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Bloop's Colours Project Sheets

Started by Bloop, July 14, 2021, 07:57:32 AM

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Super Paper Mario
The Evil Count Bleck

I'm assuming/hoping Bleck counts as Black lol

Mario Kart 7
Rainbow Road

Apparently this'll be the first Mario Kart 7 track on the site?


Quote from: Bloop on July 14, 2021, 07:57:32 AMMario Kart 7
Rainbow Road

Apparently this'll be the first Mario Kart 7 track on the site?
ooh yes at long last

Quote from: Libera on July 13, 2021, 06:27:11 PMPM Latios212 with your email address so that you can access the Dropbox folder where we will be hosting all of the sheets (if you already have access from a previous project, this step is unnecessary).  You should upload submitted sheets to this folder yourself, and keep them up to date when changes are made.
DM me your email so I can add access for you to the Dropbox folder so you can keep the files up to date!
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Ayyy I think I'll be adding a Super Paper Mario to this update as well.  Love the spacey feel of 7's Rainbow Road

Make sure to put Intelligent Systems in the copyright for Count Bleck in addition to Nintendo


Quote from: Latios212 on July 14, 2021, 04:49:55 PMDM me your email so I can add access for you to the Dropbox folder so you can keep the files up to date!
Oops, missed that, will do so right now!

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 14, 2021, 08:22:59 PMAyyy I think I'll be adding a Super Paper Mario to this update as well.  Love the spacey feel of 7's Rainbow Road

Make sure to put Intelligent Systems in the copyright for Count Bleck in addition to Nintendo
Nice, SPM could use some more love! I'll put that in the copyright soon.


It's surprising that this will be the first MK7 sheet to be on site

Rainbow Road
  • You could just put simile in the LH after the first two measures so that there's less clutter, although if you don't want to then that's okay too
  • m13/30 sounds a little more dissonant to me, like there's a G# too (or a G# instead of A in the RH?)
  • m20 I would swap the note positions on beat 1 so the dotted quarter note is to the right of the whole note
  • m32 I think it would look a little clearer if you flipped the middle tie down
  • m32 Idk if it's necessary to split this into two layers with the way the stems interfere with each other
  • m33 flip the bottom ties
  • m42 missing tie in between beats 2.5 and 3?


Quote from: Zeila on July 15, 2021, 01:14:55 PM
  • m13/30 sounds a little more dissonant to me, like there's a G# too (or a G# instead of A in the RH?)
I heard that dissonance too, but the bottom voice sounds like it goes to the A, but I didn't like the sound of both an A and a G# there. I changed it to just G# now though!

Quote from: Zeila on July 15, 2021, 01:14:55 PM
  • m32 Idk if it's necessary to split this into two layers with the way the stems interfere with each other
I think it's alright? I wanted to keep the half note in beat 3, and the two notes before show that they are the voice that goes to the half note E.

Quote from: Zeila on July 15, 2021, 01:14:55 PM
  • m42 missing tie in between beats 2.5 and 3?
Oh huh yeah, weird that that doesn't happen in m50.

Fixed everything else!


Count Bleck
  • m2-3 LH: I hear that triplet figure quite differently:

    Raising it up an octave makes it clearer, but I still heard it this way in the normal octave as well.
  • Any time where you have a tremolo that lasts for 3 beats, you can make it a dotted half length instead of splitting it up into quarter+half.
  • m6 RH: The first note in the 2nd Layer sounds like a C instead of Eb, but that's already doubled in the LH. I just don't hear the Eb there.
  • m6 LH beat 4.5: C should be Bb
  • m7 LH Layer 1 beats 3.5-4.5: This sounds like a chromatically descending line (Cb-Bb-Bbb) instead of just Cs.
  • m8 LH beat 4.5: Ab should be Eb. I also hear an Eb on beat 3.5.
  • m10-11 LH: Same as m6-7 LH
  • m12 LH: Same as m8 LH, but there should also be a Gb on beat 4.
  • m13 LH beats 3.5-4.5: I hear Bb-Bb-Db instead of Abs.
  • m14 RH beat 2.75: The Bb should be Bbb.
  • m14 RH beat 4: This is actually a Gb in the 2nd Layer, but it's probably fine to leave it as is.
  • m14-16 LH: All of these bass hits and tremolos (up to the triplets in m16) should be Abs.
  • m15 RH beat 4: The D in Layer 2 is misaligned. Also that D is part of the top layer voice, you might want to flip those two notes around there.
  • m17 LH: It's really hard to hear these, but this is what I'm getting (change the accidentals as you see fit):
  • m19 LH: I hear additional Ebs that play when the RH plays. The one on beat 3.5 should be slurred into an En on beat 1 of m20.


Quote from: Static on July 19, 2021, 11:50:06 AM
  • m2-3 LH: I hear that triplet figure quite differently:
Are you sure about the last two notes? I relistened to it and now I heard them as Db and C. I'm 99% sure it jumps up from the A though.

Quote from: Static on July 19, 2021, 11:50:06 AM
  • m6 LH beat 4.5: C should be Bb
  • m7 LH Layer 1 beats 3.5-4.5: This sounds like a chromatically descending line (Cb-Bb-Bbb) instead of just Cs.
  • m8 LH beat 4.5: Ab should be Eb. I also hear an Eb on beat 3.5.
  • m10-11 LH: Same as m6-7 LH
  • m12 LH: Same as m8 LH, but there should also be a Gb on beat 4.
I think I didn't put enough effort in listening to what the bass did exactly, so fixed mostly! I also heard a not really chromatic line going up at the end of m9, and I heard a Fb instead of a Eb on beat 3.5 in m12.

Quote from: Static on July 19, 2021, 11:50:06 AM
  • m13 LH beats 3.5-4.5: I hear Bb-Bb-Db instead of Abs.
  • m14-16 LH: All of these bass hits and tremolos (up to the triplets in m16) should be Abs.
I'll take your word for it, I can't make out much of the bass there at all lol

Quote from: Static on July 19, 2021, 11:50:06 AM
  • m17 LH: It's really hard to hear these, but this is what I'm getting (change the accidentals as you see fit):
I'm not too sure about the dyads being actually dyads, but then again I seem to hear less in this track the more I listen to it. I changed the dyads to just G and Bb and copied everything else!

Quote from: Static on July 19, 2021, 11:50:06 AM
  • m19 LH: I hear additional Ebs that play when the RH plays. The one on beat 3.5 should be slurred into an En on beat 1 of m20.
Yeah there are some other bass notes that play with the R.H. accents in m18-20, but I wanted to left hand here to be that punching low piano note in the original. I think this complementary RH-LH rhythm works a bit better than having two bass parts interact with eachother.

Fixed all other things too! I'm starting to think Nintendo made this soundtrack so complicated just so we have a hard time arranging them


Quote from: Bloop on July 19, 2021, 01:25:03 PMAre you sure about the last two notes? I relistened to it and now I heard them as Db and C. I'm 99% sure it jumps up from the A though.
I'm not sure what I was hearing before, bc now I do hear the Db-C.

The other stuff looks good too, I'm not entirely sure on some of those notes, but I do hear the changes you suggested. The last thing from me is that the slur in m15 is touching the beam in the RH, and that the An in m14 RH might be better spelled as Bbb. That's pretty much it, great work here


Fixed the slur! I think I prefer the An there, I think the readabilty outweighs any theoretical correctness in that part because there's just a lot of weird stuff going on. Having a Bbb there makes it so that the Bb afterwards needs to have another flat, and it doesn't make the line much clearer.


Quote from: Bloop on July 19, 2021, 02:45:13 PMFixed the slur! I think I prefer the An there, I think the readabilty outweighs any theoretical correctness in that part because there's just a lot of weird stuff going on. Having a Bbb there makes it so that the Bb afterwards needs to have another flat, and it doesn't make the line much clearer.
Fair enough, I'll approve now


Rainbow Road
- wow the copyright really is 2011 ._.
- Thoughts about preserving the chords in the first few measures from the original? I see the octave motion in the high voice you wrote in, but it sounds kinda weird to me without the triads having G#-A#-An on beat 1 of the first three measures.
- (If keeping it the way it is) For the layer 2 ties in the first few measures, make sure they don't collide with stuff. The lower ties in m. 1 and 3 you might want to raise a bit to keep them away from the lower layer note. The one going into m. 2 you might want to raise a bit to avoid the sharp. In measure 4 maybe you could do without the naturals?
- The chord in m. 5-6 sounds more to me like an E on top rather than F#
- Minor thing, in m. 7 (and whenever you have text) make it an expression text instead of a text box so it moves along with the measure if the music happens to need to move
- Slur is colliding with triplet bracket in m. 16, and ties in m. 17 would look better flipped downwards
- Thoughts about maybe adding some harmonies as RH chords on beat 1 of the measures in m. 41+? The single notes seem a bit empty after the previous section, although I see you want a buildup for the second iteration of that melody on the last page.
- I don't think the E should be tied between m. 44-45
- Rest is hitting the chord in m. 57, and the slur at the end can be probably curved a bit less (maybe raise the left end and lower how much it bends up)
- I'd suggest lowering the first system on each page slightly so it's not so close to the header
- Use "and/&" with the composers instead of a comma, and change http to https
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Latios212 on July 19, 2021, 08:19:24 PM- wow the copyright really is 2011 ._.
ikr it's crazy

Quote from: Latios212 on July 19, 2021, 08:19:24 PM- Thoughts about preserving the chords in the first few measures from the original? I see the octave motion in the high voice you wrote in, but it sounds kinda weird to me without the triads having G#-A#-An on beat 1 of the first three measures.
I changed the octave motion to a single note motion so there's room for the upper note! That voice serves more of a rhythmic purpose now than an actual melodic one.

Quote from: Latios212 on July 19, 2021, 08:19:24 PM- I don't think the E should be tied between m. 44-45
I think it should? It's a bit hard to hear if the lead synth attacks again, but I think that's just the drums. I don't hear the spacey synth starting again, and if it did, it would be the only difference between this and the original MK64 song.

Everything else is fixed!

EDIT: Also, I fixed a few small things in the Count Bleck sheet: there was a quarter rest after the first dotted half note tremolo, and I forgot to change the tremolo in the last bar to a dotted half note.


Quote from: Bloop on July 20, 2021, 12:19:05 AMI think it should? It's a bit hard to hear if the lead synth attacks again, but I think that's just the drums. I don't hear the spacey synth starting again, and if it did, it would be the only difference between this and the original MK64 song.
Oops! Yeah I think you're right. All the other changes look good, so will move this to approved :)
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Rainbow Road
- The lowest RH voice goes to C# at the end of m14/31 instead of B. In addition, the bass mirrors the RH here instead of just staying on A (in both 14 and 31).
- m29 RH beat 2.5: I hear an additional D# in this chord
- Did you intentionally not put the slur under the 8th note in m45 RH?
- I'm hearing some extra notes in m57-58:

Edit: Also one more thing, you could still have those 1st layer notes in m1-4 jump the octave, since all these chords are within the span of an octave. It sounds fine as is though.