfed that you were a wolf but I didn't believe him. Nice job tricking pumpy heart also. I definitely want to sign up for the next game, I've been following this game since practically the very beginning.


Good game, you people.

Now next time, lynch me for a GOOD reason. k? ;]
I would like the next game to be thought out. Everyone needs to think before they act, like towards the end of this one. I enjoyed watching the debating. Can't wait for the next game. : D



I was right! Too bad nobody listened to me though...  :'(
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Reason why I used Staff Of Wisdom night 2  ::)

1. I was scared to death of being wolfed.

2. I didn't trust anyone who wasn't dead, so I couldn't give it away.

3. Pumpy was wolfed, so I knew that he was at least a green.

4. I didn't vote to ress Purple because he was lynched. He might have been a wolf.

5. I was very close to being lynched Day 1... I was under a lot of pressure.

Near the end of Night 2, before the wolves decided to wolf someone, I voted to ress Pumpy. Between that time and the time that Nakah asked me if I was sure, Hugo had died by wolfing... Before I realized that Hugo was dead, I confirmed my choice to ress Pumpy.  :P
So, I asked Hugo to give Pumpy any info that he had(his color, for instance) before Pumpy was ressed. Dead-Dead talk is ok; Dead-living is not.
So, with that, Pumpy was brought back into the game.   :D
And I knew that Pumpy was green 110%. I got to "Seer" him after he was ressed.  :)
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on August 21, 2008, 05:59:54 AMSo, I asked Hugo to give Pumpy any info that he had(his color, for instance) before Pumpy was ressed. Dead-Dead talk is ok; Dead-living is not.



Great game, but it would have been nice to win. =\. I had fun, I'm looking forward to obsessing about the next game even, but I would like to be more than just a human next time. If I personally had to pick an MVP I would choose Dekudude. He played a great wolf. I will write more later, I'm at school now.

EDIT: Its later now. Dekudude and I had a chat about who to vote for, it was a nice chat, just all friendly. I suspected Pumpy more because I made a deal with him that he went back on, and how he acted towards me in general. Dekudude still had some suspicion, but I Pumpy had more. Before I get attacked with the whole "He was wolfed night one" thing, he claims that he found out two blues colors night one, which is unlikely but possible, so then why couldn't he have found out the item, its use, and the owner? So yeah, I don't regret my decision really, it would have been nice to win, but it is only a game, and a forum game at that. It was fun, got to know people, figured out how things works. I can't wait for the next game, and it would be nice to have more than one game going on at once, but it would be hard, but it would give more people a chance. Can't wait for the next game.

As a side note, having a leader is good, but the leader needs to be diplomatic, which is not how pumpy acted in my opinion. See everyone in the next game.
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Quote from: Brawler4Ever on August 21, 2008, 05:59:54 AMSo, I asked Hugo to give Pumpy any info that he had(his color, for instance) before Pumpy was ressed. Dead-Dead talk is ok; Dead-living is not.

Loopholes are fun.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Quote from: HugoMeister on August 21, 2008, 11:13:55 AM
Quote from: Brawler4Ever on August 21, 2008, 05:59:54 AMSo, I asked Hugo to give Pumpy any info that he had(his color, for instance) before Pumpy was ressed. Dead-Dead talk is ok; Dead-living is not.

Loopholes are fun.
As said many times. :P

Hugo and I made fun of everyone through the game. (As dead people of course.) :]
Twas fun.


- Concerto's death wasn't random... Pumpy just told us to kill him in secret. I agreed to both have Pumpy further trust me, and because I figured we didn't have much to lose, as Concerto was pretty inactive anyway.

- I didn't randomly kill you, iDown-- I killed you because you were smart. ;)

- What's MVP?



Gamer, you suck.
You are a liar and I would have won the game for us.

My vote would've been for dekudude, and humans would've won.
Alright. Next game. Next time....dont make me be a leader. Cause I hate that.
Make your own freakin alliances and base from that.


Dekudude: That's a good anough reason. ;) I'm referring to the humans.

Pumpy: Be happy. You should have been faster, and don't even nag on Gamer because you had everyone thinking that he was the final wolf. He had the right to vote for you, and he did (Even if it did cost the humans the game).

The MVP in my book was DekuDude. He had everyone fooled. The day I got lynched I was actually going to change my vote to Deku.
I just didn't get to it fast enough because I was already insta'd. (Yeah thanks, Pumpy. :P ) That "Yes, I waited until he left for Band Camp" stuff was pretty cheap. lol.


yeah, i pretty much new all the wolves, sadly it 'twas after i was dead. Sort of sucks to know what everyone needs to to and you cant do squat about it.