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Atcero's Color Project Sheets

Started by Atcero, July 25, 2021, 12:41:45 PM

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Quote from: Atcero on September 24, 2021, 09:49:14 AMAll updated, thank you so much!

Looks a lot better now!  A couple of things that you missed/didn't mention from my previous post:

Quote from: Libera on September 23, 2021, 04:31:09 PM-Do you want the symmetric margins at 0.64ish?  You could take the RH margin to 0.5 to give your music a little more space if you wanted.
-The bottommost ties on the chords in 9-12 are colliding with the tails of the chords to varying degrees.  You may want to tidy those up a little by moving the left part of the ties to the right a bit.
-The composer and arranger info are perhaps a little close together.

And also the extra notes in 9-12 now cause collisions with the RH stems.  I'd suggest fixing this by widening the staff separation a little, or alternatively you could mess with the beam height (but that might look a little strange).  1.1" staff separation makes it fit very nicely.

Also x2, I made a mistake when I posted the image for my suggestion for the left hand in bars 17-20.  I meant to remove the upper notes in the dyads in the last three notes in bars 18/20, like I did in bars 17/19.  This was to try to alleviate the muddiness.  I think you also inputted a Bn rather than an En (or forgot to change it? I can't remember what it used to look like exactly) so to be clear, I think the last three LH notes in bars 18/20 should be just E -> C# -> G#, matching the same contour as in 17/19.  Sorry about that mistake, I must have got confused when I was taking the pictures.


Pitch Black Intrusion
This one's been updated, chatted a lil bit with Atcero, and now it's ready to be approved


Quote from: Dudeman"When Atcero and Dudeman are busy whooping Maelstrom's ass, Alfonzo mans the Spirit Train."




I talked to Atcero and we agreed to not rush Pitch Black Intrusion and move it into subs.